DM Dave |

Hey everyone, This week I am starting my latest home campaign. This is by far the biggest campaign I have ever run; with a group of eight players in total. I will introduce you to the cast of characters next week once we get started, but I wanted to show off the shiny campaign resource that I have put together for my players to enable them to get familiar with the Scarred Lands. Campaign Wiki
Until next week, good luck and good gaming.

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Okay, so week one, we meet our cast of characters for the first time. The group consists of:
Tanagra the half orc rogue on the run from his past.
Reginald, a half orc paladin and wandering missionary for Madriel.
Vedmac, an Albadian native who was exiled for being a male witch.
Mist, a catfolk barbarian trying to find where he fits in at.
Calthas, a half elf wizard seeking to prove that he is more than just a slave.
Chandra the halfling ranger whith a mysterious past.
Fate brought these six adventurers together in the small town of Trelia on the New Vernir border. Because they were there during the Flower Festival they were convinced to join in the festivities and managed to win several of the competitions. As night fell, a strange man stumbled into town half dead from injuries. It turned out that it was one of the three rangers who had raised Mist and he had been hurt while on a mission for the Vigils of Vesh.
Mist's "father" told them that he and his squad had discovered a coven of hags performing rituals involving a strange artifact. Rather than allow the hags to complete whatever their aims were, the squad stole it and set out for Vesh. the minions of the hags pursued them until only the last man survived. By odd luck he managed to stumble into the town where his son was, and convinced Mist and the others to take the artifact to Vesh for him. Vedmac was able to heal the Vigil but he still required a lot of rest.
The town priest tried to convice the group that it would be safer to take the artifact, a strange golden and lead amphora, to Calistia than to try and cross the Blood Steppes to get to Vesh. However, before they could make any plans, the heroes recieved a vision of the god Chardun warning them that their enemies had arrived.
The town was attacked by asaathi, wicked snake-men who were searching for the amphora. The heroes fought valiently, and in the end the asaathi were no match for them. However, they realized that the town would not be safe so long as they remained, so they set out into the night on their quest to take the amphora to Vesh so that it can be destroyed. <To Be Continued>

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As the last serpent man dropped from his wounds, the small band of heroes strike out from the town of Trelia, heading for Vesh. Radraan, the town priest, tried once more to convince them to take the amphora to Calistia, but he is clearly shaken by his vision of Chardun. Unsure if they can trust Radraan, the heroes head south until the town is out of sight and then head north following the the Eni River.
The border between New Venir and the Blood Steppe can be a treacherous place, as the heroes quickly learned. No more than a few hours out of town they stumbled across a pair of giant scorpions searching for prey. The scorpions fought fiercely, injuring Mist and Reginald in the fight. However, the scorpions were no match for the teamwork of the small band and they quickly fell under the power of spell and sword.
As night fell, the group discovered a grisly sight. A dead asaathi lay where he had been slain and all evidence pointed to his having been killed by a slitheren witch. Faced with evidence that there may still be titanspawn in the region and with night falling, the band made camp and established watches to protect themselves from attack.
As midnight approached Tanagra and Mist kept watch over their sleeping comrades. Their finally honed senses detected the approach of strange child-like humanoids slipping through the darkness. The enchanted dolls moved in eerie silence as they tried to slip into camp. Waking the rest of the party, Mist and Tanagra lunged into action. Without a chance to properly prepare for battle it seemed like the adventurers would be slaughtered.
One of the creepy dolls slipped beneath Reginald's defenses and delivered a jolting burst of electricity to his body, as it let out an evil laugh. Two more dolls jolted Vedmac and he collapsed in a heap near the fire. As the dance of death continued, the others managed to avoid the jolting touch of the maniacal children's toys and the small daggers the dolls carried had little effect on the brave warriors. However, as the last doll fell and the heroes turned to tending to their fallen comrade's wounds they realized that someone or something was still hunting them.
<To Be Continued>

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The Heroes of Trelia made it to Rustfang without any further incident and found rooms at the Shady Dragon Inn. After a day of resupplying they set down for a meal when they were approached by a pair of adventurers looking for news. After talking to them for a while Mist discovered that the bag containing the Serpent Amphora was missing and the whole meeting had been a set up. The heroes fought an epic battle against the Band of the Hand, a group of mercenaries. The heroes were finally able to defeat the Hand, killing four of the five members in the process. However, the heroes also suffered serious injuries and had to find a place to lay low for awhile. And to make matters worse they discovered that Radraab, Trelia's cleric of Belsameth has put a price on their head. What could Belsameth's faithful possibly want with the Amphora.
<To be continued>

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Actually, just name dropping; a sort of homage if you will. And sadly my players spent a bunch of time debating what the name meant so I don't think they got the reference at all.
Edit: which doesn't actually surprise me know that I think about it. Five of the players have only been in the hobby since 3.0/3.5 and the other one this is his first game. Of course they didn't get the reference to one of the villains being named Eiger either. They thought it was a lawyer inside joke.