Yet another suggestion for the downloads section

Website Feedback

Could we get recently added downloads (say, purchased in the last month or so) highlighted in some way (different colour would seem to be the easiest to my web-design-ignorant mind)?

I'm looking at the My Downloads page, and some areas could really do with something like that to save me some precious time (okay, so it's only about half a second, my point is that, much like this sentence, it's getting a bit cluttered and hard to read, and while I'm sure that, for instance the Pathfinder Campaign Setting part could be split up in different sections, the Open Design section could be divided by magazines and Midgard products and so on, a simple highlight seems like an easy fix).

Hope that made sense.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

That's not a bad idea, but for now you probably want to click the "Date Added To My Downloads" link at the top of the list.

Thanks for answering.

Also: D'oh! Why didn't I try that first? *facepalms*

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