Battle Royale - Match 7 - Darius Blackfire vs. Orion


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Arena is 30x30 - Dense Forest Environment - All squares are difficult terrain and ranged attacks are at 20% concealment

Welome one and all to the First Annual Battle Royale. Today's match will feature two of the greatest combatants. Darius Blackfire, the dreaded human Antipaladin, a Knight of the Sepulcher will trade blows with Orion, the human crossblooded and wildblooded Sorcerer!

I give you our fight! Contestants will know begin their prep!

Roll Initiative

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10Initiative

DM's Eyes Only:
Buff round: Resounding Blow(Swift), and Freedom of Movement(Standard)Draw Death(Move)

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Initiative: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

DM Eyes Only:
Time Stop: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Time Stop (Round 1): Mind Blank
Time Stop (Round 2): Greater Invisibility
Time Stop (Round 3): True Seeing (From Item)
Time Stop (Round 4): Heroism, Greater

((OOC: Is the area where we are buffing counted as part of the 30x30? Just out of curiousity.))

No it's not, its out of the arena

The gates open and you are thrust into a dense forest.

Round 1, go

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

DM Eye's Only:
Activate my cloak, fly five feet into the arena and 30 feet up. Once there I make a stealth check as I put away my staff and pull out my rod.

Stealth Check: 1d20 + 49 ⇒ (17) + 49 = 66

(Are you done your turn it was kinda hard to tell from that post.)

DM's eyes only:
Without knowing exactly what he did I can not say whether his stealth check is valid, but if his gate is visible from my gate he would be observed by me on the gates opening simultaneously. I have see invisibility from my Robe of Eyes. If he was observed before he had a chance to conceal himself he would need a class feature like hide in plain sight. If not then ignore this and do not judge me harshly xD.

Darius steps out of the gate into the dense forested area, his red and black full plate armor. He stares directly at his opponent even as he attempts to hide himself among the trees. "Oh come now...that's not going to work on me. Honestly why not just come out from where I watched you try to hide and we can settle this"

DM Only:
If targetable use Litany of Eloquence on Orion(Swift), Activate Ring of Spell Turning(Std), and Detect Good(Move)
Else Activate Ring of Spell Turning(Std), Move 20 ft toward the other gate(Move)

(Done but some actions in the If statement may provide spellcraft check if they are applicable and require DM's ruling on something.)

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

((Sorry, is done. And no, you can't see him, even with the Robe of Eyes.))

(Um...did you just look at the DM only posts...)

A robe of eyes will see all invisible, you see him. Continue combat

(In that case The first If statement would happen.)

Spellcraft DC 17:
Darius cast Litany of Eloquence on Orion. No save, Fascinated 1 round.

(Also where is he currently and what did he do after leaving the gate? Is he invisible?)

Orion becomes fasinated by Darius' display and begins to fall from his height.

Orion roll reflex

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Nah, I thought one of my buffs prevented myself from being seen by spells like See Invisibility and the Robe of Eyes. My mistake.

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27

Even though you are facinated, you are able to land and catch yourself on a few of the brances and take no damage from the fall. However you are no longer flying

(He would be fascinated 1 round so I'll wait for him to describe his fascination as Darius's words seem to have an almost hypnotic effect, before I do my next round.)

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Orion nods as he lands upon the ground, his wings flapping twice before becoming relaxed. Yes, I see your point.

Would I get a knowledge check to identify what Darius is?

(Forgot why I spoilered this before as you know I'm an antipaladin, but he used Detect Good on you last round. Any blips?)

Detect Good:

(Gonna try not spoilering things that would just be revealed shortly.)

Round 2
Initiative 10

Darius would grin like a madman within his demonic looking armor. "Oh...don't worry. I'm sure this won't hurt me one bit." He quickly casts a Litany of Sloth on Orion(Swift action) before he quickly moves up and makes a single power attack with his wicked looking Nodachi blade.

Attack roll: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (6) + 25 = 31 to hit
Damage: 1d10 + 32 + 2d6 + 1d6 + 10d6 ⇒ (10) + 32 + (6, 6) + (4) + (3, 2, 1, 6, 3, 6, 1, 1, 6, 3) = 90

Damage breakdown:
Weapon+Power attack+Vicious+Sonic from Resounding Blow+Negative Energy from Conductive Weapon burning two Touch of Corruption charges

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Would I have a chance to make an immediate action, upon seeing him wind up for the attack? Not familiar with Litany of Sloth.

Well yes as It's your turn now Orion

Litany of Sloth

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Ah, I see not.

Breaking out of the fascination by the viciousness of the strike, Orion sneers. I see your too dangerous to mess around with! Orion wiggles his fingers and a protective field surrounds him. He clicks his heels together and appears 50 feet above Darius, before he waves his rod and blast of magic resounds below, eliminating the protective barrier and any other active magic below. Orion then vanishes into the dense forest, using the trees to mask his movements.

Spellcraft DC 19:
Spell one: Immediate action, Emergency Force Sphere. No attack of Opportunity, I think.

Spellcraft DC 20:
Spell Two: Standard Action, from item. Teleport

Spellcraft DC 24:
Spell Three: Swift Action (From the Rod). Mage's Disjunction

Fly Check to hover and navigate the dense forest:1d20 + 35 ⇒ (15) + 35 = 50

Stealth Check (From the Concealment of the trees): 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (3) + 28 = 31

(That would Provoke an AoO for not being able to cast defensively.)

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (7) + 24 = 31 No chance of failure.

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

I thought only standard action spells provoke AoOs? Actions in Combat

It's from an item, so I usualy house rule those as not provoking as they don't imo distract you from the other person. And only standards provoke, but you cast teleport

Darius your turn. You guys are the farthest battle so far, and its awesome so far, keep it up.

Point taken. You manage to bamf out. However you can not do both a swift and a immediate action in the same round.

DM's Eye's Only:
Just a reminded of The Active Ring of Spell Turning. Not sure how it interacts with disjunction but it can reflect up to 9 spell levels back.)

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Ah, then I would not have used the Emergency Force Sphere.

(Ok so Just for clarification would you teleport then disjunction then move?)

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Yup. I just used the Stealth as part of the move action. I can't really fly much further, or I will start nuking myself with my own spells, or go out of bounds.

AoO: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (5) + 26 = 31
Damage: 1d10 + 32 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 32 + (4, 5) + (2) = 48

(DM will let me know how the Disjunction goes after that AoO goes off if your still up.)

(Btw apologies for forgetting the vicious damage to self.)

Self damage: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Still up by my count.

You can reflect it if you like, remember with a Disjunction, if you use it generally, it effects buffs, not magic items. You need to target magic items for the Disjuntion to work against them

(I will Turn the Disjunction back at Orion. He should make the rolls though for his own buff spells. Can't take my turn until its resolved since he might fall to the ground for some falling damage and such.)

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Wait a are you turning an area spell back on its caster?

(Funny I was just reading both spells and arrived at the same conclusion. Apologies I'll make the proper rolls. This is going to be a major pain to recalculate. How exactly should I roll this DM?)

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Ah, thanks. If that was something you could do, there are some items I have to make for all my melee characters. XP

Resolve it up and move on to the next turn. You guys are doing awesome

(Ok...will saves for all my items? Can the disjunction in turn be dispelled if its suppressing an item? Do I use my saving throw?)

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

For a magic item you are using/wearing/touching, you use your saving throw if better. Otherwise, it is 2 + 1/2 caster level of the item. As it is suppressing the item in question, it could be dispelled to remove the effect.

(Thank you. Prepare for wall of dice.)

Will Saving Throws for items: Sword, Armor, Shield, Amulet, Belt, Boots, Bracers, Cloak, Implant, Quiver, Gloves, Hat, Headband, Ioun stone, Potion x2, Ring #1, Ring #2, Robe: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (1) + 28 = 291d20 + 28 ⇒ (14) + 28 = 421d20 + 28 ⇒ (14) + 28 = 421d20 + 28 ⇒ (20) + 28 = 481d20 + 28 ⇒ (1) + 28 = 291d20 + 28 ⇒ (8) + 28 = 361d20 + 28 ⇒ (3) + 28 = 311d20 + 28 ⇒ (12) + 28 = 401d20 + 28 ⇒ (19) + 28 = 471d20 + 28 ⇒ (2) + 28 = 301d20 + 28 ⇒ (11) + 28 = 391d20 + 28 ⇒ (4) + 28 = 321d20 + 28 ⇒ (19) + 28 = 471d20 + 28 ⇒ (4) + 28 = 321d20 + 28 ⇒ (16) + 28 = 441d20 + 28 ⇒ (17) + 28 = 451d20 + 28 ⇒ (16) + 28 = 441d20 + 28 ⇒ (13) + 28 = 411d20 + 28 ⇒ (5) + 28 = 33 vs DC ?

(Whoops messed up the format first time)

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Ah, everything is seperated now! DC 31. Keep in mind what it says about natural ones...>.>;

(Sword disenchanted permanently, Belt disenchanted permanently. Quiver suppressed which I believe means either its extra dimensional space ejects its contents or it is inaccessible. It is unclear whether my sword is actually destroyed or just the magics. DM call? I can roll with either.)

Round 3
Init 10

"YOU INSIGNIFICANT WORM! HOW DARE YOU THROW YOUR MAGICS AT THE CHAMPION OF A GOD?!" He activates his boots but doesn't leave the ground just yet as he moves to stay under Orion, his eyes locked onto him, too keen for there to be any chance of hiding from him. Swiftly using a litany of weakness on Orion(Fatigued 1 round no save).

All objects are just disenchanted. Also, if you move on to the next round, which will be GM'ed by Swagger, your items are back to normal

Orion, your up

Darius HP 397/405
Orion HP 75/213

(Huh interesting... the quiver is actually non dimensional space. I'll roll for the item inside then.)

Bow: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (11) + 28 = 39

Who knows? Wouldn't you like to know...

Orion chuckles darkly. "Oh? But I do so love my ice magic!" A small ball of blue falls to Orion's feet, exploding with the Cold Fury of a blizzard. "Oh, you weren't fond of that? How about I manipulate time?" With that, Orion blurs, and changes location, even as the ground underneath Darius disappears.

Since you can identify my spells on a 1, I won't bother hiding what I am casting. First it was a Freezing Sphere, followed by a Time Stop.

Time Stop: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Three Rounds of the Time Stop are spent casting 3 Rifts of Ruin, one on each side of Darius with the third being underneath him. In that time, I use my move actions to go back into the trees, hiding in a new location, since there are suddenly a lack of trees above where the Rifts are located. The final spell I cast is Seamantle.

Stealth Check, from the Concealment granted by the Dense Forest: 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (3) + 33 = 36

Fly Check: 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (2) + 33 = 35

Each Rift of Ruin is 60 ft and is five feet wide with the center located where Darius was, to his left, and to his right.

Three Reflex Saves, DCs are 31, 30, and 30 (For the Heightened Freezing Sphere, and then for the two Rifts you get to try and avoid falling in.

Damage for the Freezing Sphere: 15d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 2, 1, 2, 2, 6, 1, 2) = 52

Damage for falling into the Pit: 6d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5) = 33. This damage is avoided if you make the reflex saves.

(You are using a quicken metamagic on one of your first two spells? I assume so but it wasn't explicitly stated so just double checking.)

Reflex Saving throws in order: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (1) + 25 = 261d20 + 25 ⇒ (2) + 25 = 271d20 + 25 ⇒ (13) + 25 = 38

Would I fall though if I am affected by the Fly spell?

You wouldn't, but did the disjuntion remove the fly?

Round 4
Init 10

"YOU MOTHERLESS-" The ground drops out from under Darius Blackfire as his winged boots take effect saving him from falling to an delightfully helling pit. "Oh I see you decided to make me feel at home...but I'll show you what hell truly looks like." He lets out a laugh and turns his head sharply locking onto Orion once more. He flies straight at him using Litany of Sloth on him before making a single attack with his Nodachi.

Perception: 1d20 + 40 ⇒ (5) + 40 = 45
Attack: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (9) + 24 = 33
Damage if hit: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

(I just activated my boots of flying last round after the disjunction.)

Darius HP 345/405
Orion HP 66/213

Orion your up!

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