Survival: The Campaign

Homebrew and House Rules

Scarab Sages

So I've been watching an older series/social experiment called The Colony by Discovery Channel here in the US where a bunch of strangers are isolated, disoriented, then dropped into a post-apocalyptic environment to see how the group can survive and rebuild.
This got me to thinking about a survival-themed campaign. Highly skills intensive. Player vs. Environment in the truest sense of the phrase.
My Ideas:
Very low magic. -- As in no "create food/water" spells. Any food must be scavenged/hunted.

Survival -- will help you identify what to eat, but one must gather, cook, purify, etc. using different skills. Roll a 20? Spot a deer. Roll init. Kill deer? Awesome! Now roll to see how well you butcher it. D% of the meat available +25% or something similar. Now you have meat. Wonderful! How to preserve such a large amount of meat? It'll be rotten in a couple days (at most).

Night falls. -- Do you have shelter. Can you build a tepee or similar temporary shelter? Is there a building nearby? Who's on first watch?

All this with a Goal. Something like make it to X town. Town may or may not be overrun by Marauders depending on how much fun the players are having.

Has anyone run anything like this before? Is there a product I can reference or something to see if this is even viable? Has someone run a character in this? Was it fun?

Thoughts? How would you run this kind of very low combat/ Skill intensive campaign?

To run this style of game, you need to right down a small rulebook that you can give to your players so they know what they are doing, becuase in this scenario, they may ba killed very quickly. If you need a reference guide, look at the d20 Modern Apocalypse supplement. It has a lot of helpful information, it just needs to be converted to the Pathfinder system

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I've been working on this sort of thing for a while. Feel free to dig through it to see if there is anything you can use, though it is still a work in progress.

The above was designed to emulate a "Fallout" like environment and was written with 3.5 in mind, but is easily compatable with Pathfinder.

Scarab Sages

Wow, Charlie, way to be on top of it! I'll give those files a look, thanks!

Also, This is a good idea, Warboss. Makes all kinds of sense.

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