Numeria book forthcoming?

Lost Omens Products

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So maybe the Terrasque shows up to fight these 'iron gods'...

Sounds like the plot to a bad 'B' movie....

Will five of them be able to join together and form one super-bot, and will we ever meet the Green Ranger?

Sorry, my derision is showing. I am picturing landsharks (bulette) with frickin' lasers on their heads. (and if you put that in, I won't sue you, but I may whimper a little)

IF they give the tech a sort-of Geiger-esque (organic) feel, it might work... might. That would help place it firmly in the "so far-future-its-like-magic!' category. Then I might be interested. Numeria is one of the few regions I haven't figured out quite what to do with on my Amalgam (homebrew) world. Something amazing could help change my mind.

Oh, and my character's name will be Thundarr, The Barbarian! LOL
I so want a sun-sword.

So it seems reasonable we'll have a Numeria setting and/or players' guide book... in almost exactly one year.

Well a dragon tech god & maybe a use for spine dragon would win a few over as godzilla has mecha dragons people enjoy :D

Danubus wrote:
You get to have a giant robot and fight Kaiju! j/k!!

At some point I'm going to force my players to fight the Tarrasque using a buffed up Steam Giant. Two players are going to have to sit in the thing using various kinds of social checks to coordinate their actions. They will get bonuses for calling out there attacks.

I've been reading through this and trying to think how you could throw in ray-gun gothic, dieselpunk, and zeerust bits without messing up the setting too much. Having things just copy the mechanics for magic spells is kind of boring.

Maybe you could take a page from the Culture - All the Numerian technology is intelligent and has an Ego score. Say your core component is an AI core and everything else - the guns and armor and what have you, are peripherals operated by the core. So instead of just being a big gun that shoots 5 dice lightning bolts your Numeria technology is more like a cohort that you control through a combination of diplomacy and barely understood natural language programming.

It seems like camp 40s, 50s, 60s ideas and a lot of Jules Verne would fit better than straight hyper-technology. A Martian Tripod with a heat ray would fit right in. It's not any weirder than anything else in the setting.

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