What are some of your House Rules in your game when you combine PF, 3.5 & 3.0

Homebrew and House Rules

I've always wondered what other people use for Houserules

Base Class Rules
- Class Hit Dice is now 1d8 up from 1d6

Feat Rules
- Leadership - Cohort is Player/DM collaboration based on players overall idea, although Cohort still remains under player control.

Prestige Class Rules
- All 5 level prestige classes that require spellcasting ability that do not have "existing caster level" gain +1 level of existing spellcasting class at every odd level.
- All 10 level prestige classes that do not give full spellcasting progression now give "+1 existing spellcasting class" at levels 2 and 8 unless they already gain full spellcasting progression.

The Thrall of Graz'zt
- Dark Charisma can add an enhancement bonus on certain Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with nongood creatures instead of only evil creatures.

Spellcasting Rules
- No Spell components required to cast spells, unless the component costs 5,000gp or more.

Special Abilities
- Fast Healing now continues functioning below 0 hit points.
- Regeneration the player may pick 3.5 or Pathfinder version for their character and may not be changed later unless a future update comes out.

8 Red Wizards wrote:

Special Abilities

- Fast Healing now continues functioning below 0 hit points.

It's not a house rule. From Universal Monster Rules: "Fast healing continues to function (even at negative hit points) until a creature dies, at which point the effects of fast healing end immediately."

Some of these house Rules are probably still based off 3.5 that's one of them.

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