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A sea singer gains the following types of bardic performance:
Sea Shanty (Su): A sea singer learns to counter seasickness and exhaustion during long sea voyages. Each round of a sea shanty, he makes a Perform skill check. Allies within 30 feet (including the sea singer) may use his Perform check in place of a saving throw against becoming exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, or sickened; if already under such an effect, a new save is allowed each round of the sea shanty, using the bard’s Perform check for the save. A sea shanty has no effect on instantaneous effects or effects that do not allow saves. This ability requires audible components.
This might be obvious to most, but Im not sure if this would work for the fatigue brought on by hard work. Reason is that that fatigue dont allow a save, it's just from not knowing your job to well and working harder to do it. So, how will others run this? I have a player playing one of these bards, so would like help in figuring out how I will rule this.