The Curse of the Dark Lady: An impromptu short game / alpha playtest

PaizoCon General Discussion

Hey all,

I'm looking to throw my hat into the ring as a writer and a third party publisher, and I have a short Pathfinder scenario that needs playtesting and feedback. I'll be snagging a table in the open gaming area and hope to get some folks to run through this with pregenerated characters. This will happen between 1pm-7pm on Friday and/or 3pm-6pm on Saturday.

This is a high seas adventure, and might fit well as a set piece in an ongoing Skull and Shackles campaign. As it stands, I'm designing it around a party of four 10th level characters. Whether this ends up as a piece in Kobold Quarterly, a free pdf to introduce people to my work, or just another adventure that makes my players rue the day they ever sat in front of my GM screen, remains to be seen.

I'm not taking reservations for spots, as this isn't an official game and I don't have an exact day or start time. However, I wanted to get the word out in case there were people interested so they could look me up. If any 3PP people or Paizo staff want to sit in, I'd be feel especially privileged to have your experience at the table.


Just 'cause...

Here's a little background/overview of the adventure. Those of you that recognize the song will understand my inspiration.

The Dark Lady:

lyrics by Bernadette Gillece, "Golarionized' by Jeff Lee

A fierce one-eyed man named Baron LeBonne,
A meaner pirate had never been known,
And he sailed on the Dark Lady
A ship strong and sound with a perilous crew,
And high on the mast the skull and bones flew,
Fleet and swift was the Dark Lady.

And every night the Baron would drink a toast.
He'd say, "Here's to my lovely lady host!
My one true love..."
"Hear, hear!" the crew replied,
And the Dark Lady sighed.

A rich Chelish galleon was spotted one night.
The Dark Lady's crew prepared for the fight.
Clash of swords.... No Chelaxian survived it.
Except for the maiden with dark eyes so bold,
Found in the hull with the jewels and the gold.
LeBonne laughed, and took her for ransom.

And every night the Baron would drink a toast.
He'd say, "Here's to our lovely lady host!
My one true love..."
"Hear, hear!" the crew replied,
And the Dark Lady sighed.

The girl Carlotta was a beauty quite rare.
With each passing night LeBonne couldn't bear
His empty bed. He brought her to it.
The Baron soon found he felt more than desire.
His love for her grew and his soul filled with fire.
He proclaimed that they would marry.

That night the Baron drank with jubilee.
He said, "Here's to my lovely bride-to-be!
My one true love..."
"Hear, hear!" the crew replied,
And the Dark Lady cried.

The following night a storm brewed at sea.
The Dark Lady saw her chance to be free
Of her rival, the beauty Carlotta.
The ship steered herself to the heart of the gale,
Where a wave swept the maiden out over the rail.
Sweet revenge on an unfaithful lover.

That night the Lady drank a toast.
She said, "Here's to your lovely lady host!
Your one true love..."
No voices replied.
And the Dark Lady smiled.

And now any night when a storm fills the sky,
They say that a ghost ship sails in its eye.
Fleet and swift is the Dark Lady.
A ship strong and sound with a perilous crew,
And high on the mast the skull and bones flew,
While the captain gazes out to sea.

And every night the Baron must drink a toast.
He says, "Here's to our lovely lady host.
My one true love...."
"Hear, hear!" the ghost crew replies,
And the Dark Lady smiles.

In years past, the greatest terror on the seas was the inimitable Baron LeBonne, a minor Taldan nobleman turned pirate. LeBonne’s early career was notable only in his lack of success as a captain. He splurged his family’s modest fortune on ship after ship, only to be defeated time and again. Finally he signed on as the first mate of another captain’s ship and attempted to turn the crew against the captain. The mutiny failed and LeBonne was marooned on a small island in the Shackles.

There, it is said, he made a deal with a dark power that slumbered in the Ghol Ghan ruins. Whatever happened, LeBonne returned with a new ship, The Dark Lady. With his new vessel and a renewed vigor, LeBonne set into the nearest port, somehow guiding the vessel in alone. With his reputation, only the desperate or insane would sign on as crew. It mattered not to Baron LeBonne. His first foray took him against the captain of the ship that marooned him. He defeated them handily and slaughtered them to a man, leaving one adrift to tell the tale, if Besmara favored him enough to be rescued from the open ocean. So began LeBonne’s reign of terror.

For ten years The Dark Lady was the scourge of the sea. The sight of LeBonne’s flag—a fanged skull circle by six cutlasses—struck terror in the hearts of the most valiant sailors, as did the unmistakable appearance of his ship’s demonic figurehead.

Then came the fateful day he attacked and captured a Chellish galleon. Carlotta, daughter of the governor of Sargava, was aboard, being shipped off to an arranged marriage. Here the tale diverges into speculation. What is known is that LeBonne and his Dark Lady vanished soon after and the maiden with them. Some say the Chelaxian armada caught up with him and sunk his ship, accidentally killing the governor’s daughter in an overzealous attack. Others contend a sudden storm sank his vessel before he could make port and deliver a ransom note. Still others say that the maiden was against her marriage, and forged an alliance with LeBonne and they settled rich and happy on some desert isle for the rest of their lives, yet that happy ending rings false in light of other tales.... It is said that the Dark Lady haunts storm-wracked waters, a ghost ship with an undead crew that take no prisoners and leave no one alive in their wake.

I will try to play if possible but got a game at 6pm but sounds like fun but you game with me all the time so I will bow out if others want too play.

Muh Hahahaha..... Pre generated characters?? I'm in!!! :)

ButterflyChaser wrote:
Muh Hahahaha..... Pre generated characters?? I'm in!!! :)

Nope, you get to beta test with Zinnia after I've revised it. :P

Damnit! Poison water! :( :)

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