Mokmurian in Hero Lab

Rise of the Runelords

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This may be a stupid question but I haven't found anything using googlefu on this.

When I go to create Mokmurian in Hero Lab, he always comes out as a CR21 (Stone Giant race +14 levels of Wizard.)

According to d20pfsrd and multiple other sources, he is supposed to be a CR18 when directly converted to PF. Has anyone else seen this, or am I doing something wrong?

Here is his converted statblock according to d20pfsrd.

Liberty's Edge

This is a bug in HL. HL is adding 13 to the base CR of a stone giant (14 levels -1 then added to 8) and this is incorrect.

According to page 297 of the Bestiary, when adding class levels to a creature with racial hit dice, you add to the CR depending on the class being added to the creature. Since giants can be considered combat creatures, adding levels in wizard increases the CR one for every two levels added until class dice equal racial dice, then you increase the CR by one for every level added beyond that.

So in the case of Mokmurian:

8 (base CR) + 4 (1/2 of 8 class levels) + 6 (remaining class levels) = CR 18

Might be worth bringing this up on the hero lab forums.

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