WhipShire |
Just for laughs. if you been on the boards for any amount of time you ran across Wraithstrike for good or bad... lol. His new messageboard avatar pic is kinda creepy and I really liked his older one... if we get enough people wanting him to switch maybe we can make it happen?
What do you think people... ?
WhipShire |
Here how the conversation will go Wraithstrike...
Star Wars
Elan Sleazebaggano: You wanna buy some death-sticks?
[Obi-Wan executes the Jedi Mind Trick]
Obi-Wan Kenobi: You don't want to sell me death sticks.
Elan Sleazebaggano: Ah, I don't want to sell you death sticks.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: You want to go home and rethink your life.
Elan Sleazebaggano: I want to go home and rethink my life.
Pathfinder Messageboard
Wraithstrike I don't wanna change my avatar.
[Whip executes the jedi mind Trick]
WhipShire You want to change your avatar Wraithstrike
Wraithstrike I do want to change my avatar.
WhipShire You want to go to your computer right now and do it, don't listen to the others, its a good idea.
Wraithstrike I want to go to my computer right now and change my avatar back for life.
wraithstrike |
Sorry dude. Undead are not affect by mind affecting effects.
Here is how it goes.
Whipshire is strolling along looking for Wraithstrike in his new form.
Wraithstrike has Lifesense and senses a victim. He hides inside of a wall.
Wraithstrike then proceeds to get the jump on Whipshire and steals his lifeforce.
The new and improved Whipshire ends up with the same avatar as Wraithstrike.
Yeah I think that version of the story is better. :)
You have already created a home for all my supporters to visit me at. Make it official, join Team Wraithstrike and change your avatar.
WhipShire |
Team Wraithstrike - lol nice. Well speaking of the scenario above... not too far off the mark, Whip has "died" in many different ways over the years.
It looks like I might end up losing on this... but only time will tell. I thought i had support by some other post i seen but... not turning out to look that way. If I truly do lose, guess i will change my Avatar to match yours and admit defeat for a Day on the boards, since no official bet was ever placed but being a prior military man myself i feel i should have to give up something... lol
WhipShire |
All hail Team WraithStrike.
The Great and glorious WhipShire bows down before the Mighty WraithStrike. As punishment for his failed up uprising he will wear the Masters mark for a suitable period of time.
{Inner thought bubble}
- Thoughts of rebellious revenge will fill my night oh yes Team WraithStrike this is not over yet.... muahh ahh ahhh