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(The Other)
+2 int +2 wis -2 dex
A very rare sort of Tiefling, The Other are descended from the unnatural union of a being from Leng, usually a Denizen, and a humaniod of the Mateiral Plane. These beings are marked by their strange bodies, often displaying cranial ridges, oddly jointed bodies and tentacles. Others are even more bizzar. Whatever they look like, there is something deeply alien and unsettling about them from birth.
The Other are distant, and don't seem to care for the affairs of their fellow mortals unless it benefits them. They are also almost always slightly mad, as if their minds have been warped by something profoundly alien in nature.
Racial Traits
Master of Tongues- The Other are born with a natural inclination towards language, and gain a +4 on all language skill check rolls.
Regeneration- Upon loosing a limb, The other grow back a new limb within 2d4 days. This limb is very unlikely to look like the limb they lost and may be from any being. (Such as a dragon's claw or bird talon in place of a humaniod arm)
+2 int +2 dex -2 con
Born half living, and half dead the Shadowborn are the rarest of Tieflings. These creatures always have dark skin that seems as if it is going to fade away in the light. Their eyes are red and they have maws full of razor sharp teeth that never fit within their jaws. These beings are often full of hatered towards life itself. Not only life within the mateiral plane, but life within all planes. They are touched by the taint of undeath.
Plants around them will not grow, and even the air seems cold. Most Shadowborn are incapable of feeling anything but rage and hatered towards life.
Racial Traits
Deathborn- Because undeath runs though their blood, Shadowborn can be healed by negative energy.
Shadowform- Once a day, a Shadowborn can turn themselves into a shadow for 1/hour per level. However they are unable to attack, or wield weapons in this form.

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Leng Spawn
Master of Tongues What specifically is a language skill check? Do you mean Linguistics?
Regeneration So the GM says the party is going to rest up for 10 days. Just hack off a limb and hope for a tentacle with reach covered with suction cups and barbs cause I wanna be a super cool grappler! Or a tarrasques or pit fiend claw? No rules specifying what kind of abilities or damage the new limb could have.
Night-shade Spawn (Shadowborn) The Shadow Plane is not really an evil plane. While creatures from the plane have ties to undead, they mostly aren't undead.
Deathborn So negative and positive energy heals them? If so, it is overpowered for a racial trait when compared to the other tiefling racial traits. If not, why not just say it has negative energy affinity? The PRD is free and can help you with lots of predefined rules.
Shadowform Like the creature, or just a plain ordinary shadow on the ground? Need some rules. Maybe create a shadow creature template. Any who, 1 hour/level is too overpowered, especially since ghost touch weapons (how many NPCs/monsters can do that?) and a channel energy is one of the better ways to combat incorporeal creatures. Oh wait, that would heal you...
Same as any other Tiefling.
I'll make more soon, I'm going to look though my books for more evil outsiders that have been ignored.
What you wrote is no where close to being the same CR as the other tieflings (tiefling is not a proper noun, don't capitalize). Mystic-Snowfang, have you actually read Blood of Fiends? If so, why did you forget to add typical alignment, alternate skill modifiers and alternate spell-like abilities? Why look for more creatures to do when you didn’t even fully flesh out the ones you presented? I would personally appreciate it if you put some time into posting full-fledged variants. I know balancing at the same time might be too much to hope for.

Odraude |

Thematically, evil outsiders don't equate to fiends. There are evil elementals (outsiders) but those aren't fiends. Fiends generally enjoy corruption, destruction, or the devouring of souls and the divine. Denizens of Leng are more slavers than a force of corruption. They don't really have anything against the gods nor human souls. As for nightshades, they hate all life. Why would they want to create life? It's a bit of a stretch, although it admittedly exists with the qlippoth. Besides, there are fetchlings that are the shadow-born.

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I took peoples advice and reworked them, have at it and I'll fix whatever needs to be fixed.
Also, did a look up of the description of tiefling. It only states "evil outsider" But I added stuff to the descriptions to leave it up in the air for The Other.
(The Other)
Typical Alignment: CE
+2 int +2 wis -2 dex
From birth, The Other often display a callous disregard for the rights of other mortals. While they are not given to violence, they are given to a complete disregard for what anybody else is feeling. With their keen intellects and otherworldly wisdom The Other seem as if they would be set to rule what they see as their lesser mortal kin. However every member of this tiefling race is cursed with the same fate. They are all mad. This Madness ranges from being raving lunatics to just being a little odd.
The Other are marked as part outsider. Their bodies bear intricate cranial ridges and often bestial noses. Almost all of them posses digigrate cloven hooves. Another telling trait of the majority of The Other is the presence of facial tentacles. For some of the race these stay within their mouths, and only come forth when the tiefling wants to make a point. Others have massive beards of writhing tentacles.
The Other often find themselves in the trade of flesh. They are natural born slavers, and are given to extreme cruelty to their merchandise. They think nothing of beating a slave to death, if the slave would make no value on resale. Because of their lack of comprehension of the rights of mortals, they often see nothing wrong with kidnapping for the sake of slave taking. In lands where slavery is not tolerated The Other are often tolerated as much as slavery is. As a result, they tend to favour land where slavery is legal. Or make their stays in slave-free nations as short as possible.
There is much argument weather The Other are actually tieflings, because their outsider ancestors are not fiends. However the majority of people currently hold that to count as a tiefling, the blood must be of an evil outsider. The slavers of Leng certainly count as evil and as outsiders. This leaves the debate closed in most minds. As for The Other, they usually don't really care themselves.
Racial Traits
Master of Tongues- The Other are born with a natural inclination towards language, and gain a +4 on all linguistics skill based rolls.
Regeneration- Upon loosing a limb, The other grow back a new limb within 2d4 weeks. This ability can only be used once a year, if a limb is lost twice within the same year, it is lost forever. Strangly, any injury to the stump a year or later from the second injury results in the whole limb growing back.
Maddness- All The Other are mad in some form. Upon character creation roll on the table for madness. If Phobia/Mania is rolled, then roll two d4s (separately)
1- Negalible
2- Mild
3- Sever
4- Debilitating
Commonailty of Phobia/Mania
1- Rare
2- Uncommon
3- Common
4- Extremely Common
+2 int +2 dex -2 cha
Typical Alignment: CE
It is a mystery as to why the life hating Nightshade would ever spawn life. However there are tieflings born of both the chaotic Quippoloth and the evil Daemons, so some believe that the Nightshade are simply using any beings born of such unnatural unions to their own ends. There are others who hold that such beings are accidental, and may simply arise from those who faced near death while carrying a child, or even before and simply carry the taint of undeath and shadow and do not know it. However they came to be, a debate best left up to scholars who really have nothing better to do, Murkborn are terrible beings that are almost always pure evil.
The mark of their unnatural heritage is very hard to miss in a Murkborn. They are almost always shadow dark, looking as if their extremities will fade into shadow. Their eyes glow red, and yet cast no light. Their jaws bear terrible sets of teeth, far more than their mouths can comfortably hold. Because of this they are always gnashing their teeth, trying to get them to fit more comfortably.
Murkborn tieflings are born with an intrinsic hatred of life itself. They are incapable of having any feelings, save for rage and hatred. From a young age a Murkborn satisfies its hatred for life in tormenting and killing small animals. In a house where one is growing up, pets and livestock often wind up dead.
Murkborn often find themselves as killers for hire. Of course, the majority of them don't care about the money and only about the kill. They are known for killing their targets in the most brutal and public manner possible, before fleeing using their Shadowform ability. However they do not care if they are caught, because for the Murkborn any death is one to be celebrated. Even if it their own. However, they will strive to take down as many with them as possible.
Racial Traits
Affinity for Death- Murkborn have an affinity of killing, and gain a +2 to confirm critical against any creature except undead.
Shadowform- Once a day, a Murkborn can turn themselves into a formless non-corporeal cloud of darkness for 5 minuets/level. However they are unable to attack or be attacked.
Phtosenstive- Murkborn are dazzled in any light equal to bright sunlight.