Limits of skill usage in Pathfinder Society Organized Play

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages

Are we not allowed to use the Diplomacy skill to get partial payment up front? Or at least convince the NPCs to loan us mundane things like climbing gear, or horses? Or even to pay for food and lodging while we are in town. I can understand that for balance reasons, that we cant use diplomacy to increase the max amount of gold allowed per the adventure- but sometimes, especially when you only have 4 people at a table meant for 6, that extra healing potion at the beginning of an adventure can mean the difference between life and character death! So, we negotiate for a small advance to buy that healing potion. Or, say you pool all the resources of the entire party and are still 20gold shy of affording that +1 sword for your fighter. In cases like this- a little diplomacy can make a big difference. So for RULES reasons, you cant get the shopkeep to give you a discount, BUT you COULD get him to agree to let you borrow the sword and leaving the gold as a deposit? (redistributing the gold back to the players at the end of the adventure) Just thinking/ hoping we could get some leniency on this?

I'm kinda tempted to cross-post this to the suggestions board...

Vixeryz wrote:
Or, say you pool all the resources of the entire party and are still 20gold shy of affording that +1 sword for your fighter.

Notwithstanding the other stuff you mentioned, you're not supposed to buy gear for other PCs in PFS.

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

Hello. This question may be more suited to the PFS board. Scenarios are currently written for 4 players so there is no "table meant for 6" currently. In the future, they will be designed for 6 players, with the option to scale down to 4 players.

As far as lodgings in town, most times that is abstracted away. You may come across times where negotiations for board may be necessary, and sometimes those things will have Diplomacy DCs built into the scenario for such provisions.

As Hogarth said, buying things for other characters is one of those things you shouldn't really do. They've got provisions for pitching in for things like Raise Dead, but it assumes that the money you throw out towards helping a party member can't be reimbursed. It may just be best to wait until the fighter can mostly afford the sword and people pitch in a small amount. In PFS, trading and giving things among players isn't allowed to help keep wealth in check. (Players A, B, and C can't permanently give all of their stuff to Player D, making him walking bank vault while the others are destitute.)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Vixeryz wrote:

Are we not allowed to use the Diplomacy skill to get partial payment up front? Or at least convince the NPCs to loan us mundane things like climbing gear, or horses? Or even to pay for food and lodging while we are in town. I can understand that for balance reasons, that we cant use diplomacy to increase the max amount of gold allowed per the adventure- but sometimes, especially when you only have 4 people at a table meant for 6, that extra healing potion at the beginning of an adventure can mean the difference between life and character death! So, we negotiate for a small advance to buy that healing potion. Or, say you pool all the resources of the entire party and are still 20gold shy of affording that +1 sword for your fighter. In cases like this- a little diplomacy can make a big difference. So for RULES reasons, you cant get the shopkeep to give you a discount, BUT you COULD get him to agree to let you borrow the sword and leaving the gold as a deposit? (redistributing the gold back to the players at the end of the adventure) Just thinking/ hoping we could get some leniency on this?

I'm kinda tempted to cross-post this to the suggestions board...

I can't think of a scenario I've run or played where you were offered gold for your services. Generally it's just a Venture-Captain sending you on a mission for the Society. That said, if it ever came up tat you were being hired to do something, I'd be willing to allow you to negotiate for partial payment up front if the scenario didn't specify otherwise.

Pooling resources temporarily to buy something is somewhat problematic due to the way ownership of items is handled, but there's nothing against it in the rules as long as one person winds up paying the full cost and owning the item at the end of the scenario. Note that the "one person" cannot be a pre-gen character.

As far as getting a loan from an NPC, I don't see that being very likely. Adventurers live dangerous lives and loaning them equipment, even with a deposit, is a bad risk -- unless you get at least enough cash to compensate for the loss of the item. NPCs are not Hertz Rent-A-Sword. If an NPC is willing to give or loan equipment to the PCs, then that will be spelled out in the scenario for the GM.

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West


I can't think of a scenario I've run or played where you were offered gold for your services. Generally it's just a Venture-Captain sending you on a mission for the Society. That said, if it ever came up tat you were being hired to do something, I'd be willing to allow you to negotiate for partial payment up front if the scenario didn't specify otherwise.

There actually a few scenarios where you can negotiate to get some advanced payment. Those usually have a DC written into the scenario, though. In the cases I've seen, the PCs themselves have to bring up the subject of payment, and then work from there. The NPC are probably more than happy thinking that the Pathfinder Society is willing to do the work for free.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

There is a rule against pooling gold for equipment. You can never transfer gold, equipment, magic, etc. permenantly from one PC to another. You can lend them stuff temporarily, so as long as the lent gold is returned at the end of the scenario, you can pool resources at the beginning to get the magic sword or whatever. if for some reason the players can't repay you, the item would get sold (for half price) and the gold repaid.

The only thing people can pool gold for is spellcasting services, usually for raise dead.

Sczarni 4/5

Those extra healing potions can often be found during adventure and are free to use, so just make double search each time on places you visit.

Scarab Sages

David Montgomery wrote:
Hello. This question may be more suited to the PFS board. Scenarios are currently written for 4 players so there is no "table meant for 6" currently. In the future, they will be designed for 6 players, with the option to scale down to 4 players.

Considering one adventure I was in with 4 players and the band of thugs that attacked us originally had longswords and the GM had to scale it down to daggers so that the thug didnt take out the fighter in one hit?...

Yeah- I would say that scenario was designed for a beefier party

Scarab Sages

Scott Young wrote:

There is a rule against pooling gold for equipment. You can never transfer gold, equipment, magic, etc. permenantly from one PC to another. You can lend them stuff temporarily, so as long as the lent gold is returned at the end of the scenario, you can pool resources at the beginning to get the magic sword or whatever. if for some reason the players can't repay you, the item would get sold (for half price) and the gold repaid.

The only thing people can pool gold for is spellcasting services, usually for raise dead.

The intent was- that the money liquidated from "items found" would be enough to repay the other characters out of the "borrower's" share. and Indeed, the person owning the item at the end would have paid 70-90% of the cost up front. I'm not talking about thousands of gold here- I'm talking more like the other players would loan you (collectively) 200g AT MOST. Altho, likely less than that.

And regarding the person who made the "hertz rent-a-sword" comment...
I was talking like the player "renting" the sword would have put down 80-90% of the purchase price. If you know anything about how business works- the price that the shopkeep sells at is a markup of cost to make + labor. So, if the PC never comes back- he still didnt lose money on the item. Its actually not much different than negotiating for a discount of 10-20% off in a home game. BUT since we are supposed to survive and we are (mostly) honorable. We would deduct the remaining cost from what we get at the end of the adventure.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1) If a band of thugs with longswords will kill the Fighter, it sounds more like a badly built Fighter rather than a scenario designed for a beefier party.

And a d4 instead of a d8 for damage is a minimal decrease in average damage per hit. Still sounds like the Fighter was built for something besides his primary role, combat. Or else that someone wasn't paying attention to their tactics. NEVER let a group of enemies swarm you where they can get flanking on you. Want to bet the GM "took it easy" and decided that he was going to switch them to daggers, and not apply their sneak attack damage?

Besides, to be honest, a +1 weapon is not going to help very much, if at all, in the situation described, since it was related to getting hit, rather than hitting your opponents.

2) As to "borrowing" money from other PCs? Not legal for the campaign. If you can't afford the item from your own funds, you will just have to do without.

For a +1 weapon lack? The PC could have spent 50 gp to buy a potion of Magic Weapon. If he is only a few gold short of the 2,000 gp needed to make an existing weapon +1, he could afford several.

That is assuming that his weapon is already masterwork, and, in most circumstances, that +1 enhancement is a waste of time and money. A +1 weapon only has the benefit of doing 1 more point of damage per hit, and bypassing DR/Magic over a masterwork weapon. For that case, invest 50 gp for the rare circumstances where you need to overcome DR before you can actually afford a +1 weapon.

Scarab Sages

My 2¢ ... this isn't a game of economics. It's a game of heroic adventure. I would suggest that if you're that bound up in the business accounting of liquidating assets, profit margins, markup price, renting, and collection of debt, you might have a different outlook on this game that most players.

It's not legal ... and it's not "for RULES reasons", it's because most of us aren't trying to game the system by trying to get something that they haven't earned yet. Let's just say, "No, you can't do this", and move forward, eh?

Dark Archive 4/5

Vixeryz wrote:

Considering one adventure I was in with 4 players and the band of thugs that attacked us originally had longswords and the GM had to scale it down to daggers so that the thug didnt take out the fighter in one hit?...

Yeah- I would say that scenario was designed for a beefier party

Tell your GM to stop cheating?

The Exchange 5/5

kinevon wrote:

....snipping some good ...

2) As to "borrowing" money from other PCs? Not legal for the campaign. If you can't afford the item from your own funds, you will just have to do without.
...snipping to reduce space....

Actually, as I understand it, this is not true. During an adventure you may borrow stuff from another PC (even money), it just gets "returned" at the end of the evening. Several times during a game I have loaned something (even money) to another PC, realizing that they have to return it at the end of the adventure.

I have a cleric who regularly hands each of the PCs at the table a ring to wear during the game (Focus for Shield Other spell). several players have stated that their PCs go and hock the rings... I just point out that the ring comes back to my PC at the end - and they would have to play the full price to replace it if they sold it. ;) It seems you are safer loaning stuff to PCs than to Players... I'm still out a lot of stuff loaned to PLAYERS....

Liberty's Edge 4/5

a ring to wear during the game (Focus for Shield Other spell)

Wait till you fail your save, taking full AoE spell damage, fall unconscious with just a few points from dead. Than realize that you were being helpful to that new player in your faction and so take half his. DEAD.

The Exchange 5/5

Jeff Morse wrote:

a ring to wear during the game (Focus for Shield Other spell)

Wait till you fail your save, taking full AoE spell damage, fall unconscious with just a few points from dead. Than realize that you were being helpful to that new player in your faction and so take half his. DEAD.

I'm sorry Jeff, I do not understand your post. Please expand on the point you are trying to make.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Vixeryz wrote:

Considering one adventure I was in with 4 players and the band of thugs that attacked us originally had longswords and the GM had to scale it down to daggers so that the thug didnt take out the fighter in one hit?...

Yeah- I would say that scenario was designed for a beefier party

GMs aren't supposed to change anything in the scenario.

This sounds like a loosey-goosey home game.


nosig wrote:
I'm sorry Jeff, I do not understand your post. Please expand on the point you are trying to make.

Pathfinder Society characters aren't supposed to help each other, if it means putting themselves in danger. That's why my PCs always stay at home, hiding in a cupboard. :-)

Liberty's Edge 4/5

nosig wrote:
Jeff Morse wrote:

a ring to wear during the game (Focus for Shield Other spell)

Wait till you fail your save, taking full AoE spell damage, fall unconscious with just a few points from dead. Than realize that you were being helpful to that new player in your faction and so take half his. DEAD.

I'm sorry Jeff, I do not understand your post. Please expand on the point you are trying to make.

fireball trap 6d6= 20 damage. fail save and get knocked to -5. Than because you have "shield other" to help your buddy, you take half of his too. dead. Just saying, you might want to avoid those area effects that hit both of you.

Scarab Sages

Jeff ... I hate to say it, man: im not certain that i understand either Are you certain that you're posting in the right thread? I'm not following your post about death and shield other having to do with purchasiing things and sharing resources?

The Exchange 5/5

Jeff, are you trying to tell me NOT to cast Shield Other? Hate to brake the news to you guy, but I do it alot. I've been doing it sense 2nd level when I found the Dwarven spell Watchful Eye (a 1st level S.O.). I tend to put my PC where my channel healing will hit both of us - so the monster does something like 6D6 in a round to my parties Glass Cannon (Shield Other gives a +1AC,and +1 save, at low levels this really helps) and I take half of it. Then I channel, healing us both for 3d6... One guy commented after a fight that he had taken over 3 times his hit points, and was still up slugging away when the last BG dropped. (this was also the only time I thought of dropping the spell before the end of the combat - that last round was pushing it).

OH! it helps that my cleric has SR also, after I hit 7th level or so it seems to have kicked in and now I actually don't take some of the AOE my PC would normally be getting - just the half damage from the Shielded guy. And if he saves due to the +1 I gave him... means we each take 1/4 damage and I'll channel that away.

Over all, Shield Other is a great team spell. Spread the damage out... then do AOE healing.


shield other sucks as a close range spell. Now throw in a rod of reach and the spell has some value.

The Exchange 5/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
shield other sucks as a close range spell. Now throw in a rod of reach and the spell has some value.

like most spells (and other things) it's all relative. and a lot of OP suffers from that "small map syndrom".

more Shield Other derailing:

My cleric has the best AC at the table (sometimes by as much as 10 points), and the best movement (dwarven, Travel domain, Longstrider spell gives me 40' move and Nimble feet means he moves thru difficult terrain, Fly as a domain spell - and now at 8th level he get's Dimintional Hop as well). In fact, it is often hard to stay within close range of my target (40' or so), but Pearls of Power 1st bring back the 1st level version

but we should be talking about skill usage in PFSOP
so, about Taking 10 on skill checks.... (nosig droons on...feel free to tune him out) ...Insert lots of old comments here....

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