Help me find sources for a journalism paper

Off-Topic Discussions

If you could give me links or your two coppers on the history of RPGS, especially Gary Gygax and before RPGS that would be great. Thanks to all who help and if pazio staff contribute that would be wonderful as I could use your two coppers as a primary source.

If anyone would respond with help that would be great.

Sovereign Court

Theos Imarion wrote:
If anyone would respond with help that would be great.

I wrote a paper on the business operations of TSR and WOTC in college. Send me your email address and I can forward it to you. I had several works cited in there that you can check out.

As far as sources on the history of RPGS in general, not much is available in actual book or journal format, most of it you will have to find in periodical or web articles.

Sovereign Court

Also, look at the references listed in the Wikipedia article on RPGs. Most of the references/article focus on the controversy about D&D, but dig a little deeper in those sources and you might find something.

The Exchange

My email is

thanks all

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