Racial paragon classes


has there been any adaptation to pathfinder for this? i have used the 3.5 versions with some success but it didnt feel very satisfying, i have been kicking around some bloodline tie in ideas but i was wondering if anyone else explored this.

The 3.5 versions were my most hated classes. I prefer the racial class archetypes being done in the ARG.

I don't think those'd work after the Advanced Race Guide is up, since everyone would want to make their own paragon classes for their own faves, or to some homebrew races (since the book has rules for creating those).

I liked the Paragon classes as they hinted at the original Blue book race as classes.
Back when you could be a fighter, magic user, cleric, thief, dwarf or elf.

We've come a long way baby.

well im glad i preordered the race guide then

Dark Archive

I've always wondered if anyone ever tried to build a character with two paragon classes (like half-elf and human) and then went directly into a prestige class. Always felt that'd be kind of interesting. :)

I enjoyed the classes but I found that I can do more with just a couple feats instead. Most of the time I just wanted the character to feel more dwarf-, elf-, human-, whatever-like. I can do that with feats and other optional racial traits. I can also do that with the favored class options. I also don't have to give up my class options to do it.

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