[spoiler] the mine in book 1


I know that the gold mine helps with kingdom building in book two but if the party wants to extract some gold from the mine when they first find it during hex exploration, how have people handled this? I'm thinking there should be at least some benefit from this.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

They should have the proper tools and at least a rank in Profession (Miner) to do this properly. If they fail, there chance they hit a hazard, be it deadly gas or a cave in. No ranks in that skill should mean that they grab a bunch or rocks that have little or no ore in them. No proper tools and hazards are more likely.

I would make sure they can carry what they take, as gold ore is pretty heavy. Specie, what it would called in the market, would only gain them 2/3 the price of processed gold of a similar weight. I doubt that Oleg would take it, but if he did he would give them even less. Maybe 1/2 or 1/3 the price of processed gold of a similar weight. They would have to travel to Restov to sell it to a gold smith to gain full price.

CalebTGordan wrote:

They should have the proper tools and at least a rank in Profession (Miner) to do this properly. If they fail, there chance they hit a hazard, be it deadly gas or a cave in. No ranks in that skill should mean that they grab a bunch or rocks that have little or no ore in them. No proper tools and hazards are more likely.

I would make sure they can carry what they take, as gold ore is pretty heavy. Specie, what it would called in the market, would only gain them 2/3 the price of processed gold of a similar weight. I doubt that Oleg would take it, but if he did he would give them even less. Maybe 1/2 or 1/3 the price of processed gold of a similar weight. They would have to travel to Restov to sell it to a gold smith to gain full price.

Thanks. There's going to be at least one dwarf in the party so when they find the mine they'll probably try to take something along with them.

Scarab Sages

Just have a few wandering bandits from the Stag Lord's men drop by and encourage them to go back to being adventurers and leave off being miners :)

I told my players that there was gold in the mine, but it would take some time to be able to shore up the entrance and dig down to where the vein was big enough to actually make it worthwhile. They took the hint and left it for kingdom building time. Unless of course you want them to mine it early on.

redcelt32 wrote:

Just have a few wandering bandits from the Stag Lord's men drop by and encourage them to go back to being adventurers and leave off being miners :)

I told my players that there was gold in the mine, but it would take some time to be able to shore up the entrance and dig down to where the vein was big enough to actually make it worthwhile. They took the hint and left it for kingdom building time. Unless of course you want them to mine it early on.

Oh, good call! I'm going to have a second group of "evil" explorers in the Stolen Lands at the same time who are working for a different faction from Restov. The party will know they're out there someplace and this could be the perfect time to introduce them into the campaign.

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