Solkanis |
It really depends. I give players enough time to talk for about 30 seconds (speaking as a free action), and getting any knowledge (which adds to the time for them to think and talk) as a free action.
Some builds, I seriously reconsider. For example, reloading takes some time, and I try to make it so that other players can get a chance. Its annoying when a 8th Level Gunslinger makes a build that just deals 80 damage a round because it gets 3 shots in a round. I force them to add in a move action to retrieve additional bullets after the second shot.
Really, its all about moderating your players. If someone is being a douche and taking up all of the time at the table due to his/her free+swift+standard+move-action monkey, I try to limit how many "free" actions are actually possible in a 6 second time frame, just so things do not get stuck at the table. But, if someone is just gearing up for a really huge epic, once-in-a-lifetime attack, I let them do what they need to do... inside the rules, of course.
Its also because I'm an evil GM and I live to see when these epic buildups end in a Natural 1 to screw up the entire chain. ;-)
Speaking of a double barrel shotgun....I would like to point out that someone who practices can fire both barrels, reload both barrels, and fire both barrels again in a span of 6 seconds. (this is a real life example