Gabrielle Giffords Shooting and Gun Control

Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kirth gersen wrote:
I want to take you seriously... but, come on, real life is not an '80s action movie


*shaves off mullet*

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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Aretas wrote:

I suppose if many can interpret the Bible a book of hate then I'm sure its pretty easy to interpret my posts to fit any motive you have to smear me as a racist.

I suggest you get back on topic and stop trying to find hidding meaning or racist motives in what I say. Everything I said is open and on the table in an attempt for honest dialogue.

No, you don't get to compare yourself to the authors of the Bible, sorry. The best case is that you are espousing outright oppressive ideas and talking down the would-be victims of these plans using the same terms as white supremacists.

Your fascist ideas for dealing with gun crime and racist justifications for them have no place in this or any discussion.

Grand Lodge

BigNorseWolf wrote:
what's really a fairly ubiquitous purchase.

Occasionally offers a 50 gallon oil drum filled with 12,500 round of 5.56 ammo for around $3000...

I think a single purchase of that size is a bit much...

However, it is not uncommon for people that go to the range fairly often to keep a constant stock of 10,000 rounds or more because they go to the range every weekend and will use up that much ammunition within 6 months to a year...

And these are responsible gun owners...

Kirth Gersen wrote:
...real life is not an '80s action movie.

If only I had known sooner...

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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The argument isn't "I want to defend myself with this particular kind of gun," it is "I want to be able to defend myself against aggressors with this kind of gun."

Assume for a moment you are in the Jewish resistance in 1941 Poland. Would you rather you and your buddies be armed with .32 revolvers or Browning BARs?

I get that we are not Jewish resistance fighters in 1941 Poland. But to assume that our government is and always will be lily pure and that that level of repression and state violence could never happen here is extremely naive, especially considering that in fact, it has.

Actually, let's put it a way that hits closer to home. You're a 19th century plains Sioux. Do you want a bow and arrow or a lever action rifle when the cavalry shows up to cut down your wife and kids?

The Exchange

meatrace wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
The racism is getting out of hand, knock off the rhetoric and accusations. Criminal is the only part i care about regardless of color. less being trash=less getting the cops on them

Pointing out the blatant racism in others IS NOT RACISM.

FFS people.

Less "being trash", however subjective that term may be, doesn't get less cops beating on you...if you're black. Sorry you dislike the truth so much. I mean, it's great that you're so colorblind and enlightened and stuff, but the system, and the police, are not.

Strange i know MANY black folks that follow the law and NEVER have had any problems with police. And if the police have an issue with most blacks (and hispanics) it could have something to do with the crime rates of various ethnic groups.

meatrace wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
The racism is getting out of hand, knock off the rhetoric and accusations. Criminal is the only part i care about regardless of color. less being trash=less getting the cops on them

Pointing out the blatant racism in others IS NOT RACISM.

FFS people.

Less "being trash", however subjective that term may be, doesn't get less cops beating on you...if you're black. Sorry you dislike the truth so much. I mean, it's great that you're so colorblind and enlightened and stuff, but the system, and the police, are not.

What your saying is crazy. I think you have a different definition of what "blatant" means. Being critical of black, hispanic, white, or asian behavior does not make you a racist! This is madness. Simply not liking what someone is saying does not give you the right to call them a racist. You are wrong.

So back on topic. I strongly advocate cracking down on gangs in Chicago. I would perhaps encourage curfews in some neighborhoods, especially the ones that have seen so much violence and death this summer. Everything should be on the table.
Do any of you have any suggestions or is the answer more money for job placement programs and better schools?

Charlie Bell wrote:
Actually, let's put it a way that hits closer to home. You're a 19th century plains Sioux. Do you want a bow and arrow or a lever action rifle when the cavalry shows up to cut down your wife and kids?

In that case, I'd want a tank. Or a nuclear bomb. Clearly it isn't in society's best interest for me to have those things, so we have to draw the line someplace. Personally, I happen to think the line is fine right about where it is, but that's just me.

Andrew R wrote:
And if the police have an issue with most blacks (and hispanics) it could have something to do with the crime rates of various ethnic groups.

Where, do you suppose, do crime rate numbers come from?

Charlie Bell wrote:

The argument isn't "I want to defend myself with this particular kind of gun," it is "I want to be able to defend myself against aggressors with this kind of gun."

Assume for a moment you are in the Jewish resistance in 1941 Poland. Would you rather you and your buddies be armed with .32 revolvers or Browning BARs?

I get that we are not Jewish resistance fighters in 1941 Poland. But to assume that our government is and always will be lily pure and that that level of repression and state violence could never happen here is extremely naive, especially considering that in fact, it has.

Actually, let's put it a way that hits closer to home. You're a 19th century plains Sioux. Do you want a bow and arrow or a lever action rifle when the cavalry shows up to cut down your wife and kids?

I'm sure things would have been a lot different in Germany if the Gestapo got a face full of gun powder when they came knocking on the Jew's doors.

Andrew R wrote:
Strange i know MANY black folks that follow the law and NEVER have had any problems with police. And if the police have an issue with most blacks (and hispanics) it could have something to do with the crime rates of various ethnic groups.

I forgot, your personal anecdotes override actual studies on the matter. *eyeroll*

If police have a problem with law-abiding minorities (which they often do), and it is, as you claim, because of crime statistics (sure) that still means they're profiling or being prejudiced. Not sure how on earth that's a defense.

Aretas wrote:

What your saying is crazy. I think you have a different definition of what "blatant" means. Being critical of black, hispanic, white, or asian behavior does not make you a racist! This is madness. Simply not liking what someone is saying does not give you the right to call them a racist. You are wrong.

Look, this isn't some wackadoo theory of mine. Others see it as well. Others read your post and little alarms go off in their heads. I think AMIB pretty well highlighted why people think that about you. It's not just this thread, it's EVERY thread you're in. My first impression is that you're a white supremist. IF YOU'RE NOT, you ought to be more careful with your language. Be cognizant that the things you say, and the way you say them, are in line with those types of people.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Conversely, if you're pretty happy with your governments as-is and working for democratic change, wouldn't you be a little nervous about those Sturmabteilung weirdos who seem to be arming themselves to the teeth?

Nazi Germany's rise to power involves citizen militias on both sides.

What your saying is crazy. I think you have a different definition of what "blatant" means. Being critical of black, hispanic, white, or asian behavior does not make you a racist! This is madness. Simply not liking what someone is saying does not give you the right to call them a racist. You are wrong.

Your ideas of "black, hispanic, white, or asian behavior", on the other hand, are racist.

And it's hilariously telling that you immediately assume I'm not only black, but an extremist, for calling you out.

A Man In Black wrote:
Aretas wrote:

I suppose if many can interpret the Bible a book of hate then I'm sure its pretty easy to interpret my posts to fit any motive you have to smear me as a racist.

I suggest you get back on topic and stop trying to find hidding meaning or racist motives in what I say. Everything I said is open and on the table in an attempt for honest dialogue.

No, you don't get to compare yourself to the authors of the Bible, sorry. The best case is that you are espousing outright oppressive ideas and talking down the would-be victims of these plans using the same terms as white supremacists.

Your fascist ideas for dealing with gun crime and racist justifications for them have no place in this or any discussion.

Racist, white supremacist and fascist! Someone just came from a black panther rally.

Wow, I done talking to you.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.
bugleyman wrote:
Charlie Bell wrote:
Actually, let's put it a way that hits closer to home. You're a 19th century plains Sioux. Do you want a bow and arrow or a lever action rifle when the cavalry shows up to cut down your wife and kids?

In that case, I'd want a tank. Or a nuclear bomb. Clearly it isn't in society's best interest for me to have those things, so we have to draw the line someplace. Personally, I happen to think the line is fine right about where it is, but that's just me.

I can dig that. I just think it should be drawn a bit further out. I'd draw the line with what an infantryman can carry, except explosives. Automatic weapons up to, say, medium machineguns, OK; grenades, rocket launchers, tanks, mortars, vehicle-mounted machineguns, not OK. But there's a snowball's chance in hell that any belt fed weapon would ever be legal for general civilian purchase again.

Automatic weapons seem to have acquired some mystique as though selective fire turns a gun into some sort of magic death ray. The M4, the military version of the M16, is selective fire to a 3 round burst. We pretty much never use that setting. So actual military rifles are used basically the same way as civilian versions of the same. There's nothing magical about them.

Aretas wrote:
Wow, I done talking to you.

I suspect that would be in everyone's best interest.

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