Jabberwonky's Additional Kingmaker Goodies


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I’ve been parsing the boards here since January as a pre-launch (and of course ongoing) resource for the Kingmaker game I’m currently running. I cannot say enough how much the wealth of information and ideas on these boards are a godsend to the campaign. From the myriad of ideas and creativity here -- the 6 player conversion, the many options presented for kingdom building and maintenance, the raw energy and creativity everyone has contributed to the AP, these boards have and continue to be a wonderful resource for all of us.

From the second I heard about the AP I was intrigued, and once I picked up “The Stolen Lands” I was hooked. The toolbox we’re presented with is out of this world and just what I’ve always looked for in a game -- a way for the characters to make a meaningful and profound impact on the world in which they exist.

As I read The Stolen Lands for the first time, I found myself coming up with side plots, characters, and unique sites to add to the region and the AP as a whole. My mind raced with ideas - Who was there before? What had happened to allow the region to remain as wild as it is? What would happen if the Stag Lord was building his own kingdom? Could something more sinister be going on behind the veils? If there were barbarians here once, what did they leave behind? There is a definite Fey influence, how can we play with that? As I said, my mind was racing, so I did what any good DM would do -- I started putting these ideas down to flesh out and incorporate, and unleashed my inner DM.

We kicked off at the end of February, and so far our group has responded very well to the additional content. I thought that the least I could do is start sharing some of these for everyone else running Kingmaker games as well. Hopefully others here will find some of these interesting enough to add to your own games. I’ll be adding things to this post as our game progresses -- Encounters, NPCs, Ideas and the like. Please feel free to take any and all of these and run with them - make them your own for your own games as you see fit!

For any players in the Tales from the Stolen Lands game, please don’t spoil yourself by reading further!

PROLOGUE: The Stolen Lands. And so it begins....
To kick off The Stolen Lands, I decided I wanted to do a session of setup to allow the party to start interacting together, and lay some groundwork for the political situation. From that thought came this prologue as a way to get things started in Restov as opposed to just beginning with everyone arriving at Oleg’s. This allowed me to outline some of what was going on in Brevoy, as a backdrop for the hero's progression through the Adventure Path. This also let me present some hooks for things that will be intersecting with them politically, further down the line. I also wanted to start tailoring events to my player’s backstories (Falkragg, Simbala), bringing them in a bit more to what was going on in the adventure. I started with the following on our first play session:

“Restov, shining jewel of Brevoy sits on the south eastern border of the land. A city known for its belief in every man’s freedom, it supports Rostland as a capital of trade and for many years has been the major access point into the Bervan south. It’s tall spires boast not only the University of Restov, dedicated to research, but the Aldori Academy of Blades, the best martial school in the region.

Brevoy is a cool country, with heavy snows in the winters, and warm but short summers. To the north, the Rostland Plains are farmed, a breadbasket for the entire region. East lies the foothills of the Icerime peaks, rolling and gentle near Restov but turning steep and craggy as they near the Valley of Fire - some two weeks distance by horse. To the south the city is edged by the Shrike, a wide and slow river once used for trade with other countries but plagued by river pirates and bandits. South of the shrike lies a largely unsettled land often referred to as the Stolen Lands or the Green Belt. To those with a knack for cartography, this Green Belt is formally part of The River Kingdoms. West of Restov lies more farmland and light forest, quickly deepening into untamed wilderness within a week’s travel.

Restov balances a delicate line these days. Rumors of Issian discontent in the north are growing. Poor harvests and harsh winters have left the entire country with empty cellars and lean prospects. These same events have affected Rostland -- what was once a trickle of refugees seeking aid in the larger cities has instead become a steady stream of people unable to feed or support their families. Beggars and homeless peasants are a common sight in what is fast becoming an overcrowded city.

Making matters worse, the regional governors and Swordlords seem unconcerned with the plight of the citizens. Appeals to open the food stores and warehouses for aid have been met with a solid lack of sympathy, driving the refugees and people of the city to frustration and anger. Soup kitchens are becoming taxed, crime continues to rise, and people’s patience wears thin. The citizens are quickly being driven to desperate acts in these trying times.

Each of you have been in the city for a short time, and realizing how light your coinpurse has become, you’ve answered a job posting for able bodied persons. The posting indicated you should meet with a Mister Taulivers at the Three Bells Alehouse, noon today...”

I think the biggest change here is that I’ve taken the concept of the Swordlords and instead of making them a council of equals, I’ve let them each be a representative of a different house all vying for power. I envision between 8 and 12 Swordlords - enough that their power is for the most part continually divided due to personal interests, but few enough in number that if they were to all agree on something that the crown would be forced to pay attention. The Swordlords function as Dukes in the realm, not of the Royal bloodline, but definitely a class of royalty.

Each house is led by a Swordlord who adopts a name for themself when they take control of the house. Succession can be passed through legal means - parent to child, or to an appointed successor, but it can also be taken through the Aldori Right of Succession - effectively a public duel. The latter is how Lady Nikka Svetlana, The Crimson Sword was able to claim the title of Swordlord from Ser Bryce Ostlander, The Blade of Sky.

Lady Svetlana’s plan is to hire our heroes as her agents in a political grab for power she’s recently become aware of: The Crown is allowing interested parties to purchase writs of exploration for various swaths of land in the Green Belt.

Prologue Encounter One: Meeting at the Three Bells
XP 50 per player for roleplay
MAP: The Three Bells Alehouse / Any tavern
NPCS: Landis Taulivers

Scouted by The Crimson Sword (Lady Nikka Svetlana) to undertake an expedition to explore an area of the Stolen Lands, our heroes have gathered with Mr. Taulivers to meet their soon to be employer. The Three Bells Alehouse is a quaint place, comfortable and mildly busy on this brisk spring afternoon (about 12 patrons, the barkeep and 2 serving girls).

Landis Taulivers, gathers everyone save Ser Falkragg (meeting them at the palace of the Crimson Sword) walks with them to the palace of The Crimson Sword, about a 10 minute walk. Taulivers is a nice enough fellow though a bit gruff, a laborer in the household of the Crimson Sword charged with finding her a team suitable to explore the wilderness of the The Stolen Lands. Taulivers is a rough around the edges laborer, he’s strightforward but dosen’t know too much. He does listen to rumors and knows a couple of things. He’d say things akin to the following:

• Well, youns ready ta getcher hands dirty?
• Boss is hiring on hands fer an expedition. Says it’ll help out with tha troubles.
• Troubles? You know, pesants flockin ta th city like issa line fer free handouts! Too many beggars roun here these days, that’s wha I’m sayin!
• Where? Don’ rightly know, sounds like someplace west maybe? I suppose tha lady knows, better ask her when we get there.
• Friend a mine said that the Marshal’s handin out writs a ex-plor-ation. Lookin fer able bodied folk willin ta make the trip an find out wha’s thar.
• Crimson Lady’s got an itch ta get her fingers in tha pie if’n ya will, an needs a team a folks she can trust ta get tha jorb done.

Amongst the crowd at the Alehouse is a Galtesian called Brown Doug, who has been looking for Simbala (one of my players) in Restov for about a week. He and his fellow Galts have trailed Simbala and her entourage from Galt, lagging behind by anywhere from a day to a week. They trailed her to Restov and are looking to capture her and bring her back to Galt by order of their master.

Note: I put Brown Doug and the Ambush on the road in for backstory -- tailor these encounters to a member of your own party as needed!

DC 20 perception to notice someone is listening to their conversation. If noticed, Brown Doug will hastily leave and disappear into the crowd. He is verifying that Simbala is here talking with Landis Taulivers.

Taulivers will not notice Brown Doug spying on the group. If he’s clued into someone watching them, Taulivers says something about vagrants and riff-raff flocking to the city looking for handouts, and how honest men get honest jobs. He’ll then lead the group out of the alehouse and up the street to the Palace of the Crimson Sword.

Prologue Encounter 2: Audience with The Crimson Sword
XP: 50 per player for roleplay
MAP: Not Needed
NPCS: Nikka Svetlana, Butler, Professor Heinrich.

Our heroes are led by Taulivers to the Palace of the Crimson Sword, and taken into a large, comfortable office in the palace. There is an obvious butler, a Half orc (Ser Falkragg - player), and a roughly dwarf-sized mouse wearing a tweed jacket with patches on the elbows.

Note: The Half Orc and the Mouse are players in the game, it made sense to have them introduced here. Ser Falkragg starts out as the captain of the guard for the house, and has been promoted by Lady Svetlana to the rank of knight Along with the promotion, he’s been given the responsibility of acting as a representative of the house and helping to guide the party in the house’s interest.

The Mouse in the tweed jacket is an alternate character for our Holy Gun (we’re doing a troupe-style play for the campaign), and is a research professor and alchemist at the Aldori Academy. If you don't have players that make sense to be here, have everyone meet at the alehouse, and simply have a guard and a professorial liaison if you want.

After a short time for introductions and quick roleplay, Lady Nikka Svetlana, The Crimson Sword, will enter the room:

The Crimson Sword regards all of you with a skeptical eye. A red haired maiden in finely tailored and comfortablel breeches and shirt, she earned her lordship after defeating her cousin, The Blade of Sky, in a duel to the death not 2 months past.

She is a friendly and easy going woman, as likely to buy a round at the ale house as to unleash her legendary temper. Trained at the Aldori Academy of Blades, she became a swordswoman of great renown in Restov, leaving a trail of wounded and dead, both students and instructors. Previous to claiming the title of Swordlord, Nikka led a band of mercenaries called The Crismon Company. She enjoys the privilege being a Swordlord entitles her to, though she seems more and more over her head with court politics as the weeks go by.

The reasons for the challenge to her cousin are whispered in the taverns or Restov, and run the gambit of a lover spurned, a plan to be cloistered, failed murder attempts, and the gleaming promise of riches and wealth. Those that know the true reasons for the duel are keeping tight lipped, and few seem willing to risk The Crimson Sword’s temper by asking her directly.

After looking each of you over briefly, she leans against the front of the desk and speaks.

“So you’re my team. This is the best you could do Taulivers? <She looks at Landis with an arched eyebrow>

Well then, here’s what we’ve got - The Marshal’s been granting writs of exploration, and the most prominent houses have gotten the first to be issued. The rest of those uppity-ups <the butler looks shocked at this> seem to want to keep me out of the loop, but I’ve got eyes and ears of my own... <she grins>

So, we’ve got an appointment that the Marshal is unaware of this afternoon to secure the last Writ. I’m fairly certain that it will be in The Stolen Lands, that seems to be where the others have been granted.

All they claim to want is the lands mapped, but that can only mean one thing -- Restov is looking to expand her holdings. And if there’s to be expansion... <She gets a gleam in her eye>.

I’m offering you each 500 dragons apiece for the job, assuming a successful survey of the lands and resources. I’ll pay you 200 up front, and cover any necessary expenses to get you there and set up. This is on top of what the Marshal may be offering, contingent that any information about the lands or survey come here first.

So, what do you say to that?“

Lady Nikka will then let them discuss amongst themselves, she’s figuring with the situation in Restov being what it is, people really couldn’t say no to that kind of offer. Once the party agrees, she then excuses her herself and leaves the office. If the party wants to ask her any questions, she’ll simply explain that she’s is needed elsewhere in the castle for a short time, but they will all be taking carriages to the Marshall’s office in about an hour to secure the writ. Allow more time for Roleplay if players desire, or jump to encounter three.

Prologue Encounter Three: The Fountain of Restov
XP: 100 each for combat
MAP: Restov Fountain / small square in a busy city area. Should have at least 3 points of entry.
NPCS: 8 thugs, 1 soldier

Nikka will have carriages take the party across town to the Marshal’s office. Each carriage can comfortably carry 4 persons. Along the route, an ambush lies in wait as Brown Doug has spoken with Landis Taulivers and learned their travel plans. He is unaware of who The Crimson Sword is, or her capabilities, and his primary concern is the capture of Simbala. They have set up a cart to block the roadway.

Note: Nikka Svetlana will only defend herself by parrying attacks from opponents in this encounter, using it as a chance to gauge her new employee’s abilities.

0.0 North entrance to the plaza - this is the direction the party will arrive from
0.1 The fountain plaza. This is where the encounter will start.
0.2 Wagon full of cargo (bolts of cloth) crashes into the building here blocking the road south.
0.3 Enemy: 4 Galtesan thugs (East entrance to area)
0.4 Enemy 4 Galtesan thugs and a Galtesan soldier (second east entrance to the area)

Init. +1 AC 15 HP 5
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +1
Melee: longsword +1, 1d8+1,
Tactics: 2 of the thugs will attempt to grapple Simbala and bind her. They each carry a large sack and attempt to throw it over her head and arms.

Solider, Brown Doug:
Init. +1 AC 17 HP 8
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +1
Melee: longsword +1, 1d8+2,
Tactics: Brown Doug will call for a retreat if reduced to 4 or fewer HP.

Combined the thugs carry 12 gp and 43 silver.

DC 12 perception - Notice they are all carrying silk handkerchiefs, nicer than one would expect from thugs.
DC 16 perception - notice the silk hankerchiefs are of galtesan origin.
If Brown Doug is captured alive, he will share that he overheard the conversation in the Three Bells with Laundis Taulivers, and marked Simbala. He then conned Taulivers to learn where they were going and what route they’d take. This is all he divulges at this time.

The thugs were sent to apprehend the oracle Simbala and bring her back to Galt to their master. This is part of one of my player’s backstory -- she’s a Galtesan refugee. Feel free to substitute one of your player’s backstory as you see fit, or create a different reason for an ambush. It could just be hungry peasants looking to take some coin and food from the wealthy lord, or it could be a rival swordlord attempting to stop Nikka’s bid for the contract! Interestingly enough, my players were convinced that this was a setup by Nikka to test their mettle before she actually agreed and paid for their services.

Prologue Encounter Four: The Office of Burrel Tollen, Restov CR1
MAP: Office of the Marshal of Restov / small government building with an office.
NPCS: Burrel Tollen, Nikka Svetlana
ITEM: Printout of the Writ

After the skirmish in the streets of Restov, our heroes arrive with The Crimson Sword at the office of the Marshal of Restov. Though they do not have an appointment, it is obvious to the Marshal why they are here. The characters and Lady Svetlana are ushered into a sparse office and bid to wait.

A half elf in affluent clothing enters. He is middle aged, and showing signs of his human blood: A creased forehead, some wrinkles around his eyes, and a dusting of grey in his sandy hair. He seems proper and a bit stiff, almost chilly.

He is in fact miffed that Lady Svetlana figured out what was going on with the distribution of the writs - he had plans to aid another house but As Lady Svetlana arrived first he could not refuse her the writ in accordance with the law.

<To The Crimson Sword, almost snippy> Lady Svetlanna, what a suprise. <To the rest> As I am sure you know, I am the Marshal of Restov, Burrel Tollen. It is rather obvious why you are here with The Crimson Sword, so let’s get on with it. <He shuffles some papers and pulls out a contract> The Lordship of Restov has deemed it necessary in these troubling times to look to the south and west for potential opportunities in the Stolen Lands, and of course it falls upon our most gracious benefactors and Swordlords to assist in this endeavor <looking at Svetlana and smiling smugly>.

DC 15 knowledge local - The Lordship is actually backing the Swordlords only in spirit in this endeavor, but it is not the Lordship’s idea, nor is he overtly attaching his name to it.
DC 12 perception - The Marshal is pleased that the crown is not funding these expeditions, that the Swordlords themselves are responsible.
DC 15 perception - Burrel Tollen seems a bit put off, terse almost.

Lady Svetlana, you are here to secure the writ? <The Crimson Sword affirms> And you vouch for these persons on the honor of your house? <Again she affirms>

He then reads the writ:

“Be it known That the bearer of this charter, Who has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, And Acting upon the Greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has been granted the rights of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt.

Exploration should be limited to an area no greater than thirty-six miles to the east, west, and north, and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post, within the Green Belt.
The bearer of this charter will also strive against banditry, and other unlawful behaviors to be encountered. The punishment for banditry remains, as always, execution by rope or sword.

So Witnessed on this day, the 24th of Talistril, under the watchful eyes of:
The Lordship of Restov, Ulaf Craggonhelm
The Crimson Sword, Nikka Svetlana, Swordlord of Restov
Burrel Tollen, Marshal of Restov
Authority, rights and privileges granted by Lord Noleski Surtova,
Regent of the Dragonscale Throne

And now it is simply a matter of the seals.”

<There are then some signatures, some wax seals being impressed, and the writ of the right of exploration is handed to the players.>

<With a totally false smile, Burrel says>Then it is done. Gentlemen and ladies, the best of luck to you. His Lordship looks forward to your safe and quick return. <He then waves his hand dismissively as he begins shuffling papers on his desk, obviously wanting them to leave>.

The Crimson Sword then takes the party across the street to the Three Legged Mare, a favorite tavern that Nikka used to frequent. She will then pay the players their starting fee of 200 dragons, (20 platinum a piece) and assign a clerk to assist them in the procurement of any supplies necessary for the journey and exploration. She’ll have a few drinks with them and answer any questions the party may have, and then bid them happy hunting.

Note: Burrel Tollen is actually an agent of Narissa, helping her lay the groundwork to begin her dastardly plans with the Stolen Lands. He should be played as a master manipulator, a bit coarse at first meeting but quickly warming to the heroes when they encounter him again throughout the rest of the adventure path. He may even take it upon himself at a later date to help the heroes in their new kingdom by sending gifts or assistants to help with the burdens of raising a kingdom, and of course keep some tabs on whats happening...

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Prologue Encounter Five: On the Road South and West. CR1
XP: 50 per for roleplay on the road
MAP: Brevoy Wilderness
NPCS: Mercenaries, Innkeepers, Serving Girls

I decided to over emphasise the scale of the world in my game. Oleg’s is now about 2 weeks travel from Restov -- deep in the wilds. I fleshed out a couple of encounters for on the road, feel free to use as needed for your campaign. Assume there are inns scattered roughly a day apart for the first few days, then every two days. This is mostly a time for the party to start to get to know one another, share back stories / backgrounds, and to insert a little more flavor of what’s going on in the region as a backdrop.

For our heroes:
It has been a fairly comfortable and uneventful week of travel through rolling grasslands and low hills. You’ve all gotten to know one another a bit, and have been able to take in some of the countryside of Brevoy. Flowers blanket the unworked landscape, and farmers have been starting to prepare their fields for spring planting. In all it is a beautiful and hearty landscape.

You’ve also seen soldiers traveling the roads, anything from a few mercenaries looking for work to full companies of twenty or more riding north or east to Restov. Often these are rag-tag groups of men and boys looking for glory, coin, and a hot meal. Many have been on the road for some time and are happy to trade stories and rumors.


1. Word is that the Issians are calling their banners and its looking like civil war again
2. Restov is calling on soldiers to fortify her armies - that’s where we’re headed!
3. The Swordlords look south with coins in their eyes while the real threat is north with pikes and iron shod boots.
4. The Issians are hiring engineers to build an army of terrible war machines
5. The Brevan farmlands will be the first casulty if war breaks out, and then all the land and armies will starve
6. The Swordlords have hired a number of teams to go south and explore. None seem to be coming back though.
7. Sir Hrodgar, the Spear of Rostland, is traveling the Rostlandian countryside gathering a host to smash the Issian dogs.
8. Theres a reason folks don’t go south - its said that the green gods still walk the Stolen Lands.
9. Barbarian ghosts wander freely in the wilds to the south, stealing children and preying upon unwary travelers.
10. There used to be an old keep on the borderlands of the south and west. That place is probably haunted now.

The few Inns you’ve passed have been hospitable if not full, though all have hot meals and decent folk.


For our heroes, after a few more days of travel:
As you head further west, the farms become more spread out, often going miles without a sign of people working the land. Game is prevalent, as are light forest and more rolling hills. The hills are becoming a bit higher and steeper as you travel westward. On the 9th day you arrive at the ‘road’ that leads south to Oleg’s trading post. It is little more than a trail used by trappers and an occasional peddler heading south by southwest into the Stolen Lands.

At this point I started rolling random encounters for the wilderness. Low and behold, on the first day I rolled for a random Tatzlwyrm encounter. So I set it up in a way that the party could avoid it should they want to - they came over a low hill and saw the tatzylwyrm about 200 yards away. The wyrm had taken down a deer and was eating it, unaware of the party nearby. Perfect opportunity for them to skirt an encounter, and boom! The fighter decides to charge the Tatzylwyrm! In the end it was all right, the party got beat up badly but were victorious, thanks to some low rolls on the Wyrm’s part.

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Dotting for interest, I like what you have done here so far

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Prologue Encounter Six: The Ruined Camp, On the Road to Oleg’s , CR2
MAP: Ruined Camp
NPCS: Dead Soldiers (6)
Monsters: Wolves (6)

I set this encounter up to set the stage of the Stolen Lands. The camp was a group of soldiers (common men at arms) sent from Restov to help Oleg keep the peace at his trading post, and were ambushed by a roving group of the Stag Lord’s bandits. The Bandits made dirty work of the soldiers, murdering them and then mounting their heads on stakes near the road, with their tabards from the city of Restov as a warning to anyone entering the Stolen Lands.

Coming around a hill, you see what looks like a disheveled camp about 100 yards up the road.

Approaching the camp it's easy to see that this has been the site of a battle. Corpses lay scattered about a cold fire pit, stripped of their valuables. They appear to have been mangled from animals gnawing at their foetid flesh. You can only guess that the heads mounted on stakes facing the road belong to these poor souls. This scene serves as a morbid warning to any who travel the road, though what that warning is one can only guess.

DC 10 heal check - they’ve been dead around a week.
DC 15 heal check - looks like wolves have been at them, recently.
DC 15 survival check - wolf tracks lead into the underbrush where you see pair of yellow wolf eyes! Wolves attack!

Wolf, 6: Init: +2 AC: 14 HP: 9
Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +1
Melee: Bite +2, 1d6+1, Trip.
Special: Perception +8, Stealth +6

There is little left of the camp save some ruined blankets.

DC 12 perception check - there are some saddlebags tucked under a log that contain 20 gp, a change of clothes, and the contract from the Marshal of Restov, below:

By order of the Marshal of Restov, Jeffry Troyer is hereby pronounced Deputy of the Council of Swordlords, and charged with the securing the northern Stolen Lands. Furthermore, he is charged with striving against banditry, and with bringing stability to the region. The area of responsibility entitled to the bearer of this document is to extend no further than twenty miles from Oleg’s Trading post, located in the Northern Stolen Lands. Once arriving at Oleg’s Trading Post, report at once to Constable Hodd, local representative of the Council.

Six wolves can be a tough thing to handle at level one, there is no doubt there. We have a party of six however, all of whom are long term players and very skilled at using their character’s strengths. One of the things I did was have the wolves appear in a staggered fashion, 3 the first round, 2 the third round, and one the 5th round.By the end of the third round, the cleric was rolling to stabilize at neg 2 hitpoints, and saved the day with a healing burst (which also helped some of the wolves). However the Cavalier with the Halbred was able to make fast work of the wolves once he started hitting them, and not having the wolves attempting to trip every single round was a boon for the party. It was a tense and hard combat, with everyone on the edge of their seats, but in the end rewarding. And they came out of it with 5 decent wolf pelts they are thinking about making into gloves!

This all got them to Oleg’s to start the campaign in earnest. In all it was a pretty good Prologue, my players told me afterward that they “really liked how the adventure path started us out in a city and had us move into the countryside.” That brought a smile to my face, especially after I told them that I had come up with all that stuff, and that the AP actually set you up to start at Oleg’s, arriving the night before the Bandits come to collect their insurance payment. I guess I’m doing something right!

Grand Lodge

Jabberwonky wrote:

Prologue Encounter Six: The Ruined Camp, On the Road to Oleg’s , CR2

MAP: Ruined Camp
NPCS: Dead Soldiers (6)
Monsters: Wolves (6)

I set this encounter up to set the stage of the Stolen Lands. The camp was a group of soldiers (common men at arms) sent from Restov to help Oleg keep the peace at his trading post, and were ambushed by a roving group of the Stag Lord’s bandits. The Bandits made dirty work of the soldiers, murdering them and then mounting their heads on stakes near the road, with their tabards from the city of Restov as a warning to anyone entering the Stolen Lands.

Coming around a hill, you see what looks like a disheveled camp about 100 yards up the road.

Approaching the camp it's easy to see that this has been the site of a battle. Corpses lay scattered about a cold fire pit, stripped of their valuables. They appear to have been mangled from animals gnawing at their foetid flesh. You can only guess that the heads mounted on stakes facing the road belong to these poor souls. This scene serves as a morbid warning to any who travel the road, though what that warning is one can only guess.

DC 10 heal check - they’ve been dead around a week.
DC 15 heal check - looks like wolves have been at them, recently.
DC 15 survival check - wolf tracks lead into the underbrush where you see pair of yellow wolf eyes! Wolves attack!

Wolf, 6: Init: +2 AC: 14 HP: 9
Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +1
Melee: Bite +2, 1d6+1, Trip.
Special: Perception +8, Stealth +6

There is little left of the camp save some ruined blankets.

DC 12 perception check - there are some saddlebags tucked under a log that contain 20 gp, a change of clothes, and the contract from the Marshal of Restov, below:

By order of the Marshal of Restov, Jeffry Troyer is hereby pronounced Deputy of the Council of Swordlords, and charged with the securing the northern Stolen Lands. Furthermore, he is charged with striving against banditry, and...

Yes thank you for sharing.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dotting. Always love to see new takes and expansions.

Dotting. Some good stuff here!

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