U.S. Soldiers Plotted to Kill The President

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These aren't citizenry being self-appointed militia men.

These aren't foreigners from the middle east committing jihad in the name of their god.

These are active U.S. soldiers allegedly having access to $87k worth of guns and bomb making materials who also killed a former soldier who had learned of their plot.

Let the conspiracy theorists & 2nd amendment rights arm-chair debaters begin their spin.

And Comrade Anklebiter, commence your politroll jester masquerade in T minus 3 ... 2 ...

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Wow, glad they got caught. But, Obama? A zionist? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Is it bad that my knee-jerk response was "Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?" ?

Urizen wrote:

And Comrade Anklebiter, commence your politroll jester masquerade in T minus 3 ... 2 ...


Not tonight. Comrade Anklebiter is tired from organizing for the socialist revolution.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I've been meaning to post this for a while. I'm glad they were caught.

Dark Archive

Kryzbyn wrote:

Wow, glad they got caught. But, Obama? A zionist? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

The ZOG thing was from a different report about recruiting for the WP movement within the military, which was folded into the body of this news report (unrelated beyond the military connections).

I don't know if F.E.A.R. is on the same footing since the article lists them as an anarchist-militia. Maybe an anarch-militia, anti-zog army of morons. They sure have a silly-ass name.

Much prefer the band Fear.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Urizen wrote:

These aren't citizenry being self-appointed militia men.

These aren't foreigners from the middle east committing jihad in the name of their god.

These are active U.S. soldiers allegedly having access to $87k worth of guns and bomb making materials who also killed a former soldier who had learned of their plot.

Let the conspiracy theorists & 2nd amendment rights arm-chair debaters begin their spin.

And Comrade Anklebiter, commence your politroll jester masquerade in T minus 3 ... 2 ...

If I remember it's mainly people like these that cause the fall of the United States in "The Postman".

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Auxmaulous wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Wow, glad they got caught. But, Obama? A zionist? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

The ZOG thing was from a different report about recruiting for the WP movement within the military, which was folded into the body of this news report (unrelated beyond the military connections).

I don't know if F.E.A.R. is on the same footing since the article lists them as an anarchist-militia. Maybe an anarch-militia, anti-zog army of morons. They sure have a silly-ass name.

Much prefer the band Fear.

Kneel before ZOG!

Shadow Lodge

From the link:

"Isaac Aguigui, the alleged leader of the anarchist militia group, bears..."

Why is it an anarchist militia group? And if they are, instead of leadership shouldn't they have decentralized planning?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Maybe that's why they use bears?

Shadow Lodge

Ah bears.

Good these morons were caught. But if there are really millions of these twisted people around, as the article linked by AMiB suggests, the all-out war of the government against those people did not even begin yet. Ironically, it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy - these guys start to attack "the government", the government tries to stop those attacks, and it escalates from these. Let´s just hope that these groups fall apart due to infighting.

Dark Archive

That article is just fear-mongering (excuse the pun) bilge.

Militia movements and to a greater extent the WP movement have been on the decline since the mid to late 90's.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Auxmaulous wrote:

That article is just fear-mongering (excuse the pun) bilge.

Militia movements and to a greater extent the WP movement have been on the decline since the mid to late 90's.

Take it in context. CRI's readership is largely clergy and conservative educators, and groups like Christian Identity are a serious problem for them. Nobody's suggesting that they're going to overthrow the government or anything.

That Patriot Movement article looks like it dates to the late 90s. Not a reference in it to anything after 1997.

The militia/patriot movements died down after Oklahoma City and were pretty quiet throughout more of the 2000s, but they've been resurgent the last few years, for obvious reasons.

The Exchange

Kryzbyn wrote:

Wow, glad they got caught. But, Obama? A zionist? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Like all previous presidents he's just lazy when it comes to punishing Israel under international law. But hey you don't have Israelis running around on US Passports assassinating people. They Use Commonwealth Countries for that one.

But of course, the Homeland Security report on right wing extremism, including links to the military, was just liberal propaganda.

Edit: Fixed. Thanks.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

thejeff wrote:
But of course, the Homeland Security report on right wing extremism, including links to the military, was just liberal propaganda.

Here's a working link.

Dark Archive

Really? The Obama administration put out a memo on Right wing extremism?

I'm amazed!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The most interesting thing about this is it's aboslute non-coverage. There's practically zip on this on the media. Or is this ancient history?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Auxmaulous wrote:

Really? The Obama administration put out a memo on Right wing extremism?

I'm amazed!

Are you suggesting that this is something the Obama administration is just making up, or are you just making snide noise?

Auxmaulous wrote:

Really? The Obama administration put out a memo on Right wing extremism?

I'm amazed!

Thanks for providing an example of the right's reaction.

It's now obvious that the report, with its suggestion of right-wing extremists joining the military for training and to recruit like-minded others, had no basis in reality.

Interesting thing is that I got exactly zero hits for this story searching on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC websites. Apparently a plot to kill the President isn't enough to break through partisan talking points about the election and the occasional weather report about a tropical storm.

I think partially because it's also an "old" story. The file photos are from December of last year, the only new information really is that one of the guys rolled on the others as of today. Before this it probably wasn't considered much more than a murder case, and with no celebrities or cute kids involved, it's relegated to a local story only.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Irontruth wrote:
I think partially because it's also an "old" story. The file photos are from December of last year, the only new information really is that one of the guys rolled on the others as of today. Before this it probably wasn't considered much more than a murder case, and with no celebrities or cute kids involved, it's relegated to a local story only.

And it's not like Obama is a pretty white woman.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

How do we know that for sure?!?! We haven't seen "his" birth certificate!! Am I right?! :)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kryzbyn wrote:
How do we know that for sure?!?! We haven't seen "his" birth certificate!! Am I right?! :)

I remember him riding into town and asking. "Hey Where All The Human Women At?"

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Another good point. This thread is full of win.

It's relevant... at the 2 min mark

Irontruth wrote:
It's relevant... at the 2 min mark

Mmm...Julie Delpy...

meatrace wrote:
Irontruth wrote:
It's relevant... at the 2 min mark
Mmm...Julie Delpy...

Hands off! She is ours!

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

2 people marked this as a favorite.
thejeff wrote:
Auxmaulous wrote:

Really? The Obama administration put out a memo on Right wing extremism?

I'm amazed!

Thanks for providing an example of the right's reaction.

It's now obvious that the report, with its suggestion of right-wing extremists joining the military for training and to recruit like-minded others, had no basis in reality.

The right's reaction is what it is because the gist of the report is that being right-wing, i.e. disagreeing with the left-wing administration, leads to right-wing extremism.

The problem with the report is not that it says that right wing beliefs feed into right wing extremism. No shit, Sherlock. That's like saying water leads to getting wet. Guess what? The same is true of left-wing beliefs feeding into left-wing extremism. The problem with the report is that it classifies garden variety conservative political beliefs as extremism. When you start classifying anyone who disagrees with your politics as a potential terrorist, that's heading too far down the road of totalitarianism.

Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use.

As for these traitors, I hope they get justice at the end of a rope. They swore an oath to defend the Constitution and obey the President.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Irontruth wrote:
I think partially because it's also an "old" story. The file photos are from December of last year, the only new information really is that one of the guys rolled on the others as of today. Before this it probably wasn't considered much more than a murder case, and with no celebrities or cute kids involved, it's relegated to a local story only.

Yes... but there was no talk about this when it was NEW. On the other hand if this had been Bush who was the target, We'd have a 12 hour live report from CNN with nine of those hours being a camera staring at an outside wall. backgrounded by uninformed speculation.

LazarX wrote:
Irontruth wrote:
I think partially because it's also an "old" story. The file photos are from December of last year, the only new information really is that one of the guys rolled on the others as of today. Before this it probably wasn't considered much more than a murder case, and with no celebrities or cute kids involved, it's relegated to a local story only.
Yes... but there was no talk about this when it was NEW. On the other hand if this had been Bush who was the target, We'd have a 12 hour live report from CNN with nine of those hours being a camera staring at an outside wall. backgrounded by uninformed speculation.

Partly that's because, despite all of the talk about "Bush Derangement Syndrome" there weren't that many death threats against him and no plots even as serious as this. It would have been big news.

There was a massive spike in death threats against Obama soon after he was inaugurated. I believe it's dropped somewhat, but is still well above Bush's levels. This is far from the first case where someone was equipping and planning an actual attack, though this one seems on a slightly larger scale than the others I've heard of. It's not news. It's dog bites man. It's common.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Dunno why these guys can't just wait till November...
But seriously, I don;t think it would have mattered who was president, if they truly believe al lthe stuff they supposedly do. Any president in the last 50+ years would meet any or all of their criteria.

Kryzbyn wrote:

Dunno why these guys can't just wait till November...

But seriously, I don;t think it would have mattered who was president, if they truly believe al lthe stuff they supposedly do. Any president in the last 50+ years would meet any or all of their criteria.

It's possible. Of course, that assumes that people like this are actually acting rationally for the reasons that they state. And that they're getting their information from sources that aren't biased for or against certain presidents or parties.

The fact remains that both death threats and actual plots are up drastically against Obama. Something's bringing the crazies out of the woodwork.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

True. Expecting rational thought from 'extremeists' isn't a good idea.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Auxmaulous wrote:

Really? The Obama administration put out a memo on Right wing extremism?

I'm amazed!

A. It was commissioned by the Bush administration, not the Obama administration. The final report was issued in April 2009, but it was a multi-year project in preparation.

B. Here is the report on Left wing extremism that came out at the same time.

By all means, don't let reality get in the way of your knee-jerk reaction, though.

LazarX wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
How do we know that for sure?!?! We haven't seen "his" birth certificate!! Am I right?! :)
I remember him riding into town and asking. "Hey Where All The Human Women At?"

I'm sure those will be my last words.

The Exchange

yellowdingo wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Wow, glad they got caught. But, Obama? A zionist? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Like all previous presidents he's just lazy when it comes to punishing Israel under international law. But hey you don't have Israelis running around on US Passports assassinating people. They Use Commonwealth Countries for that one.


as someone who lives there (also an atheist and strongly oppose the suppression that is supported by nothing except religion and racism that is directed against non-Jews and especially Arabs in our country), I still do have to point out something here.

the U.S, as well as many other countries around the world, have recently been or are currently engaged in much more serious international crimes than Israel is (go ahead and check the internet for number of civilian casualties in Iraq, then check the numbers in the Gaza strip. considering that Gaza strip is THE most densely populated area in the world, and that terrorist are practically using innocents as meat shields, I think you will find the difference in numbers surprising). So "forcing international laws" is really more a matter of politics than actual, rigid principles. And yes, since Israel's founders chose to side with America rather than Russia back in '48, when the cold war was going, America has been supporting Israel, assuming the role of patronage, in exchange for a foothold in the middle east. and, since the U.S is untouchable in world politics, Israel is shielded from the worst of inernational laws. Nothing here has to do with laziness or justice or anything.

As for assassinations, yes, Israel does kill former Nazis and people who are currently working on a weapon of mass destruction with the declared intent of wiping Israel, all 8 million of us, off the map. Nasty bunch we are.

Please refer from being offensive when talking about places half the world away you've never been to and have minimal understanding about. Thanks.

Dark Archive

Celestial Healer wrote:

A. It was commissioned by the Bush administration, not the Obama administration. The final report was issued in April 2009, but it was a multi-year project in preparation.

B. Here is the report on Left wing extremism that came out at the same time.

The left wing report is a joke..pretty much like the right wing one, just with less sensationalism and actual proposed threat involved (since right wing terrorism is much more scary in the media than left wing terrorism).

Funny how they were totally off on the perpetrators of political violence in the years following that report.


The reason why the report was cited in the first place was because a couple of posters up thread couldn't find a source to defend this comment:

"the militia/patriot movements died down after Oklahoma City and were pretty quiet throughout more of the 2000s, but they've been resurgent the last few years, for obvious reasons."

So they cited the phantom-threat report to give the impression that the Holnest stormtroopers were at our door and America was about to be overthrown. That this plot by a group named F.E.A.R was actually credible.


The report on rightwing extremism is mostly recycled old material from the 90's combined with theorycraft hackery, and put out as soft-cover for the POTUS.
Let's see if I can find someone who can back that. Oh yeah, the report on right-wing extremism can back that:

DHS RW report wrote:
" Threats from white supremacist and violent antigovernment groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts. Nevertheless, the consequences of a prolonged economic downturn—including real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit—could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities similar to those in the past.

Nevertheless, we will still put out this bilge to make it look like the POTUS is in imminent danger by an army of invisible dullards. 3 years plus and what happened? Where was the race war? Did I miss it - because every time the current POTUS is in the hot seat for an act of stupidity/mismanagement on his part the specter of right wing extremism, racism and every other -ism is brought to the foreground by the people who carry his water in the media, aka the usual cover for the POTUS. If he wins it's because the People decided, if he loses it's because of racism.


DHS RW report wrote:
Rightwing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning.

But they may, or...they might have, but not yet. Maybe on his second term.

Yes, it reads like this memo originated under the Bush administration even though it seems to only cover issues tied to the last months of his administration and the first 4 months of the current POTUS. Right.

Yeah, that left-wing report is totally lame. None of the groups I've been a member of were even mentioned in passing.

Lord Snow wrote:

Please refer from being offensive when talking about places half the world away you've never been to and have minimal understanding about. Thanks.

Citizen Dingo is usually offensive when talking about anything. Why should Israel be any different?

It seems as if you have already made up your mind.

Auxmaulous wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

A. It was commissioned by the Bush administration, not the Obama administration. The final report was issued in April 2009, but it was a multi-year project in preparation.

B. Here is the report on Left wing extremism that came out at the same time.

The left wing report is a joke..pretty much like the right wing one, just with less sensationalism and actual proposed threat involved (since right wing terrorism is much more scary in the media than left wing terrorism).

Funny how they were totally off on the perpetrators of political violence in the years following that report.


The reason why the report was cited in the first place was because a couple of posters up thread couldn't find a source to defend this comment:

"the militia/patriot movements died down after Oklahoma City and were pretty quiet throughout more of the 2000s, but they've been resurgent the last few years, for obvious reasons."

So they cited the phantom-threat report to give the impression that the Holnest stormtroopers were at our door and America was about to be overthrown. That this plot by a group named F.E.A.R was actually credible.


The report on rightwing extremism is mostly recycled old material from the 90's combined with theorycraft hackery, and put out as soft-cover for the POTUS.
Let's see if I can find someone who can back that. Oh yeah, the report on right-wing extremism can back that:

DHS RW report wrote:
" Threats from white supremacist and violent antigovernment groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts. Nevertheless, the consequences of a prolonged economic downturn—including real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit—could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I think of it as a kind of typed Tourette's...


EDIT: Added a smiley, as some people are literal.

Dark Archive

Kryzbyn wrote:
I think of it as a kind of typed Tourette's...

Ah, the compassionate conservative strikes again!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Where in the blue f#@# did this come from?

EDIT: Ahh, I see. I forgot a smiley to indicate that was tongue in cheek. A joke. I don't really think Yellowdingo has Tourette's.

F##~! Shit! Bastards! Donkeylickers! F#%~! F%+#! F!$*!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


Dark Archive

Kryzbyn wrote:

Where in the blue f%~% did this come from?

EDIT: Ahh, I see. I forgot a smiley to indicate that was tongue in cheek. A joke. I don't really think Yellowdingo has Tourette's.

Oh, I thought you were attacking me (to preserve board cred) but instead you were insulting him.

Got it.

or not.

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