PaizoCon UK - Report and Thank You

Local Play

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm back home. I loved all the blogging that Painlord and others did during PaizoCon US - so here is a quick report from the UK.

First - I should say a Thank You

Dave Harrison - VC UK - for organizing the event
Rob Silk - VL - who did a lot in the background
Mike Brock - who came over from the US
The GMs - events like this don't work without you
The players at the Grand Convocation - thanks everyone for dressing up and making it special
Everyone I missed who did work in the background
My family who was there with me and my kids who behaved well which isn't easy as the youngest guests


All the players - especially everyone who was at my table. I did GM two scenarios where I had very mixed feelings about before the game - you ensured they where great.

My preparations started early last week. Having been on my own with the kids for a week (my wife joined from a course up North) it fell to me to have all family characters up to scratch, making new spell cards for my daughters druid, ensuring I didn't leave anything home, getting DwarvenForge stuff with me to game - and some to sell.
And somewhere in-between to prepare for the 5 scenarios I ran. So it was a hectic week. Apology to my on-line PBP games - at some stages I had to drop them.

We left Friday morning with a few hours delay. Good that Dave didn't needed a lift anymore - that gave me extra time that I used to laminate cards, read, get more stuff ready ...

The drive wasn't pleasant - heavy rain, lots of traffic. A stop-over at Otherworld Miniatures for a short break (and me getting some more sets to bring to Germany next Month) - and around 16:00 we finally arrived.

My daughter took over the handing out of cards to people - with Pete Pollard as her minion to command as she pleased. He did a great job with the spell cards that I had printed on adhesive but that still needed cuttting and transfer to some blank playing cards. Thanks here to Perrams Spellbook !! This is a great way to have unexperienced players play spellcasters.

So unpacked while my daughter played the overlord at the entrance. Just remind me to bring less stuff next time. But somehow that is the way I prepare ...

Finally unpacked - my wife arrived - and we were ready to leave for the Balti Evening. It was a great evening - meeting most of the players and GMs, mingling with people, having a meal. Thanks to Rob for his performance and the Kazoo. That saved the mood for my tired young lady.

We left early - among the first. The kids had a long day and better not to stretch it too far.

Next morning - preparing the last bits, getting ready, shifting all my stuff downstairs - after a quick breakfast - I was ready for my first game. The Cyphermage Dilemma. I had two young players at my table - Russ had the honour of my two kids at his table.

I had a great group. The managed quite fine until the middle of the game where they nearly blew it completely.

Cyphermage Dilemma:
If you board a ship - bring something with you to board the ship. A single rope - that got cut - left two players facing the encounter nearly on their own.
A good moment for the magus to shine as he dispatched both crew members with a single blow. Without that it could have got very, very nasty.

Game 2 was the Temple of Empyral Enlightenment. I had very mixed feelings about this. Surely one you want to prepare well ahead and non I would suggest for a novice GM. I did have a very unusual group at my table - three level 1 - and a level 5 druid.
I started with both my kids on my table - my daughter wanting to play her newly leveled up druid (she took the gnome with snow leopard as it looked so cute). My son then was recruited away to another table that needed a higher level character.
This is one of the moments where as father and GM you have a tough call. Having her play a second game (she is 9) without much or breaks and keeping her motivated while having the game run smoothly and not having one person being overpowered ??
In the end it worked out like a treat. A thank you also to the other players who nominated her at the end as the most valued player. Her laid back style ensured the group had no issues ever to be overpowered by her. And the one or two moments when they got in it over their head they had her to shine and bring the group through.
It was just the right mix of party that made in enjoyable for everyone - including the GM who had reservations ahead of time.

Laura also had mad a new great friend by the time we had finished - Eva Wiederman - one of the special guests. She was drawing on the neighbour table - and Laura later spend a lot of time there drawing for her, showing her own creations. Thanks Eva - you made it special for her.

In the evening we had the Grand Convocation. Both the kids had been dressed as goblins and did the goblin choir. A huge thanks to the Jailor - they had lots of fun with you. They lasted astonishingly long into the night.

I was next room doing the Blackros Job Quest - and later the Finale. So I did miss some of what was going on. Oh - and if I don't write a lot what my wife did - she was busy at other tables and it's enough to look after two kids and ensure they are happy.

A short night - and the last day.

I did the Goblinblood Dead in the morning. Tier 4-5 - a great group to play with. My daughter back at my table with her druid again - this time in the appropriate tier. It was harder for her at a large table of 6 with a gruff dwarf role-playing fantastically - but in way that had her more stay in the background.

There have been several memorable moments - like the person trying to bull rush his opponent out of the way to make more space - just to impale himself on the longsword for 23 HP (critical).

My wife and son where playing a higher tier at a different table. I think Russ had the pleasure to GM for them. He did overran - AGAIN ...

Having finished as one of the earlier tables I got a big surprise. Chris Brockly presented me with a goblin - painted by herself as a thank-you for GMing for her the year before - and to introduce her to DwarvenForge. A HUGE thank-you Chris.

In return I gathered her group and decided to GM for them the Gods Market Gamble - they had finished and were waiting for a GM.

We got interrupted by the handing out of prizes. Laura did win a painted figure as one of two nominated players in the below 18 category. Chris had decided to give away a price to both nominees. Chris - you are a star. I'm proud both had been nominated at my table by the adult players as most useful players at the table.

The rolling for boons then was a let down. All members at my table - and a few more who where to leave - rolled for a boon. 19 or 20 needed. We had 10 or 11 rolls at my table. We scored 4 natural 1 - and a best of 12 (not counting my 13 when I was asked to roll as well).

Sorry guys - it can be tough at my table.

My son then got a great surprise - he was handed a signed Core Rule Book by Dave - as youngest PFS GM here in the UK (he has 4 credit - he didn't GM at the CON but did ask - let's build him up slowly. Right now I rather like to have him GM in a secure environment where I know all players and where I'm around to assist.
We got Mike and Richard Pett to sign it as well. That makes it truly special as he looks up to the organizers - and We be Goblins was his very first game he GMed.

Back to the game - we had a blast. Sorry for the interruption when I had to sort out the family leaving in the second car - and sorry to my wife not helping to carry anything to the car. GMing and being a parent and partner sometimes doesn't mix well.

We finished later with a great show down. I had a blast in the last encounter double shooting on the cavalier and paladin - and scoring double hits every round I went for both. Dropped the paladin twice - and the cavalier only hang on thanks to a cure moderate potion.

It is surprising what 7 out of 8 (or 9 out of 10?) 15+ on a d20 can do. Oh yes - she truly hated you - great if dice back it up. And I roll in the open - so no cheating here.

I arrived back just before midnight.

So much for my report - just have my daughter coming up to me - showing me her latest drawing to be scanned and send to Eva as we have her e-mail on the 'card of awesomeness'. Eva - you truly have a great fan now.

Okay - back to the house and some work there - and maybe some shopping.

The Exchange 3/5


Thanks for sharing, Thod.

I hope others have PaizoCon UK stories to share as well.



Glad you and your family had such a good time Thod, it's great to see a family joining in at the event and I'm glad I met you and your son. Hats off to him GMing!



4/5 5/5


Thank you for the kind words *blush* and thank you ever so much for GMing our last game. It was fantastic.

I got my latest Dwarven Forge set home and my son, Jack (aged 5) and I have just spent some of the afternoon building a tavern. He and his Dad (Brock) have just played out a bar fight with Jack playing Valeros. He thought it was awesome.

thank you again and talk to you soon.


Grand Lodge 5/5 ****


DwarvenForge is a fantastic way to get kids interested early. It helps them to visualize what is going on. And they get interested in it at an early stage. It is just the trick to avoid overwhelming them and keep them interested while they grow up.

Yes - I also enjoyed the last game. This was one of the two scenarios I had mixed feelings about - but it went fantastically.


The Exchange 2/5

Thod wrote:

Yes - I also enjoyed the last game. This was one of the two scenarios I had mixed feelings about - but it went fantastically.

It did, though I think Kavesh is still busy prying arrowheads out of his platemail.

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