Scenario Seasons

Pathfinder Society

I'll apologize in advance, as I'm sure this is covered elsewhere - I simply can't find elsewhere. There are only nine retired scenarios, correct? The others are all current, official and viable? If so, then "seasons" don't mean any more than a handy listing in order of release date, yes?

1/5 **

Michael Radagast wrote:

I'll apologize in advance, as I'm sure this is covered elsewhere - I simply can't find elsewhere. There are only nine retired scenarios, correct? The others are all current, official and viable? If so, then "seasons" don't mean any more than a handy listing in order of release date, yes?

Correct. Well, mostly.

The season 0 stuff, for example, is still 3.5 and has not been updated (with a single exception, IIRC), but anything not retired is still legal for play.

Grand Lodge 4/5

No, they have additional meanings.

Season 0 scenarios, for the most part, were designed and built with 3.5E rules and creatures. Only scenario 5 - Mists of Mwangi - has been updated, so far, to Pathfinder rules.

Season 1 was the first PFRPG season, and and was still a bit - piecemeal - for where and when things happened, no overall season theme.

Season 2 is the first season that had an overarching plotline running in the background (and foreground) for the entire season, the Shadow Lodge conspiracy.

Season 3 also has an overarching plotline, based around the Pathfinder module, The Ruby Phoenix Tournament, and the events leading into the tournament, and the experimentation with the prize the Pathfinder Society wound up with as a result of their team winning the tournament.

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