Rumor is the game collapsed?

Pathfinder Online

Any truth that the MMO collapsed and you guys will not be making it?

Shadow Lodge

I haven't heard that one.

Goblin Squad Member

Never heard any rumors of the sort either, but considering that Ryan and the crew are still giving input into the game, debating ideas etc... with the community, I would say those rumors are largely unfounded. In general from my experience, when a dev team gives up and scraps a game, they either post to inform such, or go dead silent. It has been barely 6 hours since the last post from the CEO. Goblinworks has been very clearly active with the community, so I would say those rumors are extremely unlikely

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Convo wrote:
Any truth that the MMO collapsed and you guys will not be making it?

Please, site your source.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Checks the other half of the building...

Nope. No collapse. Still filled with Goblinworkers making a Pathifnder MMO!

File this rumor under "BUSTED."

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James Jacobs wrote:

Checks the other half of the building...

Nope. No collapse. Still filled with Goblinworkers making a Pathifnder MMO!

File this rumor under "BUSTED."

You sarcasm and wit have not gone unnoticed +1

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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New account, one post, no source?

None of the usual sources have any news?


Goblin Squad Member

DeciusBrutus wrote:

New account, one post, no source?

None of the usual sources have any news?


Some good rules for fake rumor spreading

1. Actually create a semi-legit looking website or at least a blog to give some form of legitimacy.

2. First start on some forums of people who aren't informed or aware of the game, prefferably one of the ones that most of the regulars dislike the concept of the game. at least a forum in which the developers don't post 3 times a day. There's no shortage of forums where PFO is a topic of disliked etc... then just wait for the speculation to grow, and trickle over.

Or you know, you could use a real account that discusses things that really happen and have actual opinions on things... Either way.

Not at all.. I read it on the FOH thread. I'm not trolling at all. Ive been lurking for a while. I noticed the twitter activity died around the time that all this was supposed to of went down. I'm just curious and asked. It's not like it's beyond belief or something considering the amount of money needed. The funds needed will probably take a few years to get plus building the game. What are they 5-7 years out?? So hearing that the project may of fell is not so crazy..

Goblin Squad Member

Convo wrote:
Not at all.. I read it on the FOH thread. I'm not trolling at all. Ive been lurking for a while. I noticed the twitter activity died around the time that all this was supposed to of went down. I'm just curious and asked. It's not like it's beyond belief or something considering the amount of money needed. The funds needed will probably take a few years to get plus building the game. What are they 5-7 years out?? So hearing that the project may of fell is not so crazy..

FOH? What is that? Fredrick's of Hollywood? If you have truly been lurking for a while you would know that the 5-7 year timeframe you are thinking of is wildly inaccurate.

This is not a thempark game they are building. I actually expect this game to be running in some form by next Christmas.

I do not think they have ever really utilized Twitter. So, I would not look at a lack of activity there as a source of a game dying.

And yeah, all you have to do is look at Ryan's activity here on the forums to know this game is alive and well.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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Googling FOH forum and a little research yields this thread.

The user who posted the rumor appears to be below neutral in peer-evaluated contributions.

Goblin Squad Member

DeciusBrutus wrote:

Googling FOH forum and a little research yields this thread.

The user who posted the rumor appears to be below neutral in peer-evaluated contributions.

OK... so I suppose whoever it was did follow rule 2 from my listing. Assuming convo isn't the same person, he's the trickle over, my apologies.

Goblin Squad Member

Little Britain USA - Vicky Pollard: "Yeah but, no but..."

I love this character!

You guys are overly defensive for a simple question... I'm just asking lol. Considering the industry it's not so far fetch. It came up during a discussion and I chose to ask it here. My intentions were to cite someone In the know here and follow up in that thread about how true that rumor actually was... Despite what any of you may think that forum is actually pretty good with inside info of this industry. Christmas... Wow!

Goblin Squad Member

@Convo, try to look at it objectively. Looking at your original post, the most likely conclusion is that you're trying to spread that rumor. It takes a lot of trust to assume you're just trying to validate it. And "a lot of trust" is not something that new users with 1 post usually get.

Ha not really. Looking to spread?! I came to the official forum and asked if it carried any weight which allowed someone on the team to squash.. Which they did... Again, total over reaction here.

Convo wrote:
Ha not really. Looking to spread?! I came to the official forum and asked if it carried any weight which allowed someone on the team to squash.. Which they did... Again, total over reaction here.

Again, you had -one- post on a -new- account. Anyone will see you as a troll.

Goblin Squad Member

Convo wrote:
Ha not really. Looking to spread?! I came to the official forum and asked if it carried any weight which allowed someone on the team to squash.. Which they did... Again, total over reaction here.

So long as you enjoyed the Vicky Pollard clip, then you've got a sense of humor, like everyone else. :)

Goblin Squad Member

AvenaOats wrote:
Little Britain USA - Vicky Pollard: "Yeah but, no but..."

"I have no idea what you just said..."

Goblin Squad Member

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I'd just as soon give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I doubt a troll would have changed his tune so quickly, opting instead to site a bogus source or at least argue for a couple threads.

With that in mind Convo, I hope you'll stick around. These are by far the most informative forums I've found regarding the game and the overwhelming majority of posts are well thought out and polite.

Apologies if we came on a little harsh.

Goblin Squad Member

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Just a suggestion. I know this may seem a bit hypocritical but I can't think of another way to get this out there:

Let's stop posting in this thread. GW does not need this rumor floating around the top of the forums forever.

So how about we just drop it and everyone stop replying.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Better yet can an admin close this thread and archive it or something?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Fair enough.

I'll go ahead and lock the thread. The rumor's been answered and I'd like to think the Paizo forums are better and more welcoming of new folks anyway...

SO! Be nice to the new folks, folks. Remember... you were a new folk once upon a time also!

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