Walking around with body parts out in public

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I know this player that plays a witch with a doll with human skin and hair. One of my characters has access to a hand of glory. Can you walk around in public with these body parts or is there a penalty? Is the penalty death?

5/5 5/55/55/5

I think someone would need to make some sort of roll to recognize the doll as having human skin. Since it looks a lot like normal leather.

Book bound in human skin

Human hair probably wouldn't be THAT unusual on a doll in an era without synthetics, and could go unremarked upon.

The hand of glory... if you wear it out it probably depends on where you are. In absolom you'll probably get a LITTLE extra space on the street, in andor they'll probably be calling in the eagle knights to give you a talking to at least. In geb every one handed zombie will shuffle over to you trying to see if its a match.

The Exchange 5/5

In a world of eidolons and open worship of evil deities, I don't think anyone is going to object to a doll. Golarion is not a country club. There are two ways to deal with your player.
1) He's looking for attention. Give it to him. During role-playing encounters NPCs who you think are squeamish might keep looking at him nervously. You could apply a diplomacy penalty in such circumstances. You could take it further and really drag the game out by trying to apply 20th Century morality to a fantasy game.
2) He's looking for attention. Don't give it to him. If you do, he may keep pushing the boundaries. Ignore the doll. NPCs look right through it without batting an eyelash. No one is impressed. Soon he will forget he's carrying it and the game can continue without the sideshow.


I see no need to make a big fuzz about it. Golarion is a crazy world.
Some NPCs might be i,pressed, disgusted, enfuriated. i suggest you mix it up as you see fit, but in general it should not have an ingame effect.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I walk around with my body parts out all the time and no one seems to have a problem with it. ;)

Sovereign Court 5/5

Wow.. I'll admit I expected this thread was made to complain about an entirely different problem.

I wasn't sure if it were about entirely inappropriate dress/behavior of real-life PFS-ers, or the callous and bizzare habits of 'sloppy looters' who tote gory messes back from the dungeon.

Either way it warranted a click!

Silver Crusade 2/5

deusvult wrote:
Wow.. I'll admit I expected this thread was made to complain about an entirely different problem.

So did I...isn't it great when humanity does something unexpected kind for our collective sanity?

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Akin to those notes, is it PFS to 'reskin' (figuratively) magic items?

For example, provided I survive long enough, I'm going to get a hand of glory.

Do I need ro run around with a hand on my neck, or can I 'fluff' it as an ornate silver chain with a ring on it? I don't like wearing dead body parts after all.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Nope, reskinning is not allowed. A hand of glory looks like what the book says it looks like.

The Exchange 5/5

Scott Young wrote:
Nope, reskinning is not allowed. A hand of glory looks like what the book says it looks like.

1800 GP buys a Hat of Disguise - and you can make your hand of glory look like a mage hand... wait that wouldn' help would it... ok, make it look like a Pink Feather Boa... ;)

Shadow Lodge 4/5

nosig wrote:
Scott Young wrote:
Nope, reskinning is not allowed. A hand of glory looks like what the book says it looks like.
1800 GP buys a Hat of Disguise - and you can make your hand of glory look like a mage hand... wait that wouldn' help would it... ok, make it look like a Pink Feather Boa... ;)

LOL, I appreciate all your answers. Pink Feather Boa here I come. I never thought of the hat of disguise. That is a good one.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

I just figure you wear the creepy hand under your shirt. Nothing like dead elf-flesh rubbing against your skin.

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