No.1 and No. 2, What Does a Sailor Do?

Skull & Shackles

Specifically, where on the ship do the crew eliminate? Overboard? In the bilge? In pots that swabs dump? Sure, this always (usually) gets glossed over in fiction/movies but I'm sure I'll have to answer the question eventually. Might be a way to hide some incriminating evidence or require a bit of description for humiliating punishment.


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Ever wonder where the term "The Head" came from?

Mort beat me to it. Nominally you one uses either bundlines from the bowsprite to the forecastle (streched taut ropes) or the forecastle (beak) over the bow. In heavy seas, this means... instant washing^^ Pretty cold business at times and no place to loiter


"Master and Commander" provides the answer (should be due course to watch for most things naval in the campaign, hehe ), take note of the guy with the pulled down trousers on the left.

Captains may have their own private outhouse mounted sideways off the great cabin, in the side galleries.

And yes, people were (in our campaign ) pushed off it. that's why you need people watching your back...

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