Does the price look correct?

Homebrew and House Rules

+3 Thundering Shocking Burst Adamantine Large Warhammer
Upon activation may use Call Lightning Storm 3/day

Large Adamantine Warhammer 3024 GP
+3 enchancement bonus = 18000 GP
Thundering = 2000 GP
Shocking Burst = 8000 GP
Call Lightning Storm 3/day = 27000 GP
Total Creation price = 58024 GP
Market Value = 116048 GP

The top 4 were very easy to price, but the special command use was a wee bit confusing...

I did the following formula SL x 1800 x per day (5x1800x3)

For these special type abilities, command uses its very hard to gauge the prices, but I thought I would give it a try.

WOuld like to know how i should tweak it and wondering if i did the last power price calculation incorrectly.

Sakrileg wrote:

+3 Thundering Shocking Burst Adamantine Large Warhammer

Upon activation may use Call Lightning Storm 3/day

Large Adamantine Warhammer 3024 GP
+3 enchancement bonus = 18000 GP
Thundering = 2000 GP
Shocking Burst = 8000 GP
Call Lightning Storm 3/day = 27000 GP
Total Creation price = 58024 GP
Market Value = 116048 GP

The top 4 were very easy to price, but the special command use was a wee bit confusing...

I did the following formula SL x 1800 x per day (5x1800x3)

For these special type abilities, command uses its very hard to gauge the prices, but I thought I would give it a try.

WOuld like to know how i should tweak it and wondering if i did the last power price calculation incorrectly.


Thundering is not 2000. It is a +1 ability. You add all +'s before assigning price. So +3 Thundering Shock Burst is +6 or 72000 GP for base price.

I believe the spell would cost a bit more too because it is being added as an additional ability, not the only ability the item has (I think it is +50%, but I don't have my books in front of me.

Also this is the Market Value calculation, not the creation price. The creation price is 1/2 of this. So if it was just a +3 Thundering Shock Burst Longsword it would cost you 36000 GP to make (assuming you already had the master work longsword).

Well, for sure you should start from the cost of a +6 weapon, since it's +3 (enhancement) +1 (thundering) +2 (shocking burst).
That alone will have a MARKET price of 72'000 gp (6squared * 2000 gp). Price dos mean exactly that, price: you used the result of your calculation as a cost, but that's wrong.

To that you should add your custom made property, which however I'm not sure how to price.

EDIT: ninjaed

Looking through SRD, it looks like the cost of the command word would be SL(5)*CL(minimum 9)*1800 / (5/3) or 48600 GP for a caster level of 9. You would then add 50% of this price for "Multiple different abilities" so 72900 GP on top of the 72000 GP for the weapon abilities on top of any special materials.

Large Adamantine Warhammer = 3024 GP
+3 Thundering Shockburst = 72000 GP
Call Lighting Storm 3/day = 72900 GP
Total Market Value = 147924 GP
Creation Price = 75474 GP (3024 GP for weapon + 72450 for magic properties).

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Sakrileg wrote:

+3 Thundering Shocking Burst Adamantine Large Warhammer

Upon activation may use Call Lightning Storm 3/day

Large Adamantine Warhammer 3024 GP
+3 enchancement bonus = 18000 GP
Thundering = 2000 GP
Shocking Burst = 8000 GP
Call Lightning Storm 3/day = 27000 GP
Total Creation price = 58024 GP
Market Value = 116048 GP

The top 4 were very easy to price, but the special command use was a wee bit confusing...

I did the following formula SL x 1800 x per day (5x1800x3)

For these special type abilities, command uses its very hard to gauge the prices, but I thought I would give it a try.

WOuld like to know how i should tweak it and wondering if i did the last power price calculation incorrectly.

As others have said, the +3 thundering shocking burst adamantine warhammer should be 75024 by itself.

If you want to add call lightning storm 3/day at caster level 9 as a command word, the price for an item that does that is nominally 1800*5*9*.6 = 48600 gp. However, there is a slight hidden bonus in there - call lightning storm is normally a full-round casting time spell, and making it command word gets it to a standard action. I'd tack on something like 10k for that as it's a pretty big deal. let's just round the total to 60k for simplicity.

So now we have the cheaper ability at 60000gp, multiply it by 1.5 to get 90000 and add it to our existing 75024 and get 165024 gp. Expensive, but Mjolnir-light here is a really really nice hammer.

ryric wrote:
Sakrileg wrote:

+3 Thundering Shocking Burst Adamantine Large Warhammer

Upon activation may use Call Lightning Storm 3/day

Large Adamantine Warhammer 3024 GP
+3 enchancement bonus = 18000 GP
Thundering = 2000 GP
Shocking Burst = 8000 GP
Call Lightning Storm 3/day = 27000 GP
Total Creation price = 58024 GP
Market Value = 116048 GP

The top 4 were very easy to price, but the special command use was a wee bit confusing...

I did the following formula SL x 1800 x per day (5x1800x3)

For these special type abilities, command uses its very hard to gauge the prices, but I thought I would give it a try.

WOuld like to know how i should tweak it and wondering if i did the last power price calculation incorrectly.

As others have said, the +3 thundering shocking burst adamantine warhammer should be 75024 by itself.

If you want to add call lightning storm 3/day at caster level 9 as a command word, the price for an item that does that is nominally 1800*5*9*.6 = 48600 gp. However, there is a slight hidden bonus in there - call lightning storm is normally a full-round casting time spell, and making it command word gets it to a standard action. I'd tack on something like 10k for that as it's a pretty big deal. let's just round the total to 60k for simplicity.

So now we have the cheaper ability at 60000gp, multiply it by 1.5 to get 90000 and add it to our existing 75024 and get 165024 gp. Expensive, but Mjolnir-light here is a really really nice hammer.

I agree in principle, but the final result is way too expensive!

I mean, would a character of high enough level to buy that weapon care about 15 bolts dealing 5d6 damage (reflex half, DC 17 I think)? :\

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