My Synthesist / Monk before the ban

Pathfinder Society


This is pretty much the build of my Synthesist / Monk, Waltder, before the ban. Not only was he pretty optimised (especially in the defense department), but he was also, to begin with, silly as all hell. His eidolon was giant mouse called Mickey, that he wore like a translucent suit.

I haven't been playing PFS for that long (a bit more than a year), and my personal tastes have changed a lot since I began - and so has the tastes of the group I run home PFS games with (Waltder has never been used outside of a home game). Which means that today I would change a lot of things. Also the changes to the Synthesist (from errata / 2nd printing of UM), would also have made me make some changes (less dump statting), if that had been allowed.

All in all it's a fairly optimised build, and the synergy of the monk / synthesist (and the possibility of building a less MAD monk), makes me think that people are (sometimes) wrong when they argue for the synthesist being weaker than the normal summoner, simply based on action economy.

I present it here in part because I believe that banning the synthesist was the right thing to do (but not only because of power level, also because of the many weird rules), but also as a little monument to my character, that will now instead live on as a pure monk :)

Waltder den Isnende:

LN Human Synthesist Summoner 4 / Maneuver Master Qinggong Monk 7

Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 26, Cha 12

HP 108 + 25 for Eidolon (97 without Eidolon)

AC 31 (10 base + 2 shield + 2 dex + 4 natural + 11 monk + 1 deflection + 1 insight)
/w Barkskin and Mage Armor: 38

For 14 (6 base + 3 con + 3 magic + 2 circumstance)
Ref 13 (6 base + 2 dex + 3 magic + 2 circumstance)
Wil 22 (9 base + 8 wis + 3 magic + 2 circumstance)

Bab 8 (7 without Eidolon)

CMB 16 (10 bab + 4 str + 2 magic), 18 w/ grapple, 20 w/ trip (+2 w weapon focus and enhancement bonus)

CMD 39 (8 baba + 4 str + 2 sex + 2 magic + 1 deflect + 1 insight + 11 monk), 41 against grapple, 43 against trip

Attack sequence on full attack: free action: activate boots of speed, swift action: activate meditative maneuver, free action: trip maneuver at CMB +28, if trip is successful, AoO action for Unarmed Strike (dmg: 2d6 + 5 + 1d6 acid), full round attack action: Unarmed strike +14/+14/+9 and 4 claws for +8/+8/+8/+8 (dmg: 1d4 + 3 + 1d6 acid).

Skill points: 70

Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike*, Stunning Fist* (8/Day, Fortitude save; DC 21), Improved Trip* (+2 Trip), Combat Reflexes*, Enforcer (Target #: 10+HD+Wis), Vicious Stomp, Improved Grapple* (+2 Grapple), Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Toughness, Greater Trip*, Panther Style, Panther Claw
* = bonus feat

Evolutions: Ability Score Increase (+2 Dex, +2 Con), Limbs, Claws

Magic items: Cloak of Resistance +3, Ring of Protection +1, Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (in Wayfinder), Wayfinder, Ring of Sustenance, Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Corrosive, Monk’s Robe, Boots of Speed, Necklace of Fireballs (2 x 3d6 beads), Belt of Physical Might +2, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4

Dark Archive 4/5

I had a synthesist gunslinger with 10 arms, and 5 double barrel pistols.
All touch attacks at 20 feet or less.
I is a sad monkey.

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