Firefly Game

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Wow. Sounds like fun. Wish I had been there...

Scarab Sages

mearrin69 wrote:

Hmmm. Patrick may join the crew next time...with less fireball! ;)


Mmmmm..... Fireball... Yeah, that stuffs dangerous. I can see why wizards like that spell so much...

Oh, er, um, I mean, huh, Patrick on the ship. That could make things mighty interestin'. Well, at least he's not Alliance. An "honest" businessman, someone we can deal with. Sort of.

Scarab Sages

Well, I didn't get any kills, but I guess I owe Ty a few. And I guess I can't complain about keeping the weeblies offa me while I was crawling around on the floor tryin to scrape my mind back together.

We really gotta look into a way to disable that landlock system. It's never done nothin but get us into trouble. Good thing we had a pilot that can fly a gorram brick with wings painted on it.

I dunno how happy I am sharing the ship with the Blue Sun genetically engineered plague cat, though, regardless how clean Quin thinks it is.

We still don't have any proof that Smith wasn't involved, just because the device used was on the planet, it wouldn't be that hard to contact it from the ship. And he was on the bridge peering intently at somethin right before it all happened.

But, hey, we did the job. (And, I assume, got paid, right, Captain?) And we all got shiny new suits outta it. I'm sure there's a way to get bloodstains outta silk, right?

Dark Archive

Well folks, it was an honor and a pleasure to have dropped into your game! Playing the Captain was as fun as it was amazing and I won't be forgetting it anytime soon :)

Alas, it was late and I retreated into the depths of sleep. The last bit (cut up character sheet of broken consciousness) was a stroke of genius. The things that it had going against it were...

1. Too late.
2. Too drunk, and...
3. Too small of pieces. I mean, sheesh! It looked like Wolverine had a party with each sheet! :D

Otherwise, that was an excellent mechanic to mix things up and was delighted to be apart of your swarthy crew :)

--Bill "Capt Bleak" Bryan

Sovereign Court

William, you filled the role of Captain really well, especially for hoping into it mid session. I, for one, would be psyched to have you guys join us again next year.

Dark Archive

zylphryx wrote:
William, you filled the role of Captain really well, especially for hoping into it mid session. I, for one, would be psyched to have you guys join us again next year.

Id love to. Consider it done... If everyone feels the same. Everyone?

Scarab Sages

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The crew may be a might cantankerous, and undisciplined, and maybe occasionally incompetent, and lazy, and... uh, wait, I was going somewhere with this...

Anyway treat us well, and pay us occasionally, and we'll come through in a pinch.


Welcome aboard, Captain!

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Certainly - Captain Bill and Quin will get along just fine, so long as tinkerin' in the lab is still allowed. :)

This wave is for the crew of the Swift Ox, tramp freighter "Babe."

I will be at PaizoCon 2014 and would love to GM another game of Firefly.
Who is up for it? It would be shiny if I could get last years crew together again. Let me know if you are interested.

Last we left our heroes, their ship is damaged and the crew is trying to figure out if they are on the run? Sounds like fun. (-:

Scarab Sages

Is the landlock one of the damaged systems? Maybe it should be.

Either way, Janella will be there!

The ship may be damaged, but at least my mind is together again :)

See you there!

Patrick will be fine once he gets his stomach pumped...

Shadow Lodge

Well...I'll be there -as long as we all wear those lovely silk suits. ;-)

How the heck is everyone?!

Scarab Sages

Doing pretty well here. Looking forward to July.

I dunno about the silk suit. Been a few months. I don't think all that blood is ever coming out of it....

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I'll be wearing a very fine hat...

Folks can't tell the difference between them fancy brand names and your knock offs...Unless your "silk" suit gets wet.
Or if you look at them too long. They are the fanciest Silck Suits that can be mass produced from the border world of Beaumonde.

I'm doing well, thanks. It is good to hear from you and everyone else too. (-:

So, is there only one Firefly game? I have always wanted to play one, and my local group is totally not interested.

There can be only one...

Just kidding but we're just talking about a specific annual game at PaizoCon. It's possible there'll be some room at the table but most people who have joined us previously want back in.

El-El is the boss of this game so get in touch with her closer to PaizoCon and ask if there are any open slots.

Sovereign Court

Looks like I won't be making it to Seattle this year (got a scheduling conflict with a family event and family does come first). So Tyrone will be up for grabs (though I definitely intend to be there in 2015 to resume the role). Have a blast and drink heartily for me. Of all the things at PaizoCon gaming with you folks is the thing I will be missing most.

Oh, and be sure to let me know what happens!!!!

And let me know what the oddest/most dangerous drink brought to the game is (I think you won it last year with the Fireball, Christine).

Scarab Sages

Well, that's a damn shame. Sorry ya won't be shippin' out with us, Ty. You will be missed.

Don't worry, assumin' any of us survive, we'll be back. With The Stories.

Guess I'll have to do all the shootin' myself this time. Looking forward to next, then!


<hands over a rather large firearm>

This here's my most favorite gun. I call her Mathilda 'cause she likes t'make people dance.

Scarab Sages

Tyrone 见他的鬼! wrote:

<hands over a rather large firearm>

This here's my most favorite gun. I call her Mathilda 'cause she likes t'make people dance.

Well that is a 罕见的美丽的东西.

I will keep her safe and treat her like my own 女儿,我不承认谁我有

<wipes eye, trying not to be noticed doing so>

We'll seriously miss you at this game and many others!

I was watching Firefly tonight and thought of you guys. I'm pretty sure I'll be at PaizoCon again this year, so count me in!

Sad to hear Zylphryx can't make it... You'll be missed! I'll have a few extra drinks in your honor. :)

- Mike C (aka Quinton Stoat)

Sovereign Court

Just make sure someone brings a bottle of good rum and I will be there in spirit ... yes, pun intended. ;)

Scarab Sages

zylphryx wrote:
Just make sure someone brings a bottle of good rum and I will be there in spirit ... yes, pun intended. ;)

Well, I'm employed this year, so I'll make sure to pick up something good. :)

Scarab Sages

One week to go!
And schedules are out!

Any thoughts as to when we wanna meet this year? Should I just go to the Aberdeen room and hang out? :) (I think I spent like 90% of the con last year in that one room...)

I'm coming in Wednesday night this time, staying until Sunday afternoon. So if we wanna do it Thursday, I'm down.

(I think I'll probably run my MA game on Thursday, too, if anyone who is interested can make it then)

We're in on Wednesday night as well. Have to get together for a game of something. I think we all exchanged cell phone numbers last year. If I can't find them I'll round up e-mail addresses and send out a group e-mail.

Not sure when El-El wants to run Firefly.

Last Con we played Saturday night and it worked out fine. Does that work for the majority of the crew again this year?
Any preferences?

Sovereign Court

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Y'all know I will be checking this thread for updates on the game ... I may not be able to be there, but I would love to hear how it goes.

Scarab Sages

Well, one of my lottery selections, Continuity, is Saturday night 7-11pm.

I've also got scheduled games 8am - 1pm on Friday and Saturday. (It'll be my first Pathfinder Society game with my own character!)

Everything else on my schedule I can drop or change.

If any of those times are the only time everyone else can get together, though, I'm willing to switch.

Scarab Sages

That said, if that's the only time everyone else can make it, I'll still be there.
I'm sure Continuity will be a great game, and I'm equally sure they'll find someone to take my place should I be in another 'verse with the crew of a Swift Ox freighter.

Pat Luther wrote:

That said, if that's the only time everyone else can make it, I'll still be there.

I'm sure Continuity will be a great game, and I'm equally sure they'll find someone to take my place should I be in another 'verse with the crew of a Swift Ox freighter.

I haven't heard from anyone else on the timing. If we need to move it to Friday evening, I'm good with it.

I have a game Friday: "02:00 PM – 04:00 PM Choose Your Own Character Creation Adventure"

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey, I'm in that same one! :)
Friday night's good for me. I think there's a panel I was signed up for, but I can switch it out.

We have openings in our Friday night Firefly game. Reply to this post if you are interested. Only Big Damn Heroes need apply.

We are shootin' for 7pm on Friday, start time. There are still open seats. Characters are provided. Bring dice, lots of them.

And don't get me kill't! I'd be right ornery if'n you get me kill't. 懂吗?

Have fun y'all. I hope Tyrone doesn't get killed, but if he does, make sure he goes down like a Big Damn Hero. ;)

Sadly I can't be there but I highly recommend this game! Great people to game with. :)

Hope to return to the crew next year!

- Mike C

Thanks, Mike! We miss you.

We are meeting at the Everett room. Game starts at 7pm. There are 4 characters available. First come, first serve. Word is spreading quickly about the open slots.

Babe was badly banged up.
When you stumbled upon a damaged robot ship with a full cargo was a Salvager's dream.
Until the Feds, Niska and Shen Yu got involved.

Wow, What a game! Espionage, bluffing, trickery and plans within plans.
The good news is, Niska fixed Babe and now thinks you are all dead at the hands of the Alliance.
The bad news is, Babe is painted Orange and the Alliance likes you.
You guys were great! I was truly, delightfully surprised many times by your course of action.
Thank you,so much for the participation and entertainment!

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! What did I miss!!! We're liked by the gorram Purple Bellies?!?!

Well, we kept an AI hologram of Shenyu out of that fenggougui Niska's hands. I reckon new identities and a new paintjob is the least they could have done. Don't much care for the berks but they're not as cracker-dog as Niska.

Scarab Sages

Well, Ty, if ye'd been present, we might a got on that derelict ship a might quicker, negating that whole trick with transferring power, and alertin' the alliance to our presence.

But ya weren't.

Mathilda, though, was a genuine 来源舒适的性交时间. I thank you for the loan :)

Yeah, yer right about th' new IDs, and Niska is a 狗操的混蛋... but orange? It's like we're in a gorram flying construction zone. It ain't exactly a "don't draw attention to us" kinda color.

Glad t'hear Mathilda did right by ya. She likes t'lead sometimes... ;)

Scarab Sages

Well, I'm assuming the Captain's plan is to repaint it yet again, so the Alliance don't know what color we are either.

Or I could be givin' the captain too much credit for his plannin. Wouldn't be the first time.

Orange may still be drawing less attention than our previous blue, as it's not on a list of Niska's Most Wanted.

Lotsa weirdness about that mission. Captain Bleak takin a liking to the Blue Sun Plague Cat was not the most disturbin part. Patrick turned out to not be near as much liability as I'd feared. And, in other news, I was finally able to find myself a few grenades. (Though I feel bad about the poor guard who ended up stealin them from Niska's stores. But them's the breaks I guess. Maybe nobody will notice.)

Lookin forward to flyin with you (and the rest of yall!) next year!


Scarab Sages

It was an awesome time. Not a shot fired and no one died... I think... And the overhaul of the ship removed much of the duct tape and scrounged parts with newness. And I am glad it worked out that we didn't have to shoot the alliance properties guy, it all came together really well!

Here's to the pacifist having the trump card for initiative!

Not a shot fired?!?! Wha ... what kinda jobs're you findin' us cap't?!!? We did get paid, right? I mean, a new ID is good and all, but we did also get coin, right? Right? Cap't?

Man, I wish I had been there. It sounds like it was a great game. Looking forward to next year. :)

Thank you for letting my mate and I hop in! We had quite a blast, and it was one of the many highlights of our trip!

However I agree about getting out of the whole thing without a shot fired. Of course we could have avoided quite a bit o' wrangling if the gorram sensors would get upgraded!

Shadow Lodge

I'm glad spots were filled! As for no shots did anything even get done?! I'm so happy we have an orange ship! HAHAHA! Now that things are settling down for anyone interested in having a game night? Maybe towards the middle or end of August? I miss the heck out of you all! We can even just go grab some grub and drinks if that's more along the lines of what people want.

Sovereign Court

Sounds great, but I'm on the east coast. ;)

Looking forward to 2015 though. You bring the Fireball and I'll bring the rum. :)

Scarab Sages

I'd totally be up for a game night!

Firefly? Deadlands? I'm willing to run Metamorphosis Alpha, especially since I never got a chance to run it at the con.

I can also run some Call of Cthulhu or Dogs in the Vineyard with a bit of time to prepare.

Maybe we should take this one offline so we don't annoy everyone by spamming the forum :) Is there an appropriate LFG section around here somewhere?

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