Rush - Clockwork Angels

Music & Audio

Liberty's Edge

Got it for Father's Day. I'm a huge Rush fan, but it always takes a few listens for a new album to settle into my mind.

This one was easy, because the entire album is a concept piece. It's essentially a steampunk rock opera.

My one gripe, as always, is that Rush's studio albums always sound overly precise and polished. They always sound better live. I'm certain that this tour will be no different.

Grand Lodge

This is interesting. I never considered Rush Steampunk. In fact I really never considered Rush much of anything other than Hard Rock in its broadest sense. They have a style that really is all there own; and as a result, difficult to pigeon hole.

I have not heard the album. What makes it Steampunk? Is it very different from Snakes & Arrows, which I thought was one of their best albums in recent memory?



Liberty's Edge

The steampunk is the storyline, not the music style. It tells a story of a society where the technolgy is steam-powered and clockwork mechanisms.

The dominant religious philosophy of the culture incorporates reverence for these technologies. Everything is very orderly.

At least until the protagonist gets involved.

As far as musical style goes, it seems to incorporate elements of all their previous albums, which makes me speculate that this may be their last album. :-/

I'm sure the title Clockwork Angels had something to do with Cuchulainn's descriptor.

Following Signals, Rush's albums have been more of a grower instead of a grabber when I listen to them initially. But I agree: the live show kicks much more ass versus the studio polish.

They're rolling through here in Columbus, but unless someone blesses me with a care package at the 11th hour, I'll likely miss them this tour.

EDIT: partially ninja'ed by OP.

Grand Lodge

Cuchulainn wrote:
The steampunk is the storyline, not the music style.

Ahh! There is a music style referred to as Steampunk, and I never considered Rush a part of that movement. So thanks for the clarification. In times past Rush has done mostly a good job with concept pieces (Very Good with 2112, Cygnux X-1, and less so with like the The Necromancer). I look forward to picking up a copy.

I saw Rush last about three to four years ago. Awesome as always, but the pocket book this time around may say no.

I could see this as their last album too. Their longevity has been amazing. They have quite the body of work. And how old will they be in another five years?



Liberty's Edge

Rush is an amazing band live - I've seen them a number of times, going as far back as the Power Windows tour, right up to the Snakes and Arrows tour (twice in fact! :) and Time Machine tour.

Can't wait to get this new album!!!!

Liberty's Edge

So, I've been listening to it in my car all day, and I think this may be my favorite studio album since Roll the Bones. It's not that I didn't like Counterparts, Test for Echo, Vapor Trails and Snakes and Arrows; it's just that these albums had some strong songs and some forgettable ones.

This album is solid and strong all the way through. It makes me want to start it over as soon as it ends.

At this rate, I'll have the whole thing memorized by the end of the week.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Rush is my fave band off and on, in tandem with Dream Theater.

Love this cd, after being somewhat disappointed with Vapor Trails and Snakes & Arrows. I'd put this up at Counterparts level. Especially The Wreckers and The Garden.

Grand Lodge

For someone that thought Snakes and Arrows was the best album since Roll the Bones, Clockwork Angels maybe the best album since A Farewell to Kings. It may not have a truly exceptional song like Faithless; but that song is one of the best songs written by anyone over the last ten years. It has good song after good song from beginning to end. The eleventh and twelfth songs are two the best (Wish them Well and The Garden). And Headlong Flight has riffs reminiscent of early Rush. It is a powerful song that will likely be nothing short of amazing live. Great album! A must buy for any Rush fan, and for those that are not, you are likely not reading this thread anyway.



Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Clockwork Angels has made a fan of my six-year old. He always asks to listen to it when he gets into my car. His favorite song is "the Anarchist."

He also now asks to watch my Rush concert DVDs. I have R30, Rush in Rio, and Snakes and Arrows.

I does my heart good. :-)

Liberty's Edge

A strange bit of good fortune befell me yesterday. One of my coworkers at the community college sent out an email offering her Rush tickets for free to the first person to respond. My wife, who also teaches at the college, saw the email and got the tickets.

So, after having decided months ago that we couldn't afford to go, we got to go for FREE!!

3 hours and 28 songs. Amazing show!

Grand Lodge

Congrats. How were the Clockwork Angels song and how many?

Liberty's Edge

They played almost the entire album. The didn't play BU2B or Wish Them Well, and they didn't play the BU2B Reprise. They also played some of them out of order, probably to make the point that they were featuring the new album, but not performing it as a complete work.

The had a live string ensemble playing with them, and it was quite entertaining watching violinsts and cellists head banging while playing.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Cuchulainn I'm glad you enjoyed the concert! I'm more than a little jealous.

On a side note, has anyone read the companion novel? I'm not a huge fan of Anderson's Star Wars novels but I'm somewhat curious enough to maybe give this a shot. Thoughts?

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