Society Scenario Time Restrictions

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive 2/5

This may be a dumb question, but I am not finding an exact answer in the 4.2 Play Guide, the FAQ, or be searching the forums.

As long as I am observing the five hour maximum time limit, can I split a single society scenario over multiple sessions and still be legal? Assume that I have the exact same set of players for both sessions.

Here is my situation. At the store where I usually run I have a 3.5 hour time slot. I find it difficult to run the Season 3 scenarios in that time and my experience with Season 4 so far shows them to be more difficult.

I am just exploring my options to keep PFS going at my store and keep my players happy.


Grand Lodge 4/5

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*IF* you have the same GM and same players, then sure.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The guide says:


Play for no more than 5 hours. (Note: home games and

online games do not necessarily have to follow this
restriction, and some conventions may run longer slots.)

I would expect that if everyone playing is ok with the situation, there should not be a problem. The only issue I can see is getting all of the same players each time.


I would recommend making sure all the players are okay with it as well, being clear that once they start a scenario they can't play anything else with that character until they finish it.

Dark Archive 2/5

Thank you for the responses. :)

It sounds like it would be a challenge to pull off correctly, but might be an option for me.

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