Risen Demon |

Ok, so I came up with this build, hoping it does decently. Any suggestions at all are welcomed with open arms!
Shifter: Gorebrute
Str: 16
Con: 16
Dex: 17
Int: 14
Wis: 11
Cha: 8
lvl 1 Soul Lion Totem Barbarian: For the Pounce attack, which will be great later on with my natural attacks. Feat: Extra Shifting Trait: Longtooth
lvl 2: Fighter: Feat: Power Attack
lvl 3: Barbarian: for Uncanny Dodge...because who DOESN'T like that? Feat: Healing Factor. Very nice shifter feat, imo
lvl 4: Fighter: feat: Monkey Grip (hopefully gonna use a large Fullblade)
lvl 5: Warshaper: Become immune to crits, ability to grow natural attacks/empower them. That's when I gain my third natural attack, most likely a slam
lvl 6: Warshaper: +4 Str, +4 Con, feat: Shifter Multiattack
lvl 7: Warshaper: All attacks gain 5 ft reach (unless I'm reading incorrectly)
lvl 8: Warshaper: Fast Healing 2
from there, I'm a little lost, though I'm thinking about either continuing a bit in barbarian, or getting a level in bard or another spontaneous casting class to go dragon disciple, but not too keen on that. He'd most likely be rolling with a large fullblade, unless someone has a better suggestion for a lvl 4 feat and a weapon, but I'm at a loss right now. Anyway, all suggestions welcome! Hoping to be "Shifter-zilla" :P