Adventure Distribution for Convention GMs

GM Discussion

Liberty's Edge 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What are the acceptable methods for distributing adventures for convention GMs? Is this by the coordinating GM, by Venture Captain and/or Lieutenant only? Or, are GMs to purchase their own adventures?

Not looking for information how people might skirt around what is acceptable, looking for info on how the system is designed.


The Exchange 5/5

Howie23 wrote:

What are the acceptable methods for distributing adventures for convention GMs? Is this by the coordinating GM, by Venture Captain and/or Lieutenant only? Or, are GMs to purchase their own adventures?

Not looking for information how people might skirt around what is acceptable, looking for info on how the system is designed.


A convention coordinator who plans ahead well can send his GM roster to Mike Brock, who can in turn drop the designated scenario into each GM's downloads. Keep in mind this is something Mike likely does for coordinators of established conventions and he might not do it for every yahoo who wants to have a "convention" in his basement ;) If somebody tells Mike they are going to run 50 sessions and he drops $100 worth of scenarios into the GMs' accounts, then they turn around and report 6 sessions the coordinator shouldn't expect this courtesy again...

Another thing that you can do is purchase the scenarios, print them off and distribute the hardcopies to your GMs. This takes more effort but can be just as effective for a well-organized coordinator.

Finally, there's nothing stopping you from gifting the scenarios to your GMs. This is the best way to support Paizo and ensure that PFS scenarios are a profitable branch of the company, not just a marketing expense. And you don't have to wait for Mike to respond if you send your e-mail during the 4 hours a night he's not actually working.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Gotcha, Doug, thanks. So, Coordinator submits the distribution list to Mike, and Paizo distributes directly to the GM, which preserves the watermark system.

I appreciate the basement 'convention' distinction. Does the same system of direct distribution from Mike also apply for organized gamestore-venue gamedays, is there threshold for those gamedays, or does that fall entirely within the realm of ensuring PFS scenarios are a profitable branch of Paizo?

The Exchange 5/5

That's a question that Mike would have to answer. I am going to assume the answer is no for store gamedays. Certainly there are more collective sessions from store gamedays than from conventions, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. PFS is not going to get more Paizo staff assigned to it to develop more scenarios per month if they are giving away product. I don't know where the line is, and I don't expect Mike to share it if he knows himself. I will submit that before Mike came along, coordinators were frequently on their own when it came to providing scenarios to their GMs. So be patient, as PFS grows the spigot will open further.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Thanks again, Doug.

Grand Lodge 5/5

For scenario distribution to GMs:

  • Add the event to the Paizo database
  • Contact your local Venture-Captain at least 6 weeks beforehand
  • Tell them you have an event running at least 15 tables of Pathfinder Society (include the event number, name, dates, location)
  • list each GM with their email account they use for Paizo and which scenarios they are running
  • After the event report the 15+ tables on the Paizo database
  • Then send an event report to your Venture-Captain so they can report on it to Mike.

The further out (from the 6 week minimum) you can send the request, the better chance you'll have of getting results. Yes, this means getting your GM's lined up beforehand. I don't think requests for all 10-20 scenarios being sent to each GM will fly. A website you can point to that lists your GMs and which scenarios they are running wouldn't hurt.

Your other option is to print the scenarios from your PDF and lend them to your GMs. You must collect these copies afterwards. If a GM wants to keep a copy they need to purchase the scenario or get it as a free download using the process above.

Said process is of course subject to change at any time.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Don Walker wrote:
For scenario distribution to GMs:
  • Add the event to the Paizo database
  • Contact your local Venture-Captain at least 6 weeks beforehand
  • Tell them you have an event running at least 15 tables of Pathfinder Society (include the event number, name, dates, location)
  • list each GM with their email account they use for Paizo and which scenarios they are running
  • After the event report the 15+ tables on the Paizo database
  • Then send an event report to your Venture-Captain so they can report on it to Mike.

The further out (from the 6 week minimum) you can send the request, the better chance you'll have of getting results. Yes, this means getting your GM's lined up beforehand. I don't think requests for all 10-20 scenarios being sent to each GM will fly. A website you can point to that lists your GMs and which scenarios they are running wouldn't hurt.

Your other option is to print the scenarios from your PDF and lend them to your GMs. You must collect these copies afterwards. If a GM wants to keep a copy they need to purchase the scenario or get it as a free download using the process above.

Said process is of course subject to change at any time.

+ 1

In addition, coordination with your local Venture-Captain is mandated since he/she is confirming/doing the reporting. I would put in a good word with him/her now.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Seth Brummond wrote:

+ 1

In addition, coordination with your local Venture-Captain is mandated since he/she is confirming/doing the reporting. I would put in a good word with him/her now.

Though yes, to set this up you need to go through your VC, it is not required for your VC to be the one doing the reporting or even coordinating the event.

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