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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushes to exempt Hollywood from gun law
Crap on the second amendment but make damn sure Hollywood can portray violence for money yay. Man that place sucks and so does that ass cuomo

Comrade Anklebiter |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Doug's Workshop wrote:Another view of the NYPD stop and frisk lawsuits.
Some interesting stuff. Some bs too, but lots of interesting stuff.
I can't figure out whether my favorite part is where The Wall Street Journal points to differing class interests between the limousine liberals and the working class or where they find some black woman to opine "If you just don't act like a jigaboo, they'll leave you alone!"
The teenagers doing it in the courtyard was quite heartwarming, I thought.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Doug's Workshop wrote:Another view of the NYPD stop and frisk lawsuits.
Some interesting stuff. Some bs too, but lots of interesting stuff.
I can't figure out whether my favorite part is where The Wall Street Journal points to differing class interests between the limousine liberals and the working class or where they find some black woman to opine "If you just don't act like a jigaboo, they'll leave you alone!"
The teenagers doing it in the courtyard was quite heartwarming, I thought.
Yeah. I didn't want to go there on the jigaboo angle, because I didn't want to have that particular conversation here, but yeah. I'm 99% sure that this woman was a friend of a friend of the author of the article.
Teenagers doing it in the courtyard is something that happens in NY a lot. There just arent a lot of places to go to enjoy privacy as a youth.

thejeff |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Freehold DM wrote:Doug's Workshop wrote:Another view of the NYPD stop and frisk lawsuits.
Some interesting stuff. Some bs too, but lots of interesting stuff.
I can't figure out whether my favorite part is where The Wall Street Journal points to differing class interests between the limousine liberals and the working class or where they find some black woman to opine "If you just don't act like a jigaboo, they'll leave you alone!"
The teenagers doing it in the courtyard was quite heartwarming, I thought.
They're not racist. They only stop you if you look like a jiggaboo.
That's classic.

Freehold DM |

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Doug's Workshop wrote:Another view of the NYPD stop and frisk lawsuits.
Some interesting stuff. Some bs too, but lots of interesting stuff.
I can't figure out whether my favorite part is where The Wall Street Journal points to differing class interests between the limousine liberals and the working class or where they find some black woman to opine "If you just don't act like a jigaboo, they'll leave you alone!"
The teenagers doing it in the courtyard was quite heartwarming, I thought.
They're not racist. They only stop you if you look like a jiggaboo.
That's classic.

Grayfeather |
Grayfeather wrote:Kirth Gersen wrote:Allowing government to form a closed loop with big business, excluding the citizenry, is major folly.
Lobby money buys corporate stooges as canditates who then pass corportate-friendly laws so that corporations make more money (at the expense of actual working citizens), which they then use to buy more candidates...
Government in and of itself is a lobby group, anyone who doesn't realizes this is truly a fool. the government consumes, it does not produce anything. Any good from it (roads, military weaponry, police cars, fire trucks, etc) all come from private enterprise. Once the population is largely government jobs or services by those government jobs there the government owns those voters.
Those voters now support the privite enterprise crushing bureaucracy that has to grow to feed the needs of the ever growing Bureaucracy until there is nothing left. At a certain point theres too many people in the cart and not enough outside pushing. Its a cycle that failed for the soviets, cuba, north korea, so many others just as it has failed for softer socialist states. China is finally recovering from communism because its embraced corp/state capitalism.
Please put down the hammr & sickle, educate yourself, and get out of this Portlandia style low information voter cliche rhetoric.
I disagree with Kirth on a number of issues, but I hardly think he could ever be described as "low information".
EDIT: I agree with your notion in general, BTW, but I think you have seriously mis characterized Kirth.
It was done in jest. Like calling someone a hippy for being left center.

Bitter Thorn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

thejeff wrote:...Yeah.Comrade Anklebiter wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Doug's Workshop wrote:Another view of the NYPD stop and frisk lawsuits.
Some interesting stuff. Some bs too, but lots of interesting stuff.
I can't figure out whether my favorite part is where The Wall Street Journal points to differing class interests between the limousine liberals and the working class or where they find some black woman to opine "If you just don't act like a jigaboo, they'll leave you alone!"
The teenagers doing it in the courtyard was quite heartwarming, I thought.
They're not racist. They only stop you if you look like a jiggaboo.
That's classic.

Bitter Thorn |

Bitter Thorn wrote:It was done in jest. Like calling someone a hippy for being left center.Grayfeather wrote:Kirth Gersen wrote:Allowing government to form a closed loop with big business, excluding the citizenry, is major folly.
Lobby money buys corporate stooges as canditates who then pass corportate-friendly laws so that corporations make more money (at the expense of actual working citizens), which they then use to buy more candidates...
Government in and of itself is a lobby group, anyone who doesn't realizes this is truly a fool. the government consumes, it does not produce anything. Any good from it (roads, military weaponry, police cars, fire trucks, etc) all come from private enterprise. Once the population is largely government jobs or services by those government jobs there the government owns those voters.
Those voters now support the privite enterprise crushing bureaucracy that has to grow to feed the needs of the ever growing Bureaucracy until there is nothing left. At a certain point theres too many people in the cart and not enough outside pushing. Its a cycle that failed for the soviets, cuba, north korea, so many others just as it has failed for softer socialist states. China is finally recovering from communism because its embraced corp/state capitalism.
Please put down the hammr & sickle, educate yourself, and get out of this Portlandia style low information voter cliche rhetoric.
I disagree with Kirth on a number of issues, but I hardly think he could ever be described as "low information".
EDIT: I agree with your notion in general, BTW, but I think you have seriously mis characterized Kirth.
I failed my sense motive roll.

Comrade Anklebiter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

More Gore:
A Cheerful Response {This is the one that people (Zionists) like to point at to justify accusations of anti-Semitism)
Couple of parts missing from the latter essay:
Part I:
The accidental president, Harry Truman, bought this notion. Although Truman campaigned in 1948 as an heir to Roosevelt's New Deal, he had a "continuing plan." Henry Wallace was onto it, as early as: "Yesterday, March 12, 1947, marked a turning point in American history [for] it is not a Greek crisis that we face, it is an American crisis. Yesterday, President Truman....proposed, in effect, America police Russia's every border. There is no regime too reactionary for us provided it stands in Russia's expansionist path. There is no country too remote to serve as the scene of a contest which may widen until it becomes a world war." But how to impose this? The Republican leadership did not like the state to be the master of the country's economic life while, of the Democrats, only a few geopoliticians, like Dean Acheson, found thrilling the prospect of a military state, to be justified in the name of a holy war against something called communism in general and Russia in particular. The fact that the Soviet Union was no military or economic threat to us was immaterial. It must be made to appear threatening so that the continuing plan could be set in motion in order to create that National Security State in which we have been living for the past forty years.
Part II:
Fifth, two years ago I described how the American empire ended the day the money power shifted from New York to Tokyo and we became, for the first time in seventy-one years, a debtor nation. Since then, we have become the largest debtor country in history. I suggested a number of things that might be done, some of which I've again mentioned. But, above all, I see our economic survival inextricably bound up with that of our neighbor in the Northern Hemisphere, the Soviet Union. Some sort of alliance must be made between us so that together we will be able to compete with Japan and, in due course, China. As the two klutzes of the north, each unable to build a car anyone wants to drive, we deserve each other. In a speech at Gorbachev's anti-nuclear forum in Moscow, I quoted a Japanese minister of trade who said that Japan would still be number one in the next century. Then, tactlessly, he said that the United States will be Japan's farm and Western Europe its boutique. A Russian got up and asked, "What did he say about us?" I said that they were not mentioned but, if they did not get their act together, they would end up as ski instructors. It is my impression that the Russians are eager to be Americans, but, thanks to the brainwashing of the National Security State's continuing plan, Americans have a built-in horror of the Evil Empire, which the press and the politicians have kept going for forty years. Happily, our National Security State is in the red, in more ways than one. Time for a change?

TheWhiteknife |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Feds say man deserved arrest for wearing "occupy everything" on jacket.
Second grader suspended for chewing pastry into a gun shape Anyone else remember when playing GI Joe was a thing?
2700 mine-resistant armored carriers to go along with DHS's 1.6 BILLION+ rounds of ammo. Glad to see the sequester is cutting spending. But seriously, are mines a really big problem whilst serving warrants? (these APC's stated purpose)
Raid of the Day: Kids and Flashbangs 2 - The Electric Bugaloo

TheWhiteknife |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Enjoy this montage of non-compliance. I know that I did.

TheWhiteknife |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Second grader suspended for chewing pastry into a gun shape
In a follow-up, School offers counseling to kids traumatized by pop-tart gun. Not the Onion. Im wondering if the trauma counseling is for the pastry gun or for the kids learning of the idiocy of their teachers. Since it was an imaginary gun, should the suspension likewise be only imaginary?

Comrade Anklebiter |

President Obama wrote:Today, we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace.Unless, those seeking religious liberty are Christians wanting to homeschool.
Turns out that Obama's lack of commitment to religious liberty goes beyond kicking out crazy Germans...
From Expediency to Consistency: Ethiopia’s Anti-Apartheid Movement? by ALEMAYEHU G. MARIAM
which starts by copping off of the NYRB article about Ethiopia above and
The Wikileaks Revelations: US Still Fighting “Threat” of Liberation Theology by DANIEL KOVALIK

Freehold DM |

This is getting pretty out there. I don't think Obama has anything to do with Ethiopia in any way.
Doug's Workshop wrote:President Obama wrote:Today, we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace.Unless, those seeking religious liberty are Christians wanting to homeschool.
Turns out that Obama's lack of commitment to religious liberty goes beyond kicking out crazy Germans...
From Expediency to Consistency: Ethiopia’s Anti-Apartheid Movement? by ALEMAYEHU G. MARIAM
which starts by copping off of the NYRB article about Ethiopia above and
The Wikileaks Revelations: US Still Fighting “Threat” of Liberation Theology by DANIEL KOVALIK

Comrade Anklebiter |

This is getting pretty out there. I don't think Obama has anything to do with Ethiopia in any way.
"U.S. foreign policy of expediency in Africa
Expediency has been a guiding principle in American foreign policy in Africa for quite a while. “Expediency” emphasizes “pragmatism” or “realpolitik” over principles and ideals. It is an approach that dictates consideration of each case in light of prevailing circumstances. Expediency subordinates values, ideals and principles to particular political or strategic objectives. Expediency justifies full support for blood thirsty African thugs just to advance the national interest in global “war on terror”. Expediency sacrifices principles and ideals on the altar of hypocrisy. Expediency has allowed the Obama Administration to pump billions of America taxpayer dollars to strengthen the iron fist of Meles Zenawi and his cronies in the name of fighting the so-called war on terror while preaching a hollow sermon of human rights to ordinary Africans.
What is most disconcerting is the fact that President Obama speaks with forked tongue. In Accra and Cairo, he hectored African dictators and made promises and affirmations to the people of Africa: “Development depends on good governance… We must support strong and sustainable democratic governments… Repression can take many forms, and too many nations, even those that have elections, are plagued by problems that condemn their people to poverty… That is not democracy, that is tyranny, even if occasionally you sprinkle an election in there…” He spoke of a “new partnership” with Africa, but his Watusi dance partners were Kagame, Museveni, Zenawi and their ilk.
As a strong supporter of President Obama and one who sought to exhort and mobilize Ethiopian Americans to support his election and re-election, I feel pangs of conscience when I say the President has been a poor advocate of American ideals in U.S. foreign policy in Africa. He has hectored ordinary Africans and African dictators about the need to be “on the right side of history”. For four years, President Obama has talked a good talk to Africans that America symbolizes freedom, liberty and democracy. But when it comes to walking the talk, we see him sitting in a wooden wheel chair that ain’t going nowhere fast. This paralysis has created a monumental crises of credibility for the President personally. Few Africans believe he is on their side and even fewer believe he is on the right side of history. But they do see him standing side by side with African dictators.
But could there really be expediency in dealing with blood thirsty African dictators? President Obama knows Ethiopia is a virtual police state. He knows elections are stolen there in broad daylight as those in power claim victory by a margin of 99.6 percent. He knows thousands of political prisoners languish in Ethiopian jails considered by international human rights organizations to be among the most inhumane in the world. He knows civil society institutions in that country have been wiped out of existence. He knows opposition parties, the press and dissidents have been crushed. He knows of the crimes against humanity that have been and continue to be committed in the Ogaden region, in Gambella, the Omo region and many other parts of the country. He knows about religious persecution. President Obama personally knows that 193 unarmed protesters were massacred and 763 wounded following the 2005 elections and that no one has been brought to justice for those crimes against humanity. That crime against humanity is on par with the Sharpeville Massacre of March 21, 1960 in South Africa in which South African police slaughtered 69 unarmed black protesters in the township of Sharpeville and wounded 180.
It is said that politics makes for strange bedfellows. But must the Obama Administration get in bed with those who have committed the most heinous crimes against humanity in the 21st Century? Is it worth sacrificing American ideals to coddle and consort with brutal African dictators just to get drone bases?"
I, of course, don't have much faith in American ideals...

Comrade Anklebiter |

More on Africa
Bump for more crap about the cozy relationship between American imperialism and Ethiopian dictatorship.

Comrade Anklebiter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah, I don't know what you mean by all over the map and time. The "More on Africa" article was originally linked in a different context.
Anyway, I thought it was funny that Citizen Workshop was getting worked up over one family of crazy Germans not getting asylum as part of Obama's anti-religiosity, or whatever, while his administration is pumping dollars into Colombia while they're busy assassinating Theology Liberation priests and more dollars into Ethiopia while they're cracking down on a "nonviolent humans rights campaign" for Muslims, 's all.

Freehold DM |

Yeah, I don't know what you mean by all over the map and time. The "More on Africa" article was originally linked in a different context.
Anyway, I thought it was funny that Citizen Workshop was getting worked up over one family of crazy Germans not getting asylum as part of Obama's anti-religiosity, or whatever, while his administration is pumping dollars into Colombia while they're busy assassinating Theology Liberation priests and more dollars into Ethiopia while they're cracking down on a "nonviolent humans rights campaign" for Muslims, 's all.
That was supposed to be in response to your earlier rant, but you typed faster than I did. You've also completely lost me with the assassination stuff. You're heading in a conspiracy direction from where I'm sitting.

Comrade Anklebiter |

There's nothing conspiratorial about it: the United States gives money to Colombia, mostly to fight drugs. In Colombia, there has been 79 Catholic priests assassinated since 1984, which, I know, is from before Obama's presidency.
Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot--80ish dudes in 30 years--but I doubt Catholic priests usually get bumped off at such a rate.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

There's nothing conspiratorial about it: the United States gives money to Colombia, mostly to fight drugs. In Colombia, there has been 79 Catholic priests assassinated since 1984, which, I know, is from before Obama's presidency.
Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot--80ish dudes in 30 years--but I doubt Catholic priests usually get bumped off at such a rate.
from waaaaaaay before his presidency. How old was he in that year? 23? Also, what in the hell do these assassins have to do with Obama? How many have happened during his watch? I know we can't agree everywhere, but this is beyond tin foil hat and approaching Mel Gibson.

Comrade Anklebiter |

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:from waaaaaaay before his presidency. How old was he in that year? 23? Also, what in the hell do these assassins have to do with Obama? How many have happened during his watch? I know we can't agree everywhere, but this is beyond tin foil hat and approaching Mel Gibson.There's nothing conspiratorial about it: the United States gives money to Colombia, mostly to fight drugs. In Colombia, there has been 79 Catholic priests assassinated since 1984, which, I know, is from before Obama's presidency.
Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot--80ish dudes in 30 years--but I doubt Catholic priests usually get bumped off at such a rate.
I don't know what you think I'm saying, but here's what I think I am saying.
President Obama wrote:
Today, we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace.
Along comes Citizen Workshop with a highly amusing article about German Christians being denied asylum in the United States and posing that as contradictory to what Obama said.
A couple of days later, along comes Comrade Anklebiter with not as amusing articles, one about a campaign of religious intolerance in Ethiopia, while the United States doles out billions of dollars and hopes to establish (or has already established) a drone base there; two about a long-going history of U.S. involvement in anti-Liberation Theology stuff, highlighting the on-going connections between the U.S. and Colombia as the latter continues to assassinate Catholic priests.
This strikes me as Obama not really living up to the two sentences that Citizen Workshop quoted much more clearly than the German immigrant case and I don't think I'm wearing a tin-foil hat...

Freehold DM |

okay... NOW I see where you are coming from a bit better. You should have cut out the Catholic priest stuff, that had nothing to do with your argument. I have still don't agree, mind, but I do understand what you are saying.
Freehold DM wrote:Comrade Anklebiter wrote:from waaaaaaay before his presidency. How old was he in that year? 23? Also, what in the hell do these assassins have to do with Obama? How many have happened during his watch? I know we can't agree everywhere, but this is beyond tin foil hat and approaching Mel Gibson.There's nothing conspiratorial about it: the United States gives money to Colombia, mostly to fight drugs. In Colombia, there has been 79 Catholic priests assassinated since 1984, which, I know, is from before Obama's presidency.
Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot--80ish dudes in 30 years--but I doubt Catholic priests usually get bumped off at such a rate.
I don't know what you think I am saying, but here's what I think I am saying.
President Obama wrote:
Today, we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting peace.Along comes Citizen Workshop with a highly amusing article about German Christians being denied asylum in the United States and posing that as contradictory to what Obama said.
A couple of days later, along comes Comrade Anklebiter with not as amusing articles, one about a campaign of religious intolerance in Ethiopia, while the United States doles out billions of dollars and hopes to establish (or has already established) a drone base there; two about a long-going history of U.S. involvement in anti-Liberation Theology stuff, highlighting the on-going connections between the U.S. and Colombia as the latter continues to assassinate Catholic priests.
This strikes me as Obama not really living up to the two sentences that Citizen Workshop quoted much more clearly than the German immigrant case and I don't think I'm wearing a tin-foil hat...

Comrade Anklebiter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

In other news, White-tailed deer and their Lyme's disease infected ticks declare war on reforested America
Down with Bambi!

Comrade Anklebiter |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Couldn't find a breakdown of how many Catholic priests have been killed since 2008, but here's some more awesome articles about Obama's commitment to human rights in Colombia:
U.S. Fueling Human Rights Abuses in Colombia in Violation of Its Own Laws
And one not by Daniel Kovlick:
Colombian human rights situation 'grim' in 2012: NGO
Anyway, I've looked at a bunch of articles and Comrade Meatrace, I am sure, will be interested to learn that, along with Catholic priests, teacher's union organizers seem to be high-value targets for the Colombian death squads paid for by the United States.
Yeah, I'm sticking with Down with Obama!

Smarnil le couard |

Some articles I would use to reanimate the Concerned over Cultural Marxism thread, but I am hiding from Comrade le Couard:
Dan Glazebrook The African Union, Algeria and Mali: The West’s War Against African Development Continues
Gary Leupp A U.S. Friend Now More than Ever: France Re-conquers Mali
Conn Hallinan Israel and Syria: Behind the Bombs
And, on a completely different note:
Mike Whitney Another Giveaway to the Banksters: Obama, Housing and the Next Big Heist
Gotcha !

Smarnil le couard |

Bitter Thorn wrote:Obama’s Wars in Africa: 100 Military Personnel in Niger EditionDown with U.S. Imperialism! Troops Out Now!
Vive le Galt!
I don't have a link at hand because I am tired, but smack in the middle of France's current "humanitarian intervention" (imperialist invasion) of Mali, they took time from their busy schedule to send troops to Niger to guard one of their uraninum mines.Will go through the other articles later.
We committed only 3 to 4 thousands personnel in Mali, including support, you know. We have some to spare.

Comrade Anklebiter |

Well, since no one has started a thread about it, I will take this opportunity to declare that the Free NH Goblin Resistance is flying the (red) flag at half mast in mourning for Comandante Chavez.
I expect that international relations will be a little bit less amusing without Hugo, even though I wanted a workers revolution to overthrow him, too.

Comrade Anklebiter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

La lucha continua!
In other news, the comrades forwarded me a link about some of our activities over the weekend.
I think it's great that I can be mistaken for a twentysomething!

Kirth Gersen |

In Colombia, there has been 79 Catholic priests assassinated since 1984.
Then again, if those were sex-abuser priests that had been "rotated" to Columbia to evade prosecution and continue their hideous deeds, then an argument could be made that we should be thanking the assassins.

Kirth Gersen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sweet! I'm told that Thursday the 21st I'll be having dinner with my aunt and uncle, following which Mrs Gersen and my cousin will be proceeding post-haste to whatever credit-card-cowboy spot in Beantown sponsors the country line dancing. Despite spending 9 years in Texas, I own no cowboy boots and have no interest in the do-si-do, so I shall be doubtless be drinking instead -- and a convivial companion would make the latter prospect 10 times more enticing yet. Simply tell me where to be (or indeed ride up on a worg and rescue me from the faux-barn) and the first round's on me!
Failing that, I'll be in Boston the next day, and in Melrose, Mass for another day or so after that.

Kirth Gersen |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I disagree with Kirth on a number of issues, but I hardly think he could ever be described as "low information".
P.P.S. With regards to an exchange I totally missed earlier due to actually working (and not keeping up with Paizo), let me now acknowledge -- as difficult as it may be for me -- a debt to BT and tWK, for watching my back when I'm not here to get all scrappy and fly off the handle to defend myself. Never in my life has anyone to my knowledge done the same on my behalf, much less twice in the same thread.
P.P.P.S. And, indeed, tWK's Venn diagrams were exactly what I was talking about.

TheWhiteknife |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Brooklyn woman chained to bed for 17 days. After NYPD breaks her leg. During a false arrest. Because she was a flight risk. With her broken leg. Seems legit.

Comrade Anklebiter |

Meet the 'Corporate Enemies of the Internet' for 2013
More internet stuff. I don't understand...

Comrade Anklebiter |

You know, the entire time Chavez was in power, I was for workers revolution in Venezuela, but, now that he's dead, I feel a lot less sectarian.
Through the Looking Glass: Chavez: Lest We Forget by CONN HALLINAN

Comrade Anklebiter |

And, I haven't read this one yet, but it looks like a good one for later:
Aiding the Enemy? Osama Bin Laden, Bradley Manning and Me by WILLIAM BLUM

Freehold DM |

Brooklyn woman chained to bed for 17 days. After NYPD breaks her leg. During a false arrest. Because she was a flight risk. With her broken leg. Seems legit.
heard a lot about this case over the past few days. The cop involved is probably going to lose his job.

meatrace |

TheWhiteknife wrote:Brooklyn woman chained to bed for 17 days. After NYPD breaks her leg. During a false arrest. Because she was a flight risk. With her broken leg. Seems legit.heard a lot about this case over the past few days. The cop involved is probably going to lose his job.
Which is a slap on the wrist compared to the 20-life someone should get for that.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Which is a slap on the wrist compared to the 20-life someone should get for that.TheWhiteknife wrote:Brooklyn woman chained to bed for 17 days. After NYPD breaks her leg. During a false arrest. Because she was a flight risk. With her broken leg. Seems legit.heard a lot about this case over the past few days. The cop involved is probably going to lose his job.
No doubt.