Sons of Guns


So, like, does anyone else watch this crap, or is it just me? It's like a train wreck, I just gotta see if there are any body parts.

The Exchange

Eh, I watch it from time to time. My brother on the otherhand watches it all the time. It's not that it is really all that good or anything, but it has guns. And that's all he needs.

The guns are cool, but the faux drama drives me nuts.

The Exchange

Yup. It is sad that they feel the need to put that in the show. But, oh well. I feel like everytime I watch it, it gets more like a, for lack of better words, Soap Opera. EVERYONE HAS A PROBLEM. Or, at least, they pry into it to make for good ratings.

I do admit, I liked the Pearl Harbor thing they did.

My girlfriend and I have watched the show since it first came on, but man has it turned into the same old reality TV drama BS. Who friggin' cares what your personal drama is, just show the guns and blow stuff up! We record it on DVR and fast forward to the shooting and explosions. They have made some cool guns and for someone who can't afford to ever go and play with those machine guns and such it's cool to see. But as far as 'quality' you'd do better with just about any other show.

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