D.M. Lacher |
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Carrion Crown and Prince of Wolves spoilers follow
In David Gross's Prince of Wolves we find out Lucinean has a sister (who has a son Casomir that Lucinean has adopted as his heir). Is Lucinean's sister still alive? If so could A.A. use her for his plans or does she have a different mother or father than Lucinean? Could A.A. have targed Casomir for his plans?
I'm guessing Lucinean's age is anywhere between early 40's to late 50's and his description in Rule of Fear seems to portray him as a rake and a ladies man, isn't it likely that there are at least a few bastard's of the counts out there and if so wouldn't it be much easier for Adivion to just nab one of Lucinean's bastards?
I know I'm the DM (GM) and can do whatever I want but i'm curious to know what other's thoughts/speculations/ideas on this are.
Maybe Lucinean isnt in to the ladies; in fact maybe he and Prince Aduard III, who I think is in his mid sixties, both dont have any offspring for the same reason...

wxcougar |
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I've never read the Prince of Wolves, but this is what I am doing in regards to Galdana....
What I did was have him have one bastard daughter whom the PCs met in Lepidstadt. Galdana knows about her, and she's not too keen on him (since he never has married her mother even though he still sees her from time to time). The daughter ended up getting in a relationship with one of the PCs so it makes it all the more personal that she's going to be the one AA kidnaps since he gave up on Galdana as being a "worthy vessel".

Brodyz |

In my campaign I
Eventually they will find out that Kendra is in fact decended from Tar Baphon. I re-wrote many aspects of Ashes at Dawn, and clues in the Abbey will lead them back to AA's manorhouse. A secret room will have a wall set up that tracks Tar Baphon's lineage to Petros Lorrimar. I felt this was better for my campaign as the PC's who survived HoH built up a relationship with Kendra. So it will be she that they need to rescue in Part 6.
They still meet the Count at the Haraday Theater, but I lessened his role.

D.M. Lacher |

In my campaign I
** spoiler omitted **
I'm actually going in a very similar route.
I'm going to modify things for my campaign a bit and have Abraun Chalest discover, while doing genealogy work for the Esoteric Order, the survival of the Tar-Baphon bloodline (via the Tavaton family--a name that is a bastardization of Tar-Baphon). Abraun Chalest thought nothing of this until he later discovered the Carrion Crown poem in a dusty old tome in the Quarterfaux Archives and realized that an heir of Tar-Baphon could potentially serve as a host to a resurrected Whispering Tyrant. He shared his fears with The Order, and then tore the poem in half, giving one half to the Esoteric Order's Haraday Theater Cathedral, and sending the other half to the Ventriloquist's Pulpit Cathedral for safekeeping.
A select few within the Order looked to their esteemed organization's history of safeguarding Ustalav from threat, and made the agonizing decision to start covertly eliminating the Tavaton family line. When Petros Lorrimor learned of this he intervened and tried to save some of the targeted heirs, one of which was an infant that he took in as his own child (Kendra). Others that he managed to save are two of the PCs in my campaign (this is unknown to them but will be revealed later in the campaign when, in a similar idea to yours, they find a copy of Chalest's Tar-Baphon lineage). Galdana, being too high profile to simply assassinate, is instead inducted into the Esoteric Order so that they can keep a close eye on him.
Years later, Adivion Adrisant (a former student of Lorrimor’s) returns from his travels abroad and delves into studies at the Quarterfaux Archives. While there he gains Chalest’s confidence and feigns friendship with the scholar. This leads to Adivion learning of the Whispering Tyrant Lineage and the Carrion Crown Poem.
Being a member of the Esoteric Order Adivion manages to gain access to and copy their half of the poem. He then heads to Lepidstadt to copy the other half. Unbeknownst to Adivion he triggered some silent alarm alerting the head of the Haraday Cathedral that someone had accessed the poem. This results in a warning being sent to the Ventriloquist’s Pulpit Cathedral. They send their half of the poem to Estovian (also a member of the Order) at Ascanor Lodge for safekeeping. Adivion arrives in Lepidstadt, only to find the other half of the poem already relocated. He learns that it was moved to Ascanor Lodge and, since the Whispering Way has some leverage over Estovian, Adivion is able to coerce him to show him the other half of the poem.
Finding all of Tar-Baphon heir’s dead or missing save for Galdana, Adivion then proceeds with his plans as outlined in AP6.
I’m trying to decide if I’ll have him discover Kendra is an heir as well and abduct her instead of Galdana.
Anyway, sounds like we have some similar ideas on this—many of mine were inspired by posts in the Carrion Crown AP message board threads.