The Psyons - The Psychic Born Race

Homebrew and House Rules

Explanation -
Hey guys, I'm trying to build a few custom races for a Home made Campaign setting, and what I'm about to present to you is my Psyons. A group of people with natural born Psychic powers.

I'm hoping that you guys can give me a few times to make the race over all better, and let me know if you think they maybe a tad over powered in any way.

Fair yeh be warned! A LOT of this first stuff is just 'fluff'. The real 'mechanics' are towards the bottom.

Psyon can be born from any humanoid race, thought Humans and Elves tend to be the most common. Many Psyon live their entire lives without any knowledge of their potential power or in-born abilities. The select few who are discovered early enough and raised to develop their full potential grow into their Psychic ability with amazing success.

Physical Description: Psyon take on the physical appearance of their parent race, as a Psyon can come from any Humanoid race, so long as they are capable of Sentient thought. This tends to cause their appearance to vary widely between Psyon to Psyon, however, a few qualities do seem to appear in most. Most tend to have shaved heads, and a more frail look to them. In addition, all Psyon have a Gem placed into their forehead which can vary in shape, size, and color. This is due to the years spent within Psyon Temples of learning, and the right of passage in which a Psyon must shave their head and have the Gem placed into their head. Tattoo's and patterned scarring of the skin are not uncommon as well.

Something about the Psyon training process slows down their body clocks, making them age much closer to that of Elves, rather than their parents race. This means most Psyon's don't even reach adulthood till nearly a 100 years of age.

Society: Psyon are raised and trained from an early with either Temples, or small villages dedicated to raising, training, and developing the Psyon's Psychic abilities. This tends to cause many Psyon's to grow up with a false sense of what the outside world is like, as they are not allowed to leave their respect Temple or Village till after taking a right of passing, and receiving their Head Gem. The Governing system of a Psyon people is often a council of Elders, whom are replaced as the next generation comes to age. Council members are generally raced every 200 years or so.

Relations: Psyon seem strange and alien to most other races, their customs and traditions making little sense to anyone who was not been raised with them. Most races tend to view them as more of a 'cult' then a culture.

Alignment and Religion: Psyon tend to have more Lawful alignments, as they have grown use to codes and rules that they must obey as they grow up and are instructed with the fellow members of their Temples. Religions tend to lean more towards Gods who hold Intelligence and Mental Prowess high in regard. Nature Worshipers are also very common, as they tend to believe their Psychic born abilities are a way for Natural World of giving them a 'leg up' on the dangers of the world.

Adventurers: Every Psyon spends a portion of his or her life as an Adventurer or Traveler, because after receiving their Head Gem, they are pushed out into the world to discover its bounty and woes all for their own. Most will travel for a time, before returning to their home temple to help raise the next generation of Psyon. Some never return, either falling in battle, or finding a place for themselves within the rest of the world.


Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Psyon are Intelligent and Willfull, but they are not physically adept. They gain +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, and -2 Constitution.
Type: Psyon are Humanoids with both the Psyon and their parent race's subtypes. The Parent Race MUST be chosen during character creation.
Size: Psyon are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Psyon have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Psyon begin play speaking Mind Speak and Common. Psyon with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Elven, Dwarven, Orcish, Halfing, Gnome, Sylvan, or Draconic.

Defense Racial Traits:
Spell Resistance: Psyon possess spell resistance (SR) equal to 6 plus their total number of class levels.

Magical Racial Traits:
Spell-Like Abilities (Su): Psyon can tap into the powers of their mind unlike others of their Parent Race.
Psyon with Intelligence scores of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day - Mage Hand, Detect Thought, and Share Memory.
The caster level for these effects is equal to the Psyon's level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + spell's level + the Psyon's Intelligence modifier.

Other Racial Traits:
Gifted Linguist: Psyon have spent many hours developing their mind, and because of such they have gained a gifted ability to understand languages. Psyon gain a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, and they learn one additional languages every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill.
Parents Blood: Psyon count as both Psyon and their Parent Race for any effect related to race.


Alternate Racial Traits

While Psyon are often trained to let go of their ancestral heritage in order to develop their true nature, its not uncommon for some of their Parent Race's blood to shine through.

-Little Guy: You may have let all ideas of your Parent Race go, you still retain their height. Psyon with this racial trait size changes to Small, rather than Medium.

-Dark Dwellers: Your parents were creatures of the dark, and because of this you can see as they did in the night. You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Dwarven Heritage: There maybe some Dwarven blood in you yet. When you take this trait, you gain Darkvision out to 60 feet, your base speed drops down to 20 feet, and you gain the Dwarven (Slow and Steady) ability. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Elven Heritage: Your Elven blood still manages to stick out. You gain Low-light vision, and you gain proficiency with two of the Elven racial Weapon Familiarity (such as Longbows and Rapiers, Shortbows and Longswords, or any mixture of the two) and with any Weapon with 'Elven' in the title. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Gnomish Heritage: Its hard to keep a gnome down, even if they aren't raised as such. Your Size Category changes to Small, and your base speed drops to 20 feet. You gain Low-Light Vision, and the Gnome Magic ability. You still must meet the required Charisma score of 11 or higher to gain the Gnome spell-like abilties. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Halflings Heritage: Your Optimistic and Cheerful nature still shines through, even after years of training. Your Size Category changes to Small, and your base speed drops to 20 feet. You gain both the Fearless and the Halfling Luck, Halfling Racial Traits. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Orcish Heritage: Your Parent Race's Bestial like appearance still shows through to you now. You gain the Intimidating Half-Orc Racial. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Forgotten Heritage: You have lost almost every quality your Parent Race had to offer you, and because of such, you do not count as your Parent Race in terms of Subtype and things such as Spells, Feats, and a Rangers Favored Enemy. This replaces the Psyon's Parents Blood ability.


Racial Feats

All of following Feats are Intended for use by characters of the Psyon race.

Psychic Training (Psyon)
Your Psychic Abilities have developed further than the average Psyon.
Prerequisites: Able to use Psyon spell-like abilities, Psyon.
Benefit: You may use Mage Hand as a spell-like ability at will, and add Open/Close, Unseen Servant, and Comprehend Languages to the spell-like abilites that you may use once each per day.

Improved Psychic Training (Psyon)
Your Psychic Abilities have become more powerful as you have gained strength.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Able to use Psyon spell-like abilities, Psyon, Psychic Training.
Benefit: You may use Open/Close as a spell-like ability at will, and you may use your Detect Thought, Share Memory, and Unseen Servant spell-like abilities twice per day. Your Comprehend Languages spell-like ability instead becomes Tongues, which you may use twice per day.

Greater Psychic Training (Psyon)
Your Psychic Training is almost unmatched.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Able to use Psyon spell-like abilities, Psyon, Psychic Training, and Improved Psychic Training.
Benefit: You may use your dancing Detect Thought, Share Memory, Unseen Servant, and Tongues Ability at will.

Mind Shaper (Psyon)
Your Psychic Training has unlocked your ability to connect with other minds further.
Prerequisites: Int 15, Able to use Psyon spell-like abilities, Psyon, Psychic Training, Improved Psychic Training, Greater Psychic Training, and 10th level character.
Benefit: Select one of the following: Modify memory, Telepathic Bond, or Telekinesis. You may use this spell once per day as a spell-like ability. Your caster level is equal to your character level.
Special: You may take this feat up to three times, each time you must choice a different spell.


Failed Psyon
Maybe you never finished your Psyon Training, or you were never discovered and taken to a temple or village to be help develop your abilities.
Prerequisites: 1st Level Character, Int 12, any non-Psyon.
Benefit: Select one of the Psyon spell-like ability. You may cast this as a spell-like ability 1/day. You may cast any of the three, however you can only do so once per day, rather than 1/day each.


Construction of the Psyon Race Info:

The Psyon Race follows the construction rules placed forth by the Advanced Races Pathfinder book. The total number of Race points (with both the Core Racial Abilities or the Alter-net choices) comes to 10rp.

The Feats presented were made based off the Drow Racial Feats. The power level which they have been constructed, is meant to reflect that which Pathfinder has already allowed for play.


Alright guys- Let me know what you think.

Tell me if you have any idea's on what I could add to the race, or what you believe I should change.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

Liberty's Edge

Looks like you think Gifted Linguist is a pretty disposable ability. Why not just scrap it have them select one heritage ability?

Other than that, I like it.

Greatbear wrote:

Looks like you think Gifted Linguist is a pretty disposable ability. Why not just scrap it have them select one heritage ability?

Other than that, I like it.

You know whats sad? This idea hadn't even occurred to me...

I might just take that bit of advice, thanks!

da bump'en in hopes of more feedback!

You could make Gifted Linguist an alternate trait for all races if you go with the heritage racial trait.

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