Advice on Summoner PC

Skull & Shackles

Scarab Sages

We will be starting this AP soon and one of my players wants to play a Summoner, I think that would put him at an unfair advantage vs the other PCs because we could summon his Eidolon at any minute, but also because it might give him a false sense of security.

How do you recommend I handle this?

Come to think about it, a sorcerer (they start with Eschew materials), would also have this advantage.



Grand Lodge

This advantage is short lived. The other players will be able to get their hands on some weapons, armor, spell books, etc pretty quickly as long as they don't sit around doing nothing.


Near the beginning Sandra gives them a couple items and it is suggested that a spell component pouch be something you give them. Also Plugg could threaten the sorcerer and summoner that if he sees their magic out and about he will keel haul them. Maybe start with the hotbox as a warning. And if nothing else have peppery smack them around as she is a much higher level sorcerer than them.

Scarab Sages Reaper Miniatures

I'm planning on playing a Summoner, but I intend to keep my Eidolon hidden. I know enough about the beginning of the adventure to know that discipline on the ship is not fun, and that I cannot stand up alone to the existing crew. While mechanically, I know that there's not a massive penalty to losing my Eidolon, in character I wouldn't want him to be a part of the brutal experience the beginning promises to be. As such, while I have access to a slight mechanical advantage over the other PCs, I doubt I will make use of it, claiming to be only a sorcerer at first.

I'm actually considering playing it as a sorcerer that "develops" his Eidolon while trying to summon something else - kind of a buffoon spell-caster, that makes friends with this thing. In terms of Game I'm a Summoner, but in RP I'm like Presto from the old D&D cartoon... Maybe.

Dark Archive

Like tormad said, the eidolon is basically just another pc. It's still a 1st level creature on a ship full of npcs of a higher level.
Or if you want make the summoner need a bonded item to focus on summoning their eidolon.

DragonBelow wrote:

We will be starting this AP soon and one of my players wants to play a Summoner, I think that would put him at an unfair advantage vs the other PCs because we could summon his Eidolon at any minute, but also because it might give him a false sense of security.

How do you recommend I handle this?

Come to think about it, a sorcerer (they start with Eschew materials), would also have this advantage.



We had a Master Summoner who didn't bring out his eidolon until after the mutiny - he preferred to keep it a secret til he needed her. Summoning creatures is still a very useful ability, even to the standard Summoner, and should not be overlooked.

I've made the officers on Wormwood fairly anti-magic so far. They don't want folks skipping chores with prestidigitate, creating food or drink, etc. or using it offensively against them or other crew.

Obviously they're aware of magic and use it to their advantage (healing positions, fog for attacks, and so on) but they don't really want newly conscripted crew to be throwing around much magic any more than they want them to have a lot of sharp weapons.

So, in that context, all of our magic/divine users have been somewhat constrained in their outward usage of their abilities. The witch has a raven familiar but nobody gives it a second glance. An eidolon, on the other hand, might draw their attention...

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