Homebrew Template, "Arcane Ronin"; Please read and review

Homebrew and House Rules

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Template – Arcane Ronin (CR variable)
This is an acquired template that may only be given to creatures capable of wielding at least one sword and who have at least 10 INT

Spellcasting: Arcane Ronin creatures gain Caster Levels, Spells Per Day, and Spells Known as a Magus of half their HD. These bonuses stack with any gained from levels as a Magus, but only non-Magus HD count for the bonus from this template.

Arcane Pool: Arcane Ronin creatures gain an Arcane Pool, as the Magus class feature, as a Magus of half their HD. This stacks with the Arcane Pool gained from Magus, but only non-Magus HD count for the bonus from this template.

Wings of Blades – The creature is capable of levitating any ‘sword’ weapon behind the creature's back in a ‘wing’ pattern. These blades must actually be in the creature’s inventory, however while the blades are levitating they do not count towards the creature’s inventory weight. Making the blades float behind the creature is a standard action, and they can be dismissed and returned to their sheathed state as a free action. There is no cost to maintain the wings. For every 5 HD the creature has, when they make a full attack action, in place of their additional attacks they instead may make an attack with one of the blades that comprise their wings at their maximum attack bonus, to a maximum of 4 additional attacks at 20 HD, not including their initial attack with a held weapon. These strikes are considered magic for the purpose of overcoming DR. When making a full attack action with the wings of blades, the additional attacks with the blades do not have to be the same target as the initial attack with the weapon the creature is using, provided the additional targets are still within their attack range for the blades. The blades that make up the wings share the same Arcane Pool enchantments as the weapon the creature is wielding. Once they have gained 15 HD, the Arcane Ronin creature gain flight speed 60 with average maneuverability with the blade wings.

Bonus Feats: Flyby Attack – When an Arcane Ronin creature reaches 15 HD, it gains Flyby attack as a bonus feat, even if the creature does not qualify for monster feats.

Ability Scores: +2 STR and +2 INT if HD is 8 or less; +4 STR, +4 INT, and +2 CON if HD is greater than 8.

Primarily what I was hoping for was help in determining a CR range, though if anyone has any suggestions for something to add, change, or remove, I'm all ears.

CR doesn't change with something like this in PF. You should balance it by taking things of equal value from the class you are giving it to.

I'm not sure there is much, if any, point to gaining half magus spell casting.

I would, if I were you, write up the wing of blade powers as Magus Arcana powers and let the magus select them normally. Compare the power of making an additional attack to what the magus could normally do with spell combat.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ok, since you're the only one who posted anything, Cranewings, I figured I'd address your points.

For the Magus Spellcasting, it's mainly because that's the first arcane class I think of when I think "Magic Swordsman", which this template is supposed to do, to an extent. If you think a different spell list would be better, I'll check it out.

As for the Wings of Blades, it stemmed primarily from the "Rule of Cool", I'll admit, but I've been working on making it a useful ability that is more the core of the template than it's spellcasting or arcane pool.

In any case, here's Arcane Ronin 1.5. I'm trying to make a template that only goes as far as CR +1. If you think it's hit that point, great, but if not, please provide suggestions for how to do so.

Template – Arcane Ronin (CR +0-+1)
This is an acquired template that may only be given to creatures capable of wielding at least one sword and who have at least 10 INT

Spellcasting: Arcane Ronin creatures gain Caster Levels, Spells Per Day, and Spells Known as a Magus of their HD. These bonuses stack with any gained from levels as a Magus, but only non-Magus HD count for the bonus from this template.

Arcane Pool: Arcane Ronin creatures gain an Arcane Pool, as the Magus class feature, as a Magus of their HD. This stacks with the Arcane Pool gained from Magus, but only non-Magus HD count for the bonus from this template.

Wings of Blades – The creature is capable of levitating any ‘sword’ weapon behind their back in a ‘wing’ pattern. These blades must actually be in the creature's inventory; however, while the blades are levitating, they do not count towards the creature's inventory weight. Making the blades float behind them is a standard action, but they can be dismissed and returned to their sheathed state as a free action. There is no cost to maintain the wings. For every 5 HD the creature has, when they make an attack action, they may attack with one of the blades that comprise their wings at a stacking -2 penalty to the attack, to a maximum of 4 additional attacks at 20 HD, not including their normal attacks with any held weapons.These strikes are considered magic for the purpose of overcoming DR. When making an attack action with the wings of blades, the additional attacks with the blades do not have to be the same target as the creature's held weapons, provided the additional targets are still within their attack range for the blades. The blades that make up the wings share the same Arcane Pool enchantments as the weapons the creature is wielding.

At 10 HD, they may use their additional attacks to enhance their AC, gaining a +1 shield bonus to AC for each blade with a +1 Pre-Arcane Pool enhancement bonus or greater.

At 15 HD, the Arcane Ronin creature gains flight speed 60 with Average maneuverability with the blade wings.

At 20 HD, the flight maneuverability improves to Good.

Bonus Feats: Flyby Attack – When an Arcane Ronin creature reaches 15 HD, it gains Flyby attack as a bonus feat, even if the creature does not qualify for monster feats.

Ability Scores: +2 STR and +2 INT if HD is 8 or less; +4 STR, +4 INT, and +2 CON if HD is greater than 8.

Eh, I like where you are going with it. I mean, it does follow the rule of cool.

I don't know if it is balanced or not. I'm not an expert on anything outside of E6 and my rules knowledge is inhibited by my lack of concern for RAW.

That said, Magus Arcana is really powerful. I think you should make a couple fighters at 5, 10, 15, and 20 HD and see if they really are only CR +1 by comparing them to characters in the DPR Olympics or related threads.

I suspect that if you put your mind to it, through shocking grasp and arcana, + extra attacks, you are going to find the damage from these guys is through the roof.

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