Advice for Kingdom Festival Event


I'd like some advice. First, the facts:

In the Kingmaker game I'm running, we've just finished a year of kingdom building at the start of book 2. The final event roll of the year was "Visiting Celebrity" which I'd like to merge with the Founding Day Festival they have planned.

Previous to this Event roll, I had determined that the Visiting Celebrity (should it ever occur) would be a challenger to the General. He would come into town and challenge him to a duel. One problem I foresee with this is that the other 2 players will be bored while their General fights a duel.

So, I've decided to add in a couple of cronies that will jump into the ring once it's clear the challenger is losing, giving an opportunity for the other two to jump in too.

Now, the advice: I have yet to put together the challenger and the cronies.

My party consists of a 2H Fighter 4 who wields a masterwork Halberd with Cleave (the General in question), a wizard 2/monk 2 who refuses to use magic for direct damage, and an Infernal Bloodline Sorcerer 2/Fighter 2 who uses an aldori dueling sword with Weapon Finesse.

What builds would you put up against this group? I'd like to keep the encounter Martial instead of Magical.

Silver Crusade

Lots of assumptions here, first and foremost that your player will accept the duel, and:

1. That the challenger will begin losing
2. That the players will stay to watch
3. That the players would interfere (maybe the general can handle them all, with cleave)

Being a festival, might be able to setup other events that might entice the other players.

Could just make the cronies a pair of CR1 warriors and let the general have a chance to take them all on. In some cultures, interference with a duel forfeits the interloper's life, so will your crowd just sit by and watch (or is it like fake wrestling, where it's expected?)

Shadow Lodge

Carnival of Tears works best to darken a PC festival!! :D

DoomCrow wrote:
Carnival of Tears works best to darken a PC festival!! :D

I have to agree.

We just finished the Carnival of Tears, set as the Winter Carnival on the solstice.

Following advice given here, it was the dead body of the Stag Lord that Nyrissa made her Cold Rider, but the river spirits send the helpful Water Nymph.

The first half -- the Happy Fun-time -- was an excellent juxtaposition to the grim and gruesome finale, and with over one-hundred new settlers dead the community has been dealt a severe blow that will echo on and on in RP

As my group were only 4th lvl I did have to tone it down a bunch, but honestly I was surprised how well it meshed up thematically. The group will never assume that most Fey are like Pervilash and Tyg Titter Tut ever again.

M P 433 wrote:
Lots of assumptions here

These assumptions are based on observations of my players and their characters. The Monk/Wizard's personal sense of justice and law will practically force him into the fray. The Sorcerer/Fighter is courting a manipulative woman, and will likely do anything she prompts him to. She is from a noble family and would be offended at the breach of protocol.

I do like the idea of CR1 warriors for cronies, though. It'd let him Cleave/Power Attack to good effect.

I'll have to look at the Carnival of Tears...

Silver Crusade

I just picked up Carnival of Tears (3.5, slight conversion needed) and will be using it with a few modifications. Gives some things for everyone to do until the @#$! hits the fan. No reason why you couldn't toss in a duel in the beginning and switch back and forth between characters doing other things.

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