Module(s) seeking help


Have a 9th level group I'm looking for some modules for. It's 3.5 and they are veteran gamers liking a mix of RP and Combat. Most base cores covered. I'd prefer Pathfinder because it won't be an old module they've played before spoiling the fun.

Any suggestions for something that can last for quite a while? I'm not looking for a mini-module.

Thanks for the help!

Level 8
Crucible of Chaos (OGL)
The Pact Stone Pyramid (OGL)
Cult of the Ebon Destroyers (PFRPG)

Level 9
Beyond the Vault of Souls (OGL)

Level 10
Clash of the Kingslayers (OGL)
Curse of the Riven Sky (PFRPG)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

A while back I made this Google spreadsheet collecting some basic data on modules. It's a year out of date, but that should be fairly easy to fill it. (Plus anyone can edit it to bring the sheet up to speed.)

Hope that helps!


Pardon me sir. You may be interested to know that PathfinderWiki has a list of 9th level adventures here. Please note though that reports from our chroniclers are often sporadic, and this list may not be complete.


I second Crucible of Chaos...great adventure!

And it leaves the party with a nice home base afterwards if they're lucky! (At least thats what happened in my group)

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