Adjusting Experience and Monsters?

Carrion Crown

I had a 6th member join are group and I'm running the second book in the Carrion Crown Series.

I was adding 25-35% more monsters or 15-20% more H.P's for one monster and adding around 15% more experience to the pool, it seemed to work.
Now with Harrowstone completed (well they have to go back to the town, then it's done).

What would you do with a 6 person party for experience and monsters to the second Carrion Crown book for Experience and monsters?

add 40-50% more monsters and 20-35% more H.P's for one monster creatures and experience for a quick easy way.


keep it the same and use the quick level advancement for the group?

Please post your thoughts,suggestions (or in my opinion) help me with the proper rule.......


I'd modify encounters until (CR - APL) matched what (CR - APL) is for the "normal" module. IIRC, most modules are built for four to five players, so I'd try to increase the CR of any given encounter by +1 for a six player group.

It isn't always that simple, but in this case it should do all right if the original encounter was properly balanced.

This gets more complicated for, e.g., traps.

Grand Lodge

Another thing you could try (I don't know if this would work or not) is using the slow advancement. My idea here is that after a while the party would end up a level or so lower than the adventure intends, which may even out the extra people without you having to modify every encounter. I'm not sure if that would work though. Plus, depending on the type of players you have, they may not like it if you slow level progression on them (some players would love it though).

I think blahpers has the best idea from a mechanics pov. Just increase the CR of encounters so they're as challenging for your larger group as originally intended. That's going to be some extra work, though, as you have to monkey with every encounter. I'd recommend increasing the CR by adding more monsters to the encounter as opposed to make the monsters more powerful.

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