My Profound Apologies....

PaizoCon General Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I want to offer my profound apologies to all of the people I disappointed by my lack of appearance on Saturday and Sunday. After attending on Friday, I went home and went to sleep only to wake up with a horrible headache and the flu (flu like symptoms anyways). I suspect that one of the many guests who was at the Con was sick themselves and it got to me.

So being sick, I could not attend the event that I was scheduled to host (Dreyfeld Manor) on Saturday, the banquet on Saturday evening, and all of SUnday just meeting people. To those people who signed up for my event, I am terribly sorry but I could not ride my motorcycle to PaizoCon with the flu for the chance of something even worse happening.

Next year, I will take extra steps in making sure I do not get ill...

William Z. Cohen

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
william cohen wrote:

I want to offer my profound apologies to all of the people I disappointed by my lack of appearance on Saturday and Sunday. After attending on Friday, I went home and went to sleep only to wake up with a horrible headache and the flu (flu like symptoms anyways). I suspect that one of the many guests who was at the Con was sick themselves and it got to me.

So being sick, I could not attend the event that I was scheduled to host (Dreyfeld Manor) on Saturday, the banquet on Saturday evening, and all of SUnday just meeting people. To those people who signed up for my event, I am terribly sorry but I could not ride my motorcycle to PaizoCon with the flu for the chance of something even worse happening.

Next year, I will take extra steps in making sure I do not get ill...

William Z. Cohen

One of the realities of cons is that there a lot of people getting together and personally talking to each other, shaking their hands, passing out goodies from far off lands, etc. People from long distances away mingling with each other often create a nasty cocktail of flu, cold, and what have you germs that's pretty difficult to shake off. Con funk. Some years are worse than others. It's always sad when a someone comes down with it at the Con before the festivities can really begin. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Silver Crusade


My wife and I were in Dreyfield on Saturday, we hope your ok. We still had a blast. Take care.

In Anime Convention circles they call that ConSARS. Can clear up as quickly as it appears. Many think it is a combination of low-grade germs and fatigue from all the events and excitement. I got it a couple months ago after a four-day con in San Jose. Lasted about three days. I just couldn't stop sleeping.

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