The Harrowing replacing WotW

Carrion Crown

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Hi all,
as I now take a break from my vacation in the sonny Shackles and head back to my snowdrifts in the deep winter in Ustalval, I wrote up the following 2 pager on how I plan to replace WotW with The Harrowing. Please not that if you play with XP, it might leave your characters a bit short. (I didn’t calculate the full XP’s, as I switched to levelling.)
Have fun and let me know if I missed anything critical.


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Sort Summary of the plot:

Adivion send the dark Rider to get the Ravens Head. The Ravens Head dosnt exist anymore in this realm but only in the stories of old. He found out that Sonnorae created a story realm and that object in that realm are real. So he came up with a plan. He knows from the stories that the Zassrion the dragon is always searching for the “Face of Dragon” (its actually Dagon in WotW) which is the Seasage Effigy (or so he hopes). He found that All-Seeing Hajeck holds the Sonnorae Deck and send a Dark Rider after her as to gain access to the Story Realm. However he didn’t realized that he Rider may not be able to get back.
Zassrion imprisoned the Dark Rider and he eventually died in his cell still holding the Ravens Head. The Seasage Effigy is still in Zassrion procession. As he is a StoryKin, he exchanged the artefact with the Dark Rider several times, however he forgot about it, leaving the Dark Rider to die in his prison.

- Run Encounter 1 of WotW
- Run The Harrowing

PS: this is an awesome chance to get the Crooked Kin back involved....

Silver Crusade

Awesome idea, Windspirit. I am doing the same thing, so this is very helpful.

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