Will Frog God Games be at GenCon this year?

Product Discussion

Liberty's Edge

If so, what goodies can we expect to be able to purchase live and in person? (hoping for some autographed books I have been holding off on buying online....)

I’m pretty sure they’ve said they will be at Gen Con.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

They are planning to have RA out at Gencon so yes I am sure they are going to be there.

The people demand it.

Frog God Games

Blond Frog and I think Greg will be. I just cannot take the time away from the day job.

I think Greg is there w/ Paizo (not sure). Rumor has it we MAY have an OSR booth that carries our SW line, and Paizo will of course have our entire Pathfinder line.

Liberty's Edge

And there was much rejoicing....Yay!!

Bill Webb wrote:

Blond Frog and I think Greg will be. I just cannot take the time away from the day job.

I think Greg is there w/ Paizo (not sure). Rumor has it we MAY have an OSR booth that carries our SW line, and Paizo will of course have our entire Pathfinder line.

You'll be able to find me at the SPA events that I'll be running so come say hi!

Frog God Games

I have confirmed that I will be working the Paizo booth as I have in previous years.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
I have confirmed that I will be working the Paizo booth as I have in previous years.

Just a quick warning, Greg; I'm currently two sessions into running my group through Slumbering Tsar, and they've already threatened violence against you for what they've gone through.

You may want to wear a disguise.

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