Risen Demon |

Hello all! Well, my group and I are about to start a Pathfinder campaign in the Eberron setting, using a conversion we found. In this conversion, there is a feat called Weretouched Master. This gives the ability to shift as if using the spell beast shape. Another feat, called reactive shifting (in the core eberron book) allows shifting as an immediate action as opposed to the normal move action. THEN, there was easy shifting, allowing for infinite shifting. Accompanied with shifting savagery to increase my natural weapons by two die sizes while shifting and raging simultaneously, I was good to go, as in beast form (tiger) I'd have 2 claws (with grab), a bite, a rake, and a pounce.
Now..questions: Would I be able to maintain a rage while in tiger form (it counts a beast form/wild shape)? Would improved natural weapons apply to the claws while I'm in tiger form? Would I be able to have unlimited shifting, as my DM and I have gotten from reading it? Would I be able to shift into tiger form as an immediate action as if it was regular shifting?
I'm really sorry for all of the questions, but I just wanted to make sure that I was reading it correctly, and not derping all over the rules here. Thank you in advance for any help here, guys. I really appreciate it.
For reference, here is the conversion wiki: http://pf-eberron.wikidot.com/

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Maintaining Rage while Shifted you would be able to do because it is not a use that you have to use your mental stats on (Int, Wis, and Cha).
It will apply to your claws because it is a Natural Weapon, however, it would not apply to an unarmed strike. This is to keep monks from getting 2d6 at 1st level.
I wouldn't say unlimited, however, I would say that it an extremely long time that you can hold it.
For the Reactive Shifting feat, I think since it is not coming out of the Pathfinder Rulebook, you would need your GMs okay on it.
I hope these answers help you out :D

Risen Demon |

Well, I thought it as ridiculous too. That's why i'm asking here :P. With easy shifting, it says that as a move action, you maintain your shifting AND can move, where without the feat you need to use a move action in order to maintain the shifting. The DM and I read it as it doesn't expend rounds of shifting per day if I have the feat. We thought it was weird, but he allowed it. Same with reactive shifting.
@Davor: Yes, I know it's silly, but the whole reason I'm asking is because the DM is saying that this is how it would work, and I wanna be sure we aren't missing anything before we start.

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I'm pretty sure you're missing some information there. Shifting is... Ah I see the problem. That wiki is an unofficial conversion with some seriously stupid and overpowered feats. Weretouched Master in the Eberron Campaign setting was a prestige class that, over the course of 5 levels, gave you the benefits of full Lycanthropism. The people who did this conversion wrapped a prestige class into a single feat.
The Easy Shifting feat is something they made up in this conversion, and not something that ever existed in the core Eberron product.
The answers to your questions are all yes, but that's because the conversion you are using is completely broken. The Easy Shifting and Weretouched Master feats have never been part of any official product in any setting, 3.5 or Pathfinder.

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If you have access to the original books, a Shifter Barbarian/Weretouched Master is still doable, and sweet, just not so wildly overpowered as that wiki was making it. The Eberron stuff came out far enough into 3.5 that the only thing you really need to adjust is the base stat bonuses to the Eberron Races. In our conversion, Shifters got +2 Con, -2 CHA, and whatever the appropriate stat bonus was while shifting. No other changes necessary. And the Weretouched Master Prestige Class, which was a bit OP for 3.5, turns out to be pretty much perfectly balanced for Pathfinder as is. I think the only adjustment you need to make there is that a couple of the class skills have been condensed into other skills in PF.

Foghammer |

The best things about Eberron were the races. Shifters, warforged, changelings... awesome stuff.
I would still look into what Ssalarn said about the prestige class. I can't remember the specifics of it, but I remember working on a replacement character that was going to take it eventually. He was a frickin monster.
At least then you wouldn't have to scrap your character entirely and miss out on all the amazing fun shifter barbarians have to offer.