Marthian |

So I've had it to here with our local Venture Captain. It always seems like he's picking on me over everyone else. Here's some of the crap that's happened.
*He told a new player about how PFS goes up to level 12, but I just mention that there is play for it past 12, but no modules for it. He gets upset at me for "confusing" them and then hits me on the head.
*He's modified scenarios on occasion (He gave the magus in "Cyphermage dilemma" shocking grasp, while the scenario explicitly says acid touch. Which is ironic because he goes after others for it.
*I've seen a lot of archers pull out like 10 attacks a round with their bows and pets, yet when I even try doing Arcane Mark with my magus, he says I'm cheesing it, and would make me wear a cheesehead hat because of it. I do that with another GM, and he doesn't even care about it.
*Probably an issue with the gunslinger, but it sounds like he wants to make it impossible for me to play. They already lose out on a lot of stuff (I play a pistolero, 20' range, misfire can break firearms, you actually HAVE to be close to do much, you can't target touch past first range increment.) and he says Rapid Reload and Alchemical Cartridges reduce the reload speed to a swift action, but NOWHERE does it say swift action in reloading.
*He told me not to spoil the scenario, but he was just as guilty of it.
I may be overreacting, but I really do feel like I'm being targeted for breaking the rules of the game, but I try as hard as possible to follow RAW.

Chris Lambertz |

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