Wine Ooze (Novelty Monster)

Homebrew and House Rules

Silver Crusade

This is a new monster I came up with this thursday on the fly. I had a little help, though.


The Wine Ooze

Years, and years of aged wine has become a living ooze.

Wine Ooze CR 7
XP 3,200
N Large Ooze
Init -5, Senses Blindsight 60 ft; Perception -5


AC 6, touch 6, flat-footed 6 (-5 Dex, -1 size)
hp 75 (7d10)
Fort , Ref , Will
Defensive Abilities: Split, immune: electricity, mind affecting affects, ooze traits, slashing and piercing damage

Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
melee slam +7 (2d4+4 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
special Attacks: Constrict, Engulf

Str 15, Dex 1, Con 20, Int ---, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +6, CMB +7, CMD 12 (can't be tripped)
Skills: Climb +10
Special Abilities

Engulf (Ex): The ooze will swallow its opponent whole on a critical strike. If swallowed whole, the alcohol in the ooze will seep into the victim's pours, making him drunk. On the first engulf, the enemy will become staggered. Second one, he will be fatigued, and third he will lose 1d6 points of dexterity and 1d4 points of wisdom.

All other abilities are shared with the Ochre Jelly

Old wine cellars and wineries
Organization: Solitary
Treasure: wine and cream of tartar.

The ooze is red or white, depending on the wine it came from. It may come from a variety of grape wines, although a fruity, heady taste is common. The ooze is made of congealed wine and it's ambulatory faculties are the result of microorganisms in the wine. Defeated wine oozes can be poured into bottles and drunk like a refreshing treat. Wine Oozes are usually 80 percent proof and above.

Other than that, they resemble gray oozes and ochre jellies.


Yeah, it's rough. Make some constructive criticisms.

The stat block needs to be finished, and the Dex/Wis effect should be either damage or drain, not just "loss". It's mindless, so it shouldn't have any skill ranks. Is it not supposed to do anything to an engulfed creature (other than get it drunk)? What about each round of being engulfed is equivalent to having a drink or two? An interesting idea, sounds similar to an amber ooze (Tome of Horrors). How about a series of oozes based on this list?

It does not have any skill ranks - its Climb is +2 Str bonus with +8 racial bonus gained by all creatures with climb speed.

InversionComplex is right that engulf effect has to define it is damage or drain or penalty and that stat blocks need finishing. All ACs should be 4 not 6. Damage roll should be 2d4+3 (single natural attack multiplies strength bonus by 1.5 which turns +2 bonus into +3, not +4). Split lacks hp limit and effect that cause split. The BAB is wrong which leads to erroneous value in CMB and attack roll with its natural attack (BAB for 7 HD ooze is +5, +2 for Str, CMB gets +1 bonus for size, while melee attack roll suffers -1 penalty for size). CMB should have note in parentheses including total CMB while grappling including bonus for grab ability. CMD should be 13 (+5 BAB, - 5 Dex, +2 Str, +1 size).

Engulf could be reworded as currently the creature needs to spit the engulfed creature to be able to affect it again (or wait until it releases oneself). I would also unify ability "loss" to single roll instead of rolling 1d6 for Dex and 1d4 for Wisdom.

Monster harvesting for treasure.. gotta love it!

I played a gnome alchemist/drunken master once. He would have LOVED this monster! Points for creativity!

Cool idea. I think I'll be using this in my campaign, assuming its stats check out. ^-^

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