WoW Clones

Pathfinder Online

I'm sure somebody already made this point elsewhere. Probably many times.
But are we done accusing PFO of being a 'WoW clone' yet?
It's clearly going to be extremely different. No matter what happens next. No matter if it's rated G. An evil army called the Horde could be inserted, a race of panda folk could be introduced and the game could change its name to World of Pathcraft, and it would still be completely different from WoW.

If we aren't done yet, can we come up with a different term for it? Like just plain honest "imitating Blizzard"? That's a nice, less extreme way to complain about the issue. It might even be seen as a semi-valid point. But the only way for PFO to be a 'clone' would be for Goblin Works to reverse nearly every decision it's made so far and start from scratch. Who wants to ask Ryan Dancey to do that? I bet he definitely wouldn't mind at all.

Hopefully I'm not arguing a point that's already been won, but at least this isn't another thread about realism! ;P

Scarab Sages

Nonsense! All MMO's are WoW clones! Who cares if they possess fundamentally different mechanics! It is a fantasy game in a persistent online universe, which, of course, makes it identical to WoW.


Goblin Squad Member

You had to open the can of worms...

I consider any game that doesn't release a complete game a 'WoW Clone'

Because WoW showed the market you can be super-successful with a crappy release product.

The biggest thing people don't want is a cartoony game, that is where the "wow clone" comes up a lot.

I'm assuming you started this thread because of comments in the ESRB discussion, and those "wow clone" accusations were because of the unrealistic handling of violence that 'teen appropriate' content entails.

Goblin Squad Member

PFO will be another UltimaEveVanGalaxies clone... And that's a good thing!

And trust me there won't be anyone calling PFO a WoW clone... And that's a good thing!

Valkenr wrote:
You had to open the can of worms...

Sorry. We kobolds get hungry. :/

Goblin Squad Member

BlackUhuru wrote:
And trust me there won't be anyone calling PFO a WoW clone... And that's a good thing!

There is where you are wrong.

The sci-fi-only players will call it a wow clone. Hopefully The Repopulation will fill their void.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What's funny (and obvious enough that I doubt anyone here missed it) is that WoW is cloned off of D&D, as is Pathfinder. So really, WoW and PFO will be less 'clones' and more 'siblings'.

Goblin Squad Member

Valkenr wrote:
BlackUhuru wrote:
And trust me there won't be anyone calling PFO a WoW clone... And that's a good thing!

There is where you are wrong.

The sci-fi-only players will call it a wow clone. Hopefully The Repopulation will fill their void.

That's true but i don't think we will get many of the sci-fi only people here, atleast least I hope not.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Crazily, WoW is derived from Warcraft, which itself was a fantasy derivative of Dune 2, which is very much Sci-Fi with fantasy elements. (I'm sure if we tracked non-game lineage, we could find fantasy elements in Dune...)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Valkenr wrote:

You had to open the can of worms...

I consider any game that doesn't release a complete game a 'WoW Clone'

Because WoW showed the market you can be super-successful with a crappy release product.

Just because a game isn't made the way you like it doesn't make it a "crappy release product". I've played other MMO's and WOW's overall quality puts almost all of them to shame. I'd put it over Ultima, Everquest, Guild Wars, and Lineage 2, six ways from Sunday.

And Blizzard is the ONLY company to be consistently on track with simultaneous release for both Windows and Mac OS machines. Sony had the brain dead idea of creating a Mac version of Everquest, that wasn't compatible with the PC version so Mac players had to be stuck on their own server. In case anyone wondered... it didn't fly too well.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't feed the trolls. Flag it and move to a discussion.

BlackUhuru wrote:
PFO will be another UltimaEveVanGalaxies clone... And that's a good thing!

How? Vanguard and Galaxies remain universally reviled as the worst MMOs ever created -- and rightly so. No small feat when taking into consideration the likes of Age of Conan, Final Fantasy 14 and the myriad F2P Korean abominations...

Goblin Squad Member

Aunt Tony wrote:
BlackUhuru wrote:
PFO will be another UltimaEveVanGalaxies clone... And that's a good thing!
How? Vanguard and Galaxies remain universally reviled as the worst MMOs ever created -- and rightly so. No small feat when taking into consideration the likes of Age of Conan, Final Fantasy 14 and the myriad F2P Korean abominations...

I happen to think SWG, Vanguard, Ultima, Ryzom, EVE, DAOC, AC are great games!

With that said I also think Darkfall and MO are universally the worst mmo's ever made!

I also think WoW, Aion, EQ2, Rift, SWTOR, AoC and all the other themepark games are horrible. I did enjoy Warhammer alot and played for 2 years just for the PvP, but I don't consider it a themepark it's more like a PvP park.

To each their own I guess... I'm defiantly not an mmo snob, I still play Ultima Online with the same account off and on for the past 14yrs, so I guess my standards are low.

Goblin Squad Member

Aunt Tony wrote:
Vanguard and Galaxies remain universally reviled as the worst MMOs ever created...

Please note that what is reviled about both of those games is the way that Sony took over and screwed everything up. Both games had features that were incredibly valued by the players.

Vanguard had absolutely fantastic gameplay, and some of the most interesting classes I've seen in a long time. Not to mention boats. What people hated about it is that it was never completed, and was mostly abandoned right before release. It released in worse state than one of the previous betas.

Star Wars Galaxies had character customization options that were way ahead of their time, and housing mechanics that people still crave. What people hated about it is that the idiots making decisions about its future decided to piss off everyone was playing by utterly changing the game and trying to attract the people who were playing WoW.

I hope Goblinworks looks at the innovative ideas in both games and uses them, and I pray nightly that Sony never gets its hands on Pathfinder Online.

Davor wrote:

Nonsense! All MMO's are WoW clones! Who cares if they possess fundamentally different mechanics! It is a fantasy game in a persistent online universe, which, of course, makes it identical to WoW.


Even though you where sarcastic here I can't help myself by reading a lot of truth into what you are saying.

90% of the MMORPG's we have today are unfortunately WoW-clones.

It has gone so far as typical MMORPG gamers even condeming a game straight out if its not similar to WoW. Saying it is not an MMO and whatnot...

...but then ofcourse stating that each and every game isn't a WoW-clone because there are miniscule changes.

I mean most SWToR players probably won't acknowledge that they are playing a WoW clone but lets face it...they are...

Goblin Squad Member

BlackUhuru wrote:
With that said I also think Darkfall and MO are universally the worst mmo's ever made!

Thus why it is impossible to claim this game or that game is the worst MMO. I personally would put those games among the best MMOs ever made along with Wurm Online. I prefer games with tiny budgets that push the envelope over giant, polished, fully functional theme parks that bring nothing new to the MMO genre.

Everyone has their own taste.

Personally I think WoW clone has become a synonym for theme park. As far as I am aware the point of this game isn't to quest to max level and then do raid up through tiers of gear until you realize the entire reason you were playing the game is the grind.

This game is a self described sandbox/theme-park hybrid. WoW has 0 sandbox elements, where this game has the ability to change the face of the world as you see fit. Therefore it is NOT a WoW clone.

im sick to death of the letters WOW tbh
every mmo is compared and its even worse when wow players bounce over with there comments wanting a clone,directly or indirectly

the only reason it started the benchmark is cause of the ammount of money it generates and dev companys r 2 scared to be differant...they all want a slice of wows smelly pie...its a terrible kids game of pure time consuming grinding for gear,the worse ive ever seen...yes it may work very well and theres content but id rather go to jail then subject myself to it

pathfinder online has the opportunity to break the mold and do somthing outstanding and create the first unique mmo since wow ruined lives

take the good points from eve/uo/swg and the sky is the limit
if its anything like current trend ill be nowhere near it

i hope folk from wow and games like it will take pathfinder as wht it is and not the new wow,or a clone of it

good luck

Goblin Squad Member

Just to be fair, SOE took over publishing for Vanguard because nobody else would after Microsoft pulled the plug. There was no money to finish the game. Thats not SOEs fault.

SWG is another matter altogether. SOE probably screwed that one up.

Goblin Squad Member

The term WoW clone is certainly overused.

The success of WoW prooved that it is possible to make big money with a game that rehashes the same old same old.

What many stil miss is that this worked exactly once.

To my knowledge the only "big" MMO that actively tried to be just like WoW was Warhammer Online and we all know how this turned out...

So, no, Aion, Rift and SW:TOR are certainly not WoW clones but they are themepark MMO clones.

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