Trial of the Beast: How boned are my players? - Spoilers Ahoy

Carrion Crown

Silver Crusade

My group is about halfway through the trial, and pretty soon they will be on their way to the Schloss - which has me very worried.

Party composition is a little different than I am used to, currently:

Ranger 4/Inquisitor 1: Two weapon wields and carves things up
Scout4/Cleric 1: Melee-focused rogue
Cleric4/Rogue 1: Flanks with his travel domain and stabs with his sword
Fighter 5: Takes it on the chin for the party

So it's a very strange mix with a lot of low-level divine powers which came in very handy throughout the first module and with good melee damage. The things I am worried about are:

No arcane spellcasters
Diminished divine spellcasting from multiclassing
Diminished trapfinding from multiclassing

I am pretty sure that they will be able to beat the crap out of the monsters, but a few encounters I am really worry about, like the:

Air elemental trap which I am pretty sure will drop someone over the edge with no fly, featherfall, or similar to save them

and the

Erinyes trap which I am pretty sure they will trigger and have no way of fighting her except for trading arrow fire for a few rounds (which will favor the Erinyes heavily)

While I am worried, I don't want to fudge the module to make it easy on them - after all, this is the flipside for rolling through harrowstone with 3 of the 4 characters either channeling positive energy or disrupting undead. Do you think the module will be too tough without some dedicated spellcasters? Can they get by with a trip to the magic shop counting on Use Magic Device and some luck?

Are there other difficulties I have not foreseen that I could perhaps foreshadow, at least so they can buy some scrolls and potions?

I love atypical party compositions, and this one has been very effective so I don't want to modify the module for them, but I would like to be fair and give them some forewarning about things they might need.

Suggestions appreciated.

Sovereign Court

I think they'll be fine with the 2nd problem you mention. A party with no ranged attacks is going to eventually get smacked, so let it rain!

As for your first problem, there is a way around it but you need to really sell it.

Free Pass:
Have one goblin stranded outside the barricade made by the trolls. Dress him in a guardsmans tunic and have the Flesh Golem Hound just standing in the center of the bridge staring at him. Be sure to describe how ridiculous the goblin looks in the human sized tunic. Then if your players are smart enough to catch your clue they might talk to the goblin. If they do have the gobbo tell them the dog was about to kill him so he hid under the tunic and the dog stopped. This will get them through the mansion unscathed.

Be casual about the hints, but if the see it reward them for paying attention to the setting and the world around them.

--Vrocky Horror

Hmmm...I can see what you mean...


I PERSONALY think that the 2 Traps are more to do with the point that the players need to leran how to RUN. So they wont go ahead and tr to fight the Boss....

If they trigger the Wind, they are very likly dropped into the falls, but thats NOT the end of them....I had a guy beeing pushed over. There was a thread that actually dicussed the damage for it, something clifdiving...have a look.

As the Bridge didnt had any sides, my players basically roped themself to teh Keep, you could force that by making thebride a bit smaller in the middle and telling them they need a DC15 (without rope) to walk if the Wind drops them...they just hang around for 11 rounds.

As for the little bad-Angel....RUN, HIDE...someone triggers it on the bridge, then they run back into the mantion..shouldnt take more them 4 rounds...

Silver Crusade

Thanks, Vrock. That's a pretty good idea. If they are being cautious and taking their time, I might use that.

Windspirit, thanks I'll have a look at that thread. They have a lot of climbing gear, so they'll probably be tackling it mountain-climber style.

I guess you're right - running and hiding is always an option, and one they've used before. I'll just have to make sure that my descriptions are appropriately scary enough!

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