How much downtime in RotRL?

Rise of the Runelords

Grand Lodge

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No spoilers, please.

I'll be either running or playing in RotRL when the hardcover re-release comes out. My gaming group is interested in running an all-arcane party. At least one PC will be a serious crafter. We also tend to like using lots of hirelings, Leadership, run businesses in town when we're not adventuring, etc.

Is this feasible in the AP? Will there be enough downtime to craft, return to town, set up strongholds, etc? Or do you pretty much run and gun in this AP?

Also, we're eyeing the guilds and universities of Inner Sea Magic. Would this be doable, and if so, which is the best fit?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Runelords has a strong storyline... but it's also one whose pace the GM gets to set. It can certainly be easy to get swept up in that storyline, but with the exception of the jump between part 3 and part 4, the pace at which the adventures flow is fluid. You can do the campaign all in one non-stop run... or you can take your time.

In fact, the more into helping Sandpoint develop via running businesses and that your group is... the better! There are CERTAINLY points even during the adventures (particularly in the first two) where you can pause and take a break...

...again... assuming the GM lets you. It's certainly something you should talk about and let your GM know you want to do before hand!

Dark Archive

I'm a little less than halfway through book four and the group I am running through it has spend almost two years of in game time so far and they have been moving fairly fast IMO.

There are definitely spots where you can have the players with considerable downtime if they want/need it.

There's a palpable sense of urgency in the campaign. We swept through the campaign at a fairly brisk pace; completing the entire AP in less than six months of game time. At times we took some much needed downtime to commission magic items, though only after going to extraordinary measures to ensure it'd be safe to do so; measures which sadly failed at times.

Considering the looming threat of impending events, it made us nervous to ever sit on our laurels. Talk to your GM to gauge his intentions regarding pacing.

When my player ran it they did it at a relaxed pace, there are spots that require immediacy, but for the most part my players breezed through at their own pace.

I also have a standing rule that I won't "rush" the players. Talk to your dm and if you want downtime, have them arrainge some, especially between adventures.

Liberty's Edge

bigkilla wrote:

I'm a little less than halfway through book four and the group I am running through it has spend almost two years of in game time so far and they have been moving fairly fast IMO.

There are definitely spots where you can have the players with considerable downtime if they want/need it.

My group's at the cusp of starting book 4 and are about 4 years into it because of some significant side-treks.

It really depends on the group and the DM as the path could run something like 18 months total to several or more years.

Dark Archive

Yeah, there is really no rushing needed until the ending of three or really the beginning of four.

Grand Lodge

My group should finish book 4 this weekend, and has spent close to a year in game time covering the events. I'm currently considering how long to give them in game time between the end of 4 and beginning of 5, which may or may not be between several months and a few years.

I had the events of Burnt Offerings run pretty much the month of Rova, and the events of Skinsaw run pretty much the month of Lamashan. After they defeated Xanesha in late Lamashan, I gave them three weeks of down-time. They elected to stick around Magnimar, craft items, sightsee, and hang out with friendly NPCs.

I thought that the PCs were going to buy Foxglove's townhouse (it was on the auction block for non-payment of taxes), but no one followed that lead.

Currently, I'm running a side-quest in Magnimar before I segue into Hook Mountain Massacre. I'm planning to run that adventure through the winter, and after they claim the fort (assuming that they do), they'll have the rest of the winter to do what they will.

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