Looking at Bestiary 3... why don't Tanuki...

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Tanuki aren't badgers, though.

Then again, the yambags are part of folklore. They're obliquely referenced with the slam attack, which could have been a tail attack, but I like the idea of it being an understated sack tap.

Also, for all the uproar over the lack of low-hanging illustration, I'm rather shocked that there's not a supernatural level-draining attack for kappa that requires a called shot to the, ahem, 'back door'.

It'd be extra effective against monks and ninjas, given it is a direct ki-pool assault.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
gbonehead wrote:
I couldn't give a rat's rear about wardrobe malfunctions, Melissa Etheridge CDs, or any other such crud, yet I also would prefer that the books that I might try to use to teach kids to play Pathfinder not include giant scrotums and such things.

This is a very compelling reason not to go there - because someday some guy might use this particular book to teach a small group of kids how to play this particular game.

There can be no doubt we do it all for the kids.

Sure, we can all be proud of how adult and cosmopolitan we are, but then one day you're going to want to show a group of 8-year olds what a tanuki looks like. So I ask, is the giant scrotum really that necessary?

This is also a good point; when you want to introduce kids to a mythological creature, use a game book (the bowdlerization is a bonus).

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Gorbacz wrote:

Since I've been called out on semantics twice, and I do hate to pass an opportunity, I'd like to remind my dear American friends that the word "parliament", when used lower-case, denotes an institution whose elected or appointed members meet to debate the major political issues of the day and usually to exercise legislative powers and sometimes judicial powers. Therefore, it encompasses both the the German Bundestag, Polish Sejm and American Congress.

When used upper-case, the word Parliament stands for a specific legislative in a given country, eg. the Westminster Parliament in the UK.

While I wasn't aware of the peculiar details of the "wardrobe malfunction" incident, I do believe that regardless it does stand as a great example of how does US perceive public morality, and why there are not giant scrotum in Bestiary 3.

Fair enough.

However, if you're American and you don't know who the current president of Canada, Poland, Austraila, Englishland, Scotland, and/or Irishville are, everybody jerks around and harps about how geographically challenged (code word for stupid) we all are; so turnabout is fair play.

How do you think it feels to be degraded for being stupid just because of your nationality? Huh? Huh?

And it's worse when your from the Republic of Texas.

TheAntiElite wrote:
I'm rather shocked that there's not a supernatural level-draining attack for kappa that requires a called shot to the, ahem, 'back door'.

Ahhh the Kappa, and it's fondness for human intestines pulled out through the poop-schute.....

Kazarath wrote:
TheAntiElite wrote:
I'm rather shocked that there's not a supernatural level-draining attack for kappa that requires a called shot to the, ahem, 'back door'.

Ahhh the Kappa, and it's fondness for human intestines pulled out through the poop-schute.....

See, I'd heard two specific variants;

1) People Chitterling with Back Door Delivery™
2) Chi-nuggets yanked out from behind because it pulled the strongest chi from the body that way.

That being said, it also seemed to be variant with how monstrous the kappa in question are - if they're cute little chibis, it tends to be version 2, while those who look like the ones in the Bestiary tend to be the ones after sausage casing au human.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Alzrius wrote:
gbonehead wrote:
I couldn't give a rat's rear about wardrobe malfunctions, Melissa Etheridge CDs, or any other such crud, yet I also would prefer that the books that I might try to use to teach kids to play Pathfinder not include giant scrotums and such things.

This is a very compelling reason not to go there - because someday some guy might use this particular book to teach a small group of kids how to play this particular game.

There can be no doubt we do it all for the kids.


You sound like a friend of mine who was all morally relativistic until she had kids, then suddenly realized that moral relativism is awesome until you're trying to raise children.

Alzrius wrote:
Sure, we can all be proud of how adult and cosmopolitan we are, but then one day you're going to want to show a group of 8-year olds what a tanuki looks like. So I ask, is the giant scrotum really that necessary?
This is also a good point; when you want to introduce kids to a mythological creature, use a game book (the bowdlerization is a bonus).

Right, because unless we're depicting giant scrotums on our mythical creatures, we're totally bowdlerizing everything. Look! They bowdlerized the incubus! There's no depiction of a huge shlong!!

Moving on :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Fair enough.
However, if you're American and you don't know who the current president of Canada, Poland, Austraila, Englishland, Scotland, and/or Irishville are, everybody jerks around and harps about how geographically challenged (code word for stupid) we all are; so turnabout is fair play.

How do you think it feels to be degraded for being stupid just because of your nationality? Huh? Huh?

And it's worse when your from the Republic of Texas.

That's because you folks always elect some redneck simpletons for presidents, instead of intelligent and world-wary people such as Ron Paul.

Oh, wait...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
gbonehead wrote:
You sound like a friend of mine who was all morally relativistic until she had kids, then suddenly realized that moral relativism is awesome until you're trying to raise children.

Funny, I was thinking about how you sounded like a friend of mine who was all in favor of artistic license, and then had kids, and suddenly started demanding everyone censor themselves for his (and his kids') sake.

gbonehead wrote:
Right, because unless we're depicting giant scrotums on our mythical creatures, we're totally bowdlerizing everything. Look! They bowdlerized the incubus! There's no depiction of a huge shlong!!

Yeah, because the mythological depiction of the incubus included large genitalia...oh wait, it didn't!

This is to say nothing of how the contemporary depiction of the tanuki isn't bowdlerized at all. Observe. Are the kids alright?

The problem here isn't with Paizo's depiction; that's their prerogative. The problem is people who think that a good reason for why someone else should act a certain way is because of how it would impact your own kids.

Moving on :)

You gotta love people who say they're moving on after having engaged in an argument. But please, feel free to move on now. :D

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I just wanna jump out here as someone who started playing D&D at the age of 13, and continues to do today...

This game is not intended for children. It is filled with the stuff of nightmares, and it would be lying to say it's not sexualized at least a bit (the 3.x Monster Manuals include nekkid succubi, nipply dryads and nymphs, nude mariliths, etc).

Pathfinder is even less childish. Seriously, people are worried about a cute and fuzzy mythical creature and his humorously large testicles, which Japanese children have funny folk songs about, but you're not outraged by HER? She gives ME the creeps and I'm a grown adult. Look at all the blood, gore, the fangs, the weird way it depicts her in an almost sexualized way contrasting the gore and death.

And people are concerned about comically large raccoon balls. It...it's just unbelievable! I cannot fathom the kind of reasoning process that goes into this.

Have you seen the Kytons in Pathfinder? They are a race of evil outsiders who get off on BDSM style torture, bondage, and it talks about the common kyton being the result of a completely inhuman monster raping their tortured victims. Oh, and their artwork is sexy as hell, depicting a scarred but attractive naked woman robed in chains that seem to cover just enough...

Have you read the adventure paths? Am I the only one that remembers a certain NPC animating her own recently diseased children and then have their undead bodies serve as her sexual toys? Really? Really!? Are fuzzy balls really that bad for your children?

How about the Medusa in Pathfinder, who is dead-sexy, and it mentions how they blindfold their human lovers so they don't kill them while having sex. Kinky.

At 5th level, wizards are napalm striking goblins, and people are worried about fuzzy balls. Fuzzy balls, on a comical cartoon-like creature who represents good luck, good fortune, and happiness.

I...just loose so much respect for the human race with each passing day...


It's not that I think that D&D and Pathfinder cannot be a game children can play, but it's not a children's game. My younger brother started playing at the age of 5, and I've had family members who have played with my family in games, ranging from 9 years old to adults; because the beauty of this game is it can be what you make of it.

Did the games I was running for my 5 year old brother involve him wandering through a dungeon to find the half dead prisoners, tied down with spiked chains across their naked flesh, while their testicles were caught in a vice, and a kyton slurped her tongue down the chest of her victim, following the trail of blood left by the razor blade that preceded it by so little? HELL NO.

My brother was in a game that was more reminiscent of the old Hobbit movie, where he was rescuing people kidnapped by monsters, sometimes encountering the comical villain or stranger, and enjoying the townsfolk loving him for saving them, bringing their stolen treasures back, slaying the ogre who wanted to eat people (but never actually got around to it), and riding children around on his really cool horse.

He's 13 now, and has seen his share of kytons. Nothing quite as dark as I explained above, but one of his characters actually ended up with one as as an indentured servant for a while, and he was well-aware that they were sexualized creatures, but he was 13, not 5. He later thought up a backstory for a new character for another campaign that was the son of his original character and the same kyton who traveled with him. 'Cause my bro is cool like that.

But seriously, "For the children" is not applicable here.
But hey, if people think that Kytons are more child friendly than fuzzy balls, I can dig it...

Silver Crusade

I just remembered the bisexual horndog Satyrs from the first Bestiary. Explicit lovin' 'em and leavin' em(dazed and confused in a field) with those guys.

they didn't get an abstract slam attack like the Tanuki though. :(

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, check out page 44 in Bestiary 2 for hardcore explicit adult content!

Mikaze wrote:
I just remembered the bisexual horndog Satyrs from the first Bestiary. Explicit lovin' 'em and leavin' em(dazed and confused in a field) with those guys.

Oh my gawd. *grimaces*

Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband too...

Also, check out page 44 in Bestiary 2 for hardcore explicit adult content!

Wow! What a way to pound that hard wood!

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Alzrius wrote:
self-important stuff

Okay, I'll just admit you're a way better person than me. Yay for you! :)

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
gbonehead wrote:
self-aggrandizing sarcasm

And here I thought you'd moved on. ;p

EDIT: To clarify my original position, not so much as a response but as a general statement: I don't particularly care about Paizo's depiction of the tanuki itself. D&D has a long history of changing mythological creatures when it brings them into the game, and Paizo has inherited that; one need look no further than the differences between efreet and ifrit to see that.

Likewise, even if I was concerned about the tanuki being anatomically-correct-according-to-real-world-lore, James's comment about their unaccounted-for slam attack would have been enough for me.

What I can't stand is the sentiment bonehead expressed - that whole "you need to do what's best for my kids" attitude. Notwithstanding directing this towards governments (which have a vested interest in making society more conducive to parents being able to raise their children), this never fails to drive me up the wall.

For one thing, it's not other people's, or companies', responsibility to watch out for your kids' development. It's yours. If you want to show something to your kids but don't think part of it is appropriate, that is not the problem of the person who developed said thing - it's your problem. Asking someone else to change it for the sake of your ease of parenting is narcissistic and selfish. It's understandable, to be sure, but narcissistic and selfish all the same.

Likewise, when it comes to sexual content, there's a lot of needless panic that even a small amount of thoughtful reasoning would dispel. The image of a tanuki with large testicles, as Ashiel pointed out, is not going to be the thing that turns little Johnny into a violent sex offender, nor causes little Susie to become pregnant in the eighth grade.

To put it another way, other people do not need to help you be a better parent. Learn how to do it yourself.

On a side note, as an American, I think we Americans are crazy as a society. We just don't make any sense at all...

We can watch stuff like people getting murdered, beaten, kidnapped, tortured, and so forth on prime time public TV in shows like CSI; but Janette Jackson flashes a boob and the sky is falling.

It makes no sense. Sex and anatomy are the most natural and actually productive in the most literal sense. Even in Christian belief ('cause we Christians are usually known for being kinda up-tight about this sort of thing), the first thing God tells humans to do is to have sex. Yet we freak out over stuff like fuzzy raccoon balls, while deities and monsters are oozing blood and bile every which-way around 'em. >.>

Elton wrote:
Blastoguy wrote:
Have comically large testicles?

Because real badgers don't have comically large testicles?

Besides, if you need your comically large testicle fit, you can always watch Johnny Dangerously. The little movie featurette about blue balls . . . hehehe.

Badgers don't but raccoon dogs (tanuki) actually do.

I try not to lose respect for similar-word misuse, but it does loosen my tongue and makes me waggle it suggestively at the malapropism. :D

Not being testy, just having a ball at the textual mirth.

Also I will keep my smut and/or suggestiveness out of games where peoples kids are involved so long as they make sure to...not bring kids to my games. Then again, the spouse and I are child-free, so my bias is rather obvious.

Personally I don't see anything sexually suggestive about the tanuki's ample package. It's the way they are built/born. The old Japanese statues, woodcuts, paintings, etc that feature tanuki are not sexually suggestive either... nor is Pom Poko for that matter. It's odd to me.

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Great now Paizo will have to apologize to Peta for neutering Tanuki raccoons.

Actually, in a lot of folklore and traditions all around the world is a lot of sexual content. Ever read some french tales?

Now at least modern japanese culture has certain aspects called hentai, which are founded in ancient japanese culture, i just hint at a certain octopus painting.

There is surely nothing offensive.
Kids get a bad turn when they are not raised healthy, what includes to talk about such things and to learn how to deal with them.

Most young girls who get pregnant early never had a real sexual education and just don´t know how to protect themselves or say no.
The Tanukki i have seen here certainly is nothing to worry about.

Better hint at the kids that there is no healing or ressurection magic in real life and all the violence would be pretty bad there.

In my opinion tanukki should become a player race!
What better for a pirate adventure path than PC´s that get boons from drinking and are mischievious little raccoons?

Hayato Ken wrote:

In my opinion tanukki should become a player race!
What better for a pirate adventure path than PC´s that get boons from drinking and are mischievious little raccoons?

I would play one just to annoy all the people who hate anthropomorphic races. I am also thinking about modifying them as presented in the bestiary to be playable in my own campaign.

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